Why I Got Surgery: I was always insecure about my long face, so I would hide my face with my hair. Even when I wanted to try out short hair, I had to stick to long hair because of my face shape. As I got older, my chin started protruding, and combined with my malocclusion, I had difficulty eating things like noodles and would mispronounce words. I was hoping braces would get rid of these inconveniences, but the orthodontist told me that my case was close to double jaw surgery. After hearing this, I thought to myself, “I should get double jaw surgery when I become an adult.” This thought, along with the desire to become prettier was always on my mind since then—I have waited for this day for a long time.
Why I Chose EU: I was searching for clinics specializing in double jaw surgery on the Internet and on cosmetic surgery apps when I found out about EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. I decided to undergo surgery here because I had a lot of trust in my surgeon, Dr. Kim, at EU as well as the reviews.

Day 1On the day of the surgery, I wasn’t anxious or scared at all. While I was lying on the operating table, the anesthesiologist told me everything would be over after I woke up. When I opened my eyes, everything was done. It was difficult to breathe because my nose was stuffed. The nurses and my family members kept waking me up, telling me not to sleep, but I was so sleepy, I dozed off. Family members aren’t allowed to stay past 9 p.m., so I was left to fight my own battles. I couldn’t sleep because I was nauseated and had difficulty breathing. I think I just held a trash bin to my face and vomited throughout the first night. I just hope time goes by quickly...
Day 2
On Day 2, the pain subsided a bit, compared to Day 1, but the swelling extended down towards my throat, so it was more difficult to breathe. I tried drinking water because my throat was dry, but it was quite difficult because my nose was stuffed and my throat was swollen. It was recommended to eat throughout the day to recover faster, so I had Nucare (a meal replacement drink) for lunch and had Pocari Sweat and water throughout the day.
Day 4
I think the swelling has increased. My stuffy nose is a little bit better, but I’ve lost my appetite, so I only had Nucare, pumpkin juice, and a sports drink. It’s hard to take my medications because it’s hard to open my mouth, so I gag when it gets stuck in my throat, especially the antibiotic. I cut up the tablet, but it is still a struggle to take the medicines. I keep drooling, too, which makes it bothersome to go for a walk. It was quite an uncomfortable day…
Day 5
I woke up hoping the swelling had gone down but there wasn’t much of a difference in the morning. I worried a lot about my swelling. It seemed more severe than others, I was almost regretful I had surgery. The reviews mention that the swelling peaks on Days 4 and 5, so that was a relief. I felt pressure in my ears so I had Nucare and my medications for breakfast, slept a bit, and went for a walk.

Day 7Finally, it’s been a week after the surgery! Today’s the day I get my stitches out! It felt like time was taking forever to go by, but the swelling has been going down and it’s been easier to breathe. I haven’t been able to eat much, so I get tired and light-headed when walking around. I’m doing better than before, and it’d be great for the swelling to dissipate quickly, too.
Day 9
I’ve been sleeping sitting down and it’s really uncomfortable. I keep waking up in the middle of the night to cough as well, so I’m unable to have a good night’s sleep :( I asked the consultant if it was okay to sleep lying down, and she said it was fine as long as I can breathe normally. Tonight, I’m going to sleep lying down! Compared to yesterday, my jawline isn’t protruding as much. It’s fun seeing the swelling going down day by day. I stayed home all day because it was raining, but I did go out on a 30-minute walk at night. I felt lightheaded on the way back… my body hasn’t completely recovered yet, I think. I had Nucare for lunch, and for dinner, my mom made seaweed soup. I just had spoonfuls of the broth without the seaweed, but it felt like I had an actual meal! My mouth doesn’t open very wide, which makes it hard to have viscous foods like yogurt.
Day 10
It’s already Day 10! I slept lying down for the first time after the surgery, and it was super comfortable. I’ve been sleeping sitting down, I kept waking up in the middle of the night and having back and hip pains. It’s so nice I don’t have to sleep sitting down anymore. When I slept sitting down, I would wake up at 6 or 7 a.m., but I was able to sleep until 10 a.m. today! I’m not particularly inclined to eat in the mornings, so I didn’t eat much for breakfast. Also, since I basically haven’t been eating, I don’t even feel hungry anymore. I’ve lost 6 kilograms… Even when I dieted, I couldn’t really lose weight. I guess not eating is the best way to lose weight, but since I need some sustenance, I had soymilk for lunch and a café latte for a snack. For dinner, I had seaweed soup broth, pumpkin juice, and soymilk as a snack again. Also, I tried to do some simple exercises but I got lightheaded and tired, so I gave up right away, lol.

