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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • I can feel that my vibe changed a lot after surgery~!
  • 2023-04-27 hit.13,143
  • Writer : Kim**


Reason for undergoing surgery: When I was young I was so insecure about my big face and angled face. My nickname was Lantern Jaw and even some random boy insult me passing by that I am ugly. I’m in my 20ys era however I got a long face and a nasolabial line that is emphasized when I smile. And whenever I take a picture I was so stressed. This surgery was my wish of a lifetime. I kept hardly working to save money for the surgery. I desperately wanted to be pretty.




I went into the operating room without a burden. But the first day after the surgery was rough. Though, I knew it was a big surgery to do the double jaw surgery, zygoma reduction, and V-line surgery. After the surgery in the hospitalization room, the pain continues till midnight so that I couldn’t sleep, also bleed comes out from my nose and mouth. The things I really regretted that I didn’t bring were a mirror, humidification, and Vaseline. You might want to constantly remove the blood crust on your face, and without humidification and Vaseline, it’s very dry when you sleep. So make sure to bring these three items. There’s a mirror in front of the closet tho, the mirror is best to bring a hand-sized one for you to keep using it. I know it’s bothering to pack things but I highly recommend it!



The nurse removes the blood-stained gauze in the morning. I realized that it’s a way to recover when I eat regularly and sleep well. Nucare they gave me three times at mealtime was difficult to have it because the taste was bad. But the nurse told me that if I skip meals I will recover more slowly, so make sure to keep eating properly. So I tried my best to keep hydrated and eat something. Also, it was difficult to sleep last night, but I can feel that my condition is improving since I slept at least for a bit. Also meanwhile at night, I had a difficult time because my mouth was swallowed a lot, but the nurse cared for me well it was less difficult to pass the night compared to last night. I think I swallowed more because my skin is very thin and easily swallow. Anyway, I thank that nurse who took care of me~!



I was hospitalized without a caregiver and got back home safely by myself as well! I had Nucare they gave me as well. I recover a lot as much I can’t remember the pain of yesterday. Gladly my face isn’t hurtful much and just the swellings remain so it’s endurable. Still, it’s awkward to fit my bite to the wafer but I keep trying whenever I don’t wear the compression band. And I am hugely thankful to all the staff members and the doctor that gave me the best care. I was in huge pain from the first day and they took care of me very well and kept an eye on me and I think that’s the reason why I was able to endure.



Feels like it’s the maximum period after surgery. My face got swallowed like it will be burst soon and took off the bandage. It was so surprising that my jaw is smaller when I took it off. I kept touching my face saying that ‘Wow..this is my face?’ I planned to work as soon as I got back since I working remotely at home but it was impossible to do so because it was so painful. I had heartburn when I took the prescribed medication on an empty stomach, so I start to have porridge for all three meals. I kept having sweet pumpkin porridge and change to plain rice porridge for nutritional reasons and it gave me more energy. I strongly recommend having a meal as porridge rather than a liquid meal. I can feel that my recovery speed is faster when I have it. I kept awake while sleeping because of the back pain but feels like it’s getting better.



I went for a walk in the park in front of my house for an hour. Even though it was windy and cold, I wore warm cloth and kept walking. I feel so rewarded after I see it’s more de-swelled after I took off the compression band. I want to stop using it soon. It’s comfortable when I don’t use it but I worried so I just took it for 2~3 hours and have a 30-minute break. I can perfectly close my mouth while I’m doing compression band and the bite of the wafer is correct as well. I think probably it’s from reduced swelling. I sometimes have Nucare as a snack. Nutrition is important!



Day 7

The phlegms keep coming out. I think it’s because the swelling impacts the throat as well. Breathing with the nose is perfectly comfortable now. I still have minor pain in the lower jaw when I do the compression band. I still woke up easily but also fall asleep easily as well so I can’t complain. I had a waterproof bandage so I put that on the incision around the cheekbones, showered, and washed my hair very well. Just the swelling hasn’t gone very quickly so I want to go to the hospital and take the de-swelling laser treatment soon.


Day 8

Today is taking off the sticker around the Zygoma and doing the disinfection! The bruise under my eyes isn’t as big as I thought and gladly the doctor told me I’m recovering very well. I think having meals and medication regularly as it guided and sleeping well really contributed a lot. My ear is still mumbling and the phlegm is still but I can see it will be better as time goes by. My family smiled at me when they see I’m having a meal. I guess it’s funny to watch that I try not to spill porridge with swollen lips. I keep drinking pumpkin juice that I have in the house whenever I can have it.




