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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • My Face Looks Smaller!
  • 2017-08-08 hit.24,305
  • Writer : Park**


I’ve been stressed out about my cheekbones that stick out and my big face for a long time. I thought that I needed to get plastic surgery for a while and then I met Dr. Kim Jong-Yun and he was very kind during the consultation. He explained everything to me in detail carefully. It’s finally the day of my surgery. I’m very nervous and I’m shaking. I’m scared, the surgery has to go well.
However, since I trust the doctor, I believe that the surgery will go well. The incision will be minimal so I don’t think that the swelling will be severe. I hope everything goes well.


7 Days Post OP
It’s finally been a week~~ >_< I stopped using the compression band and I got my mouth disinfected. After getting my bandages removed, I feel much more refreshed since I feel like my skin couldn’t breathe.

My skin got a bit irritated but I rubbed it with some aloe gel and it got better. Also, it seems like I got 10 years younger after I took my bandages off. I feel really happy! ^_^


2 Weeks Post OP
Today is my 2nd week since surgery and I received de-swelling laser treatment. The bigger swelling decreased a lot. Seeing the daily changes to my face makes me really happy.

I couldn’t open my mouth well before but now I can open it more widely little by little. I hope the swelling keeps decreasing more and more.


3 Weeks Post OP

The swelling on my jaw is not decreasing. But my cheekbones still look less protruded.

I still have some swelling. I’ll try my best to take care of the swelling.



4 Weeks Post OP

The bigger swelling seems to have decreased and only the smaller swelling has remained.

I’ve been hearing that my face got smaller which makes me feel good.​

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