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  • Goodbye Facial Asymmetry!~
  • 2022-02-23 hit.15,295
  • Writer : Kwak**

Reason for Surgery

Ever since I was young, I was concerned about my facial asymmetry and I had a hard time chewing food due to my malocclusion, which caused frequent indigestion. This was causing me a lot of stress. I’ve always wanted to get surgery but since my parents were worried about such a big procedure, I kept pushing it back. People around me told me that EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery were good at jaw surgery so I decided to get surgery! I’m very excited and nervous for my upcoming operation.


OP Day

I was surprised that the swelling was not severe. My throat hurts everytime I swallow T__T The doctor told me that my surgery went well which made me happy! However, I couldn’t breathe well. Having a portable humidifier at night is really helpful! I hope time goes by quickly so that I can breathe better.


Post OP: 2 Days

After the tube in my nostril got removed, it felt refreshing. Breathing felt much more comfortable! They also removed my catheter and after that, I was able to move around more. Right after the surgery, I felt so tired to the point where I didn’t use my phone. After one night, I felt much better. I’m looking forward to m new appearance!


Post OP: 3 Days

The doctor disinfected my mouth in the morning and I got de-swelling laser treatment and got discharged. The consultant went over the pre-cautions after surgery with me before I left. It made me felt more relieved. After arriving home, I blended one can of New Care with a banana (it tasted really good). I also had some pumpkin porridge and took a rest. The dental wafer still feels uncomfortable but I feel better compared to yesterday and the day before.


Post OP: 4 Days

My sore throat is finally getting better! I’m able to drink and sleep better now! Other than my nose feeling a little bit stuffy when I sleep, I feel much better. I’m looking forward to how I will recover!


Post OP: 5 Days

The swelling seems to be decreasing. Up until the fourth day, my swelling seemed to have been getting worse. It made me worried but now I can see that it’s decreasing very slowly! I go on 1 hour long walks, consume porridge, mashed sweet potato, New Care, soup, pumpkin extract, etc. Maybe since I’m consuming a variety of things, the swelling seems to be getting better. I’ll try to recover quickly by eating well!


Post OP: 6 Days

Wow. When I woke up, I could tell that my swelling decreased. Of course it’ll still take some time for it to decrease completely, but since the difference is visible, I’m really happy. The dullness in my ears disappeared. My nerves/sensations were already fine after surgery and my body seems to feel better after each day. I’m able to enjoy outdoor activities more. I wore my mask and went on a walk outside. I’m taking my medication everyday and I’m using the compression band everyday. Maybe that is why I am not experiencing any skin sagging? Also, I suggest to eat well after surgery. Tomorrow will be one week since my surgery and I want to go to the clinic quickly and receive my laser treatment. Everything seems to get better after 6 days J


Post OP: 7 Days

It’s finally been a week! I went to the clinic and saw the doctor and got my laser treatment. The swelling seems to decrease faster after 7 days. I’m not experiencing any severe difficulties while doing my daily activities. I’m getting tired of consuming porridge, soup, new care, etc. There are a lot of foods that I want to eat but I can’t chew anything right now. But I still feel it was worth it when looking at my appearance. I’m glad that I chose EU and I am grateful to Dr. Kim.



Post OP: 8 Days

At first, the swelling under my chin didn't go away so I looked like a toad. But now that it's gone, the jawline is a bit more visible. Maybe it was because I walked a lot yesterday, but my swelling went down a little more. The more you walk, the less swollen you’ll be. I’m happy that I can finally lie down and sleep (without having to sit up). I hope time passes quickly.


Post OP: 9 Days

My swelling is decreasing more and more! Time is medicine… I’m consuming pumpkin porridge and going on my daily walks. The only thing that’s making me uncomfortable is not being able to chew solid foods…. Time seems to go by quickly now that I feel more comfortable. But I’m feeling stressed out that I can’t eat regular food…


Post OP: 10 Days

My swelling decreased more. I met my friends after a long time and they told me that my face looks smaller and that my appearance improved. It made me feel happy. Just like what Dr. Kim said, there are a lot of positive factors that I can gain from double jaw surgery. I was able to walk a lot with my friends today.


Post OP: 11 Days

My swelling got better so I was able to wear my mask and do outdoor activities. I found the best food that people can eat after double jaw surgery… it’s castella bread dipped in milk. It was so delicious that I almost cried. I went on my daily walk and had some pumpkin extract.


Post OP: 18 Days

Most of the bigger swelling seems to have decreased. I’m used to taking out and putting back on the rubber bands and dental wafer! I’m still doing the jaw exercises despite it being over 2 weeks. I can fit 2 fingers inside of my mouth. I want to be able to chew foods as soon as possible.

Post OP: 19 Days

It’s been 19 days since I had surgery. I almost forget that I had surgery because I am not in any pain! The first 4 days after surgery was really difficult. Everything feels much more comfortable now and I can open my mouth more widely. I’m still sad that I can’t eat what I want though. My diet consists of mainly soft foods. Recently, I had soft tofu since it breaks apart easily. I have to think about what I should eat next time.


Post OP: 20 Days

It’s been 3 weeks since my surgery. If I don’t tell anyone that I had surgery, they don’t notice! I hope the remaining swelling decreases soon.


Post OP: 21 Days

I ate too many salty foods last night so my face was puffy when I woke up. I’m still drinking pumpkin extract. I’m back at work and I have no difficulties when doing my job. I’m craving so many foods so I keep eating and eating. Maybe that’s why I gained weight heehee. I want to be able to chew foods quickly. 