Day 10

I got a double chin and my lips got very smaller…Right after I stopped using the compression band. I think the swelling around the lip area has been reduced the swelling most since I walked a lot yesterday. By the way, my friend told me I’m eating very well as a person who has undergone big surgery. Normally people find it difficult to eat after the double jaw surgery but I have my meal very well… I can finish the whole box of ice cream! After I heard it, I measured my weight and it was the same as before the surgery so I laughed a lot. I think I tried to have a meal more consciously from the memory that heartburn from having medication on an empty stomach. It’s important to eat properly, the medication is very strong for me.



Day 11

When I woke up in the morning my face got swollen but I guess it’s because I originally swelled a lot in the morning. I have a double chin all of a sudden and there’s no advancement of de-swelling so I’m starting to get worried. But when I went to the hospital for the de-swelling laser the consultant told me that my swelling is lesser than the average


Day 12

Today I went out for buying a mask in the morning and went to see the observatory in the afternoon! I took the photo at dinner time and finally, the swelling disappeared and the jaw line is about to appear. I think the most noticeable point is that my ears became normal again! Now there’s no mumbling at all. Also because of the swelling, the lips got very smaller. I think my lips are originally small but after my lantern jaw is fixed and goes in, my lower lip is also going in and looks smaller. Although I can wear makeup and go out! The sensation of the face is not fully coming back yet so I do the face makeup very gently.


As you can see if you look at the position of the ear, it’s the same angle. I am just amazed that my jaw is so going inward.



Day 15

Today is finally the stitch-out day! It finished very quickly so it was endurable. They told me I’m healing very well. I want to remove my wafer quickly and put on braces. I hope at least that won’t be hurtful as surgery…


Day 16

I keep jogging on the mountain behind my house and I feel like this is very helpful to reduce my swelling. Also, since I can feel my lips looks smaller, I’m thinking of getting lip filler. I asked the consultant when I can get it and she told me at least one to two months later. I keep having pumpkin juice and keep hoping the swelling will disappear soon.


Day 17

The heaviness of my face is keep remain. It feels like I put the stones on both sides of my cheeks. There’s so much pain in the surgery area but the acne caused by wearing a mask is irritating. I am already sick of keep using wafers and I can’t believe that I need to use this for two more weeks. If I keep biting it, I can feel the tingly sensation. There’s no progress on the de-swelling so I start to worry about what if this swelled face will be my face…I kept doing the post-operation exercise tho


Day 18

I thought the dimple will disappear but I was astonished that this still existed. The hollowness of the cheeks still exists so I didn’t alarm. I’m okay with the swelling but I hope the sensation will be back soon. I want to smile very brightly, but because the sensation isn’t back, I can’t…I guess I need to deal with it if I want to look prettier. I hope time flies fast!


Day 19

I’m so amazed that my zygoma is definitely small when I take a picture. My mom said that I keep de-swelling little by little but I can’t notice it very well. If I say I want to see my jawline, that should be my greed I presume… I walked around the park today and I hope this was helpful to reduce the swelling as well. I had ice cream, tuna porridge, and fruit juice during the week but my weight has been reduced 3Kg. I think because I walked a lot. I don’t wear more makeup because wearing masks worsen my skin condition.


Day 21

My hair is messy today. My face is not painful even if I wash my hair in a bowing position. I feel like it was yesterday to wash my hair in a lying-down position was difficult… I can feel that I recovered very well. I was worried about the swelling doesn’t disappear but the consultant received me very well. Thanks to her


Day 22

I woke up in the middle of the night because my face was hurting all of a sudden. I was nervous to go to work today if people notice that I underwent the surgery but they think I had the Botox, not the double jaw surgery. I think it’s because of the swelling. I had a lot of food like fruit juice, two plates of porridge, ice cream and very soft bread. Now I can have very soft moisturized bread with my tongue. The swelling disappeared most so far after I walked a lot. It was difficult for me to remove a mask in public but now I can do it~!


Day 23

I took a nap today and that made me more swollen. I took egg porridge, of course without chewing with my teeth. I blended it and smooshed it with my tongue. I put on the bandage because of the acne, and I feel like the heaviness is more worsen. I hope I can say goodbye to the wafer and that COVID will disappear soon!