Day 12Now I can sleep comfortably, I’m waking up late like I used to before surgery. LOL. Yesterday, it felt like phlegm was stuck in my throat every time I tried to swallow something. I thought the difficulty swallowing was normal, but I felt a lump near my throat while running my tongue along the roof of my mouth. This made me anxious, so I messaged the consultant, who told me to come in for a visit so that my surgeon could check. However, I live outside of the Seoul Capital Area, so I spent a lot of time contemplating whether or not I should go. The consultant also told me that it will get better if I drink a lot of water, so I’m following her advice on that and trying not to think about it. I slept for a bit, and although I’m trying to keep the lump off of my mind, I think it has gotten smaller. It still bothers me when I swallow, but I believe time will take care of this issue.
Day 14
I’ve only had beverages so far, but I bought some soup because I was hungry. It was easy to swallow and so delicious. I’m going to be having soup for dinner from now on. Lately, I’ve been feeling energized, so I went on a drive and I’ve been walking a lot, too. COVID cases in Korea are on the rise nowadays so I should avoid going out and stay at home.
Day 16
Today’s the day I get the stitches inside my mouth removed! Some reviews say it’s painful while some say it doesn’t hurt. I guess it depends on the person, but I found it quite painful—I almost shed a tear. Now I can brush my teeth and take the wafer on and off, which is great.

Day 21
Since I live outside of the Seoul Capital Area, I can’t do my orthodontic treatment at EU. I visited an orthodontist in my area Dr. Kim recommended. Although I did make appointments with other orthodontists, I decided to go with the recommended orthodontist, whom I found to be friendly and a good fit. For lunch, I had bread and milk, and I had a slice of cake and a latte as a snack. It’s great to start eating, but I’m worried I’ll gain weight, considering what I’m eating. I’m planning to start low-intensity exercises at the one-month mark. I had a habit of sleeping on my side even before the surgery, and I wake up face down or on my side—I’m concerned that this might affect my chin… The swelling goes down little by little, so the changes aren’t particularly noticeable each day. I should avoid salty food and go on walks often.
Day 25
I got my nails and my hair done. It hurt a lot when the hairstylist brushed against my sideburns and cheekbones, I felt some regret over this decision. For lunch, I had soup with sponge cake and it was freaking delicious. I met up with my friends for dinner and we went to a café afterward. It was hard to actually eat, but I ate small amounts and chewed it into fine bits. Walking a lot is an effective way to reduce swelling, but I can’t be bothered to go for a stroll. I plan to start exercising next week.
Day 30
I didn’t think the time would go by, but it has already been one month since my surgery. I went to the clinic for my one-month follow-up where I took photos of my face and compared my before/after photos consultation with Dr. Kim. During the consultation, I was told that my mouth doesn’t open as widely as others. I intentionally didn’t open my mouth wide because I was scared to, and I didn’t do the jaw exercises as diligently as I should’ve. Dr. Kim told me to do them until my jaw hurts. I’m starting the orthodontic treatment soon, so I should really do the exercises until I can open my mouth to three finger widths. I was also told to be careful while chewing. There are a lot of foods I want to try, so I would force myself to eat even if it was difficult to chew. I should suppress my cravings and eat soft foods only.

Day 37Now that I’m doing the jaw exercises seriously, I can open my mouth to two-finger widths. I’m eating better, too. Although I can’t have meat or any hard foods yet, I’m able to eat small amounts of other foods. I should be careful not to overdo it on the chewing though, because it hurts my gums after. The COVID pandemic in Korea is gradually becoming more serious, so I’m avoiding going out. Maybe it’s because I’m staying in my room a lot, but the swelling isn’t going down very much :( I’ve had all of my pumpkin juice, so I’m thinking about ordering some more :) My face has gotten smaller, and my mask feels looser and I use the minimum amount of lotion now :) These things are really cool and make me happy, lol.
Day 39
It’s already Day 40 tomorrow! I’m able to eat well and I’m hanging out with my friends a lot. I’m trying not to go out lately because of the current COVID situation though. My cheekbones and cheeks feel tingly often, almost as if they’re being electrocuted. I’ve been thinking that the swelling isn’t going down enough I bought a swelling-reducing oriental medicine chew. I hope it works!

Day 43I’m going about my everyday life with no discomfort—I almost forgot that I had double jaw surgery. I went to the orthodontist today to take pictures and make a mold of my teeth, but it was kind of hard (but tolerable) because it was my mouth wouldn’t open very wide. The area around my cheek and cheekbones are tingly, but I’m glad to see the swelling go down, lol. Also, my face has gotten much smaller and my face outline is starting to shape. I’m happy and satisfied whenever I look in the mirror!

