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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • Both functional and cosmetic reasons that I wanted the surge
  • 2021-01-12 hit.16,157
  • Writer : Y**


Why I actually pursued this surgery:

It was for both functional and cosmetic reasons that I wanted the surgery: persistent headaches after eating meat and chips; asymmetrical jaws and protruded chin. Ultimately, it was the opportunity that arose due to stay at home order that I was able to take the advantage of going abroad and still be able to work remotely. However, the amount of the time I was able to stay was limited due to two-week quarantine. Without being able to go outside, I was anxious that I wouldn’t have enough time to visit Clinique’s. Thankfully, we encountered EU early and decided on this place as soon as we walked out of the Clinique. I was confident with my decision due to several factors: 1.Dr. Kim’s impeccable experiences as an oral surgeon 2. Fantastic customer service 3. Generous after service 


Day 1:

“Uncomfortable” is just a euphemism for pain. I realize there’s an apparent difference between myself and the girl in another room who scheduled the same surgery on the same date. She was able to speak and move around while i was bedridden and in agonizing pain. Perhaps, it really may be that I have a lower pain threshold and that I made it worse than it is when I saw how swollen my head was. It wasn’t until the kind nurse came over and assured me that what I was feeling was normal and my panic subsided. 

Pain: 9-10

Nausea: 2-3

Drank water only


Day 2:  Kindness from the nurse continued: At certain interval period, i thought I was having a panic attack because i wasn’t used to the pain and the uncomfortableness. Even when I couldn’t talk, she kept coming over and kept me company. It’s always scary and uneasy to go through such big surgery in an unknown place but there was something comforting knowing that i can receive help as much as I needed to get through the night. 


Drank new care and water



Day 3: I’d imagined being hungry from not eating but the stress helped myself from being hungry. But the pain is becoming manageable. If i have any acute pains, i’d start meditating - breathing in and out for 5 mins. It also helps me fall asleep- for those in need of a method, i definitely recommend meditation and mindfulness practice.


Day7: Restlessness and hunger combined, I was feