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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • I’m expecting my face line will be more pretty after the swe
  • 2023-05-11 hit.14,960
  • Writer : Lee**


Reason for undergoing surgery:

I didn’t realize it well in my daily life but when I took the photos I can see my face bigger and flat, I was so insecure about it. Also, I went to a Korean traditional medical treatment center for align asymmetry or took filers, but it wasn’t effective but expensive. And that made me sad. I don’t want to waste more time, money, or my emotions about it but want to resolve the problems. So I decided to undergo the double jaw surgery and facial bone contouring surgery.



Insecurity before the surgery

My asymmetrical cheekbone and lower jaw became more distorted and having more pain was my biggest insecurity of me. For the same reason of that, when I took the photos my face looks more flat and asymmetrical. I have a smaller body shape than general, so I was dreaming smaller shape. I finally can achieve my dream come true!


The reason why I choose the EU

I also had consultations with other plastic surgery clinics do double jaw surgery and facial bone contouring, but I had more credits on EU because they specialized in Oral and maxillofacial. Also, all the staff members that I met before the surgery were so friendly, I felt I can trust them after the surgery as well. And most importantly, I can see that Dr. Kim was very confident and meticulous when the consultation session, saying he will make me prettier. That meant convinced me.




I can remember that I cried after surgery because of a headache, I needed to keep awake but I kept falling asleep. I feel sorry that I made the nurses tiring. I don’t have any pain in my face but my head hurts and I kept feel nausea, which makes me gag. But when I sleep, I slept deeply.



Hmm.. I thought I was dreaming because there was no pain at all when I woke up. I woke up for the time the nurses came to check my blood pressure, there was so much pain in the head or face so when I woke up again it was 4:47 PM. I guess it will start to hurt from tomorrow. There’s no big swelling and I’m amazed about it. Still, the tube that goes into my nose was hurting, so I want to remove it soon. I know that I stop taking painkiller injections as well but it’s not painful at all. I only noticed it was real after I touched my face my chin got shorter, zygoma shape became smoother. Will I feel the pain from tomorrow? I hope there won’t be pain as well!



Already the day of discharge! The time flew so fast because the only thing I did was keep eating and sleeping. I took a deswelling laser treatment this morning, disinfection and am ready to be discharged. The swelling was most excessive today but the doctor said that the swelling won’t be bigger than today. I saw a lot of reviews about the surgery and it’s not hurting that much nor swelling that much as well so that makes me happy! If even the result after swelling turned out so good, there’s no reason to choose the EU!


Day 4

I feel like today is the most difficult and most swollen day after surgery. After I was discharged, there was too much sputum in my throat, my chin hurts and my bed hurt but. I can feel that my face is about to blow up I put on the cold pack and I plan to go for a walk briefly. I wonder about my de-swollen face. How much asymmetry has been better?


Day 5

My face got swollen more and more as time goes by. I heard from the doctor that swelling was most excessive on day 3 and it will go down but it’s not! It is swollen a lot so I can’t even open my eyes, I got a bruise, and my nose feels stuffy! I was sweating in the morning even. Also, I feel less energy since I need to stick to a small amount of liquid diet. At least to recover better I will try to eat more and try to go out often! Please swelling go down!


Day 6

My stuffy nose is better than yesterday and the swelling got better! Because I cut the right side less so the right side of the face looks smaller. Still, because I keep sticking to the liquid diet, I feel nausea and dizziness. I heard walking around helps the patient to deswelling easier and faster but I can’t even imagine about to do that. I’m curious if the sense of right zygoma and chin is just pain or recovery of sensation. I will ask about this when I go to the clinic! Now it’s all about swelling and physical energy! Cheer up!


Day 7

No matter what, time goes. I can feel that the swelling is better than yesterday. I couldn’t even go out for a walk, I was hungry yesterday I was keep munching Nucare. That gave me a lot of energy!! I was a little bit worried about if my chin is too short and if my face is asymmetrical yet but I’m hoping it will get better when the swelling goes down. From now on I will do my best for the deswelling! It’s not too much painful or difficult surgery in my point of view but that I can’t eat food whatever I want is difficult. I want to have meat already.


Day 8

Yesterday I was about to faint two times from orthostatic hypotension I try to eat high calory drinks like broth and ice cream that makes me more energetic. For the patient who will undergoing double jaw surgery, eat well and move a lot is the best! I also deswelled a lot from walking around. I can talk and wash my teeth my mouth washer. Except for sleeping in sitting position and compression band, I’m almost same with the person who try to lose their weight and have chubby cheeks.



Day 14

I ate porridge mainly these days and had ice creams as well so I could go for a walk after the deswelling laser treatment for 2 hours. As a result, I can see a lot of differences even though I can’t see them in photos, but the heaviness of the cheeks are disappeared. I recommend eating a lot of high calory food to get more energy! Also the habit go for a walk every day after eating food! This is one other positive thing that double jaw surgery gave me!



Day 21

Now it’s already been 3 weeks mark after the surgery, time flies so fast! I can see that the swelling dissipate a lot but as the swelling goes down, my chin looks more long and asymmetrical and that makes me worried. The doctor said that swelling dissipates asymmetry so I will focus on deswelling for the moment! I keep doing the post-surgery exercise and still, I can open my mouth with two fingers in size. For the next week’s review, I will try to put three fingers in!



Day 30

Already it’s been 4 weeks after the surgery! I am amazed at how time goes fast. The deswelling is on plateau phase. Right after the surgery, I can see the differences day by day but now it’s difficult to see the difference with my bare eyes. Because of the swelling, I still look like I’m having asymmetry so I will ask about it when I check the x-rays with the doctor. I will start to go for a walk again for deswelling.



Day 60

It’s finally the 2-month mark after the surgery! I wanted to chew something really badly but I couldn’t have meat. At least I can have something like pasta, that realize me. Now I can move my facial muscle well and the sense of upper gum came back as well. I can open my mouth with 3 fingers in my mouth! I still have swelling on my face line but because my cheek area got sharp so people think that I loose weight! I sometimes can’t feel that my face has gotten smaller but then when I wear a mask, there’s space inside of the mask. That make me feel that my face got smaller. I hope times go faster and lose weight as well so I will have a more pretty face shape!



3 months

It’s already been 3 months after the surgery. After about this amount of time passed, I can barely remember that I underwent the double jaw surgery. I can only remember when my mouth opened less wide than before. Also, what I really feel grateful about Eu is that I barely feel pain or side effects after the surgery and got back to my daily life. I still can feel that the swelling hasn’t dissipated fully, so to achieve more sharper face line, I will start to do the exercise soon. I hope I can get an even better face shape.



4 months

I can feel that the swelling disappeared a lot and I’m doing very well without any uncomfortable points in my daily life. Sometimes when I open my mouth really big, I can feel pain where titanium plates are located around zygoma parts. Still, there’s no problem to open my mouth wide, so I can put 3 fingers inside of my mouth. I can feel that swelling still exists around my cheek, but I’m positive that my face.


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