Day 24

I couldn’t tilt my head up properly because of the pain occurring from the left chin and today I unconsciously tilt my head up and drink water. I used to wash my mouth with hold my left chin with my hand and I don’t need to do that anymore! I still have that heavy feeling around both sides of my cheek but feels like it’s getting better. Also, the swelling looks always similar but when I took a picture in a certain pose, I can see my jawline! I felt that my face got smaller once again!


Day 25

Recently I can my gum is tingly and I think it’s because the scar is recovering. Also sometimes it’s itchy and I think it’s a signal that the sensation will come back. I will remove the screw next week and I think it will be very relieving!


Day 26

I had some salted porridge today and it was so delicious to have it and that made me so happy. Also, I can see the swelling has been reduced with my bare eyes. It’s not much noticeable in the photo but it’s very visible if you see me in person. It’s became one month after the surgery soon and I think that’s the reason why. My mom said that I do not look like the person who underwent the surgery but just took some filler.



Day 30

I gaining again from eating very well. If I want to eat noodles I overcook them and cut the noodle very fine and have them almost smooshed. I also go for a walk almost every day but around the cheek area is still swollen a lot. I will start to do the orthodontic treatment this week so I study about it now. I heard it’s painful as as surgery. But I guess I need to endure it, this is the price to be beautiful. I’m grateful enough that I could do the surgery first and put on the braces after. I’m having a beverage called “face liner” and “Changing the mood” to do everything I could and if it really works I will mention it later! I bought the water pick in advance to help my orthodontic treatment easier. I’m sick of taking wafers so I want to start to do the orthodontic treatment soon.


Day 32

I finally put the braces on my teeth… They even removed the plague as well so it feels so good and I’m happy to remove the wafer! I attach the photo of what I put on the braces. At first, when I put it it just felt bad and it was hurting from the nighttime. It’s not much of the pain of the surgery but it was painful that I couldn’t sleep well. I can feel that my teeth were moving. The gum was hurting as well.


Day 34

I took some selfies with my mom and sent them to my aunts and no one noticed that I underwent the surgery! They just told me I’m prettier and did I do the nose job. I look different and it was very rewarding! I wasn’t even put any makeup on. Brushing my tooth takes about 20 mins as I can feel. I’m just starting to put on braces and it’s so bothering me!


Day 37

I met my friends for the first time after the surgery. She asked me what I had done to my face and I told her that I underwent double jaw surgery she was so surprised. I look so sharp. I put on full makeup and took selfies and it was so enjoyable to do. I can see my facial shape has been a lot different before the surgery. Also the “face liner” wasn’t effective, I recommend buying more delicious food with that money. Also that “change the mood” helped me to digest, so I keep having it. I think the time is solution for the swelling.



4 months

The time flies so fast! I underwent the surgery in spring and now the summer has come already! The swelling dissipated a lot. People were surprised a lot that my face got a lot smaller! Stomatitis is still hurting. I will get a lot of wax!



5 months

Nowadays, a thing that I keep my eyes on is trying not to bite hard unconsciously. After I start to do the orthodontic treatment, I keep put pressure on my chin. I’m not used to how I bite now, and that makes me bite hardly. But the doctor told me it’s not too good to do it. Now stomatitis is better and there’s less pain!



6 months

It’s frustrating that I can’t go out or work these days... I want to go out with my prettier face. My face is much smaller if I compare my current photo to my old one. Also, I keep maintaining that I won’t have scale. I keep fixing on biting firmly habit.



7 months

It’s already been 7 months after the surgery! I’m already used to using braces, so there’s no pain and it’s not that much bothering that the food are keep remained between my teeth. Brushing my teeth two or three times became my new habit. I still have a habit of biting firmly, I’m trying to do the self-massage to myself. I don’t want to have a square jaw again.



8 months

I can feel my impression has changed a lot compared to the past. I want to travel after COVID.



9 months

I can feel a tingly sensation on one side of my chin, but I heard it was coming back from the sensation. Or maybe because of the braces. I want to take it off soon!



10 months

My double chin is kept disappearing and I keep losing weight~ I wonder how I look different my losing more weight. I start to put elastic bands on my braces. It’s so uncomfortable and painful…



11 months

It’s finally been a year after surgery! I keep trying to lose weight these days. I think I will be more pretty after I lose weight!


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