Day 49
I had pork belly today, and I was able to eat it because I cut it really fine and chewed it thoroughly. It’s been a while since I had meat, so it was really good. I saw my uncle and aunt for the first time after surgery and they told me I still have some swelling on the sides of my cheeks. My mom said that the swelling is weight gain because I’ve been eating a lot lately. I was shocked to hear this and enrolled in a yoga class. It was my first time doing yoga, but I had a great time during the lesson!
Typically, people start post-surgery orthodontic treatment a month after surgery, but mine has been delayed because of unexpected cavities :( I recommend getting any cavities treated before undergoing surgery. Recently, I haven’t been experiencing that tingly sensation as much and the swelling hasn’t been going down very much. There’s still swelling left in my cheeks and on the front and sides of my cheekbones. I hope the swelling will go down already. Dr. Kim told me to be cautious about what I eat. I’m able to have fried chicken, Korean food, and Western food without any issues, but sometimes my gums hurt if I chew too much. I should make an effort to eat only soft foods.
It’s already been two months since I had the surgery. Recently, I’ve forgotten that I had had surgery, and it feels like my post-surgery face is my original face. I realize how much smaller my face has gotten whenever I put my mask on and when I put on a smaller amount of lotion. The difference is really visible in photos but it is still noticeable in person! The swelling hasn’t gone down completely, so my current facial outline isn’t my ideal just yet, but I’m content with my now-smaller face ^.^ I’m doing yoga and spinning these days, and I think the swelling is going down faster! I was told I’ll be prettiest at the 3-month mark, so I’m eagerly waiting for it, lol. COVID cases are on the rise lately, so I’ve been trying to stay home and not go outside :( I want to dress nicely and go out and about, so I hope the COVID situation settles down soon.

Day 75
I’m getting my cavities treated, and I’ll start the orthodontic treatment next week. I’ve heard that braces make eating and other activities uncomfortable, which worries me, but I want to start wearing braces soon to align my teeth! The feeling of stuffiness in my ears is gone now, and the swelling is going down slowly. I can have everything I want except for meat or raw fish such as sashimi. Sometimes when I chew too much, I feel a tingly sensation in my gums. I should be careful about that. I worried a lot right after the surgery because my face looked too round. Now my jawline is more visible and my face looks slimmer as the swelling goes down. I’m really satisfied and curious about how I’ll look in the next few months!!!
The swelling’s gone down considerably and I can see my facial outline getting closer to my ideal face shape, which is really cool. I’ve forgotten that I’ve had surgery, and there’s nothing bothering me in my everyday life. My friends also compliment me a lot by telling me I’m much prettier now. Since I don’t have to hide my face shape anymore, I think my mental health has gotten better as well. I’m more confident now and extremely satisfied :)
3 Months Post-Op
I went to my 3-month check-up and consultation with Dr. Kim, and he told me the bones have healed well and swelling is going down nicely, which put my mind at ease. He told me I could eat whatever I wanted and that I could drink alcohol as well (I had been eating well before this point as well!). As for the pin removal surgery, I’ll think about it some more. My braces make it uncomfortable to eat, but other than that, I’m doing well. It’s all thanks to Dr. Kim and the nurses! Everyone at EU is really friendly, too :) Since it’s only been 3 months since my surgery, I’m eager to see how much more natural my face will look as time passes by!

4 Months Post-OpLately, I have forgotten that I had surgery and I’m been going about my day-to-day life very comfortably. I used to feel anxious that my swelling was going down too slowly, so I spent most of my time reading reviews from former patients. I really think that time solves all problems. Now there’s only residual swelling left and my jawline is visible as well. But still, I want to get rid of the swelling in my double chin and cheeks faster, so I’m considering getting the shurink that the consultant recommended to me. I was worried that my nose would become wider after surgery, but it seems like there’s no clear solution, so I’m also considering getting a rhinoplasty. I’m making an effort to exercise and eat well. Also, I can open my mouth as widely as I could before, and I can feel sensations in my face again. I’m doing well and not experiencing any post-surgical complications!

5 Months Post-OpI haven’t realized it since I’ve been so busy, but it’s already been 5 months since I had the surgery. Now there’s nothing that bothers me and I’m able to have everything I want to eat. The only thing left is getting my braces off as soon as possible. I’m receiving lots of compliments about how I’ve gotten much prettier, and it’s made me more confident and improved my personality too, I think. It’s really nice to be able to tie my hair without any worries and laugh without covering my mouth. I’m truly thankful to Dr. Kim.

7 Months Post-OpThere’s only a bit of residual swelling left, and all of the noticeable swelling is gone! I was quite content after the surgery, but now I’m way more satisfied :) There’s no numbness, I’m able to feel sensations, and I’m able to eat everything without any issues. It feels like my post-surgery face is my original face, and I’m doing very well. Now I just want to complete the orthodontic treatment and smile widely, lol. If there’s anyone considering surgery, I want to recommend doing it now without any hesitation so you can live your life confidently!

8 Months Post-OpMy face shape is getting prettier as time goes by. Recently, I’ve realized that time really is the answer to all concerns. I’m eagerly waiting for the day I can go outside without a mask!

9 Months Post-Op
I’ve forgotten that I’ve had surgery now that I’m keeping myself busy! My desire to get prettier keeps growing… I don’t know if is it fat or swelling, but if it doesn’t disappear, I’m thinking about getting liposuction on my double chin.

10 Months Post-Op
The double chin is starting to disappear! I was worried about it because my jawline wasn’t very prominent from the side. Time really takes care of everything. I want to get my braces off soon!

11 Months Post-OpI’m doing very well without any discomfort!
12 Months Post-Op
It’s already been a year since I had the surgery. Looking back on it, the concerns I had right after surgery were not necessary. Even though I had surgery, my face looks natural and not like I had undergone surgery. I really think time is the answer to everything. I’m happy and amazed by my appearance as it continues to change every day!