Post OP: 22 Days

Whenever I wake up, my face tends to get puffy. I’m trying to eat so that I can survive, not because it’s delicious… I went to work and everything seems fine! I’m having no difficulties, I want to thank the doctor and the consultants at the clinic! Thank you very much!


Post OP: 23 Days

I keep thinking about chewing food T__T. I sleep about 10 hours a day so I’m happy. I want to go to the clinic quickly for my post-op 1-month checkup.


Post OP: 24 Days

Whenever I go to work, my face seems to look swollen. But I can see that the swelling is decreasing so I’m glad about that! I just need to wait a bit more about chewing food.


Post OP: 25 Days

I’m still doing the jaw exercises and using the rubber bands. It’s best to do what the doctor instructs you to do for safety. Time is medicine. At first, my face was really swollen so I didn’t have high expectations with the results, but as the swelling decreases, I get happier. Most of the bigger swelling has decreased. I only need to wait for the smaller swelling to decrease.


Post OP: 26 Days

It’s hard to fall asleep nowadays. Maybe that is why I’m breaking out. But I really like my jawline. I hope more of the smaller swelling decreases. 


Post OP: 27 Days

I’ll visit the clinic tomorrow and see the doctor. I’m looking forward to it. I hope that I can take off my wafer. Everyone around me is complimenting me so I’m happy.


Post OP: 28 Days

I met the doctor and he told me that I can finally chew food now!! Also, he told me that my bones are healing well and are attached well. I went to a rest stop and had a bowl of udon noodles and I almost cried from happiness.


Post OP: 29 Days

I heard that there is a good noodle place in Gangnam. I was with my sister and we happened to walk by the clinic. Whenever I’m near the clinic, I want to go in for some reason. Since the surgery was carried out well and I had no complications! Once again, I’m really grateful to the clinic.

Post OP: 30 Days

It’s been one month since I had surgery. I’m happy now that I’m able to chew food. But I still can’t eat anything hard or tough… only foods that are breakable with the strength of my fingers. But I’m still happy!


Post OP: 43~50 Days

Other than really hard foods, I can finally eat a variety of foods. Before surgery, I had malocclusion so I couldn’t chew properly. Now, I can chew foods without any problems. It’s really cool and makes me happy. I’m in the middle of doing braces so my teeth hurt a bit. But whenever I look in the mirror, I’m happy. I


Post OP: 51~58 Days

My swelling decreased so much to the point where people can’t recognize that I had double jaw surgery. I get compliments from people telling me that I look handsome. I feel happy everyday and since my occlusion matches, I can eat food properly. I want to thank Dr. Kim and the staff at EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery one more time!


Post OP: 59~66 Days

It’s been more than two months since my surgery. I almost forgot that I had surgery. Other than foods that are too hard and tough, I can eat everything else! I was having a hard time right after surgery but now, I’m very very very happy! If anyone around me considers getting double jaw surgery, I will recommend EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery to them!


Post OP: 67~74 Days

My braces are still a bit uncomfortable, but I’m always in awe of how much of my appearance changed. My functional problems are solved and now I can chew with both sides of my mouth.


Post OP: 75~82 Days

People around me say that I’m getting more handsome. I’m happy since I’m getting so many compliments and I don’t have any negative side effects. I’m thankful to EU Orla & Maxillofacial Surgery.


Post OP: 83~90 Days

I’m slowly trying to eat hard and tough foods. I’m not experiencing any discomforts. However, I want to finish my braces quickly. Pieces of foods keep getting stuck in my braces.


Post OP: 91~98 Days

My braces are a bit uncomfortable but I feel satisfied every single day! People say that my face shape looks nice, and the most important thing is: I finally have a girlfriend now! Nice.


Post OP: 99~106 Days

I got a haircut today. I’m able to look people in the eyes when I talk with them. Everyday, my swelling seems to be decreasing. It’s important to take care of your skin so that you can prevent sagging.


Post OP: 106~136 Days

The bigger swelling has decreased and I can see my appearance improving! When I bite down, my teeth are in a good position. Before surgery, it was difficult to cut food with my front teeth. I can eat ramem noodles without any problems now.


Post OP: 106~136 Days

My face shape look good when taking selfies at any angles. To anyone who is considering surgery, do not be too worried and I highly recommend EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery!

Post OP: 166~196 Days

The swelling is still slowly decreasing. The only discomfort I have is when I eat meat, pieces of it get stuck in my teeth. I use floss brushes to try to take them out. I want to be over with braces quickly!


Post OP: 7 Months

It’s been 7 months since my surgery, my I still think there is some swelling that Is decreasing. My face looks more narrow? Since the surgery results look good, I feel happy.


Post OP: 8 Months

Since I’m eating well, I’ve gained weight. It’s been 8 months since I had surgery and I don’t have any negative side effects! I still feel uncomfortable with pieces of food getting stuck in my teeth. I’m happy that I can chew and eat foods without any problems now.


Post OP: 9 Months

My face looks big in pictures, but it’s because I take pictures close to my face. My face actually looks small in person. People don’t recognize that I had surgery unless I tell them. I want to take my braces off!


Post OP: 10 Months

It’s been 10 months since I had double jaw surgery. My face shape looks much smaller and better. I don’t like how wide my nose looked so I got surgery for it. I was told that it’s possible to get a rhinoplasty 3 months after double jaw surgery. But I wanted to wait 10 months just in case!


Post OP: 12 Months

It’s been 1 year now. I don’t have any discomforts now! No side effects either. I had one friend who was considering double jaw surgery and after they saw me, they had no doubts. It improved my facial asymmetry and made my face look smaller! I’m happy.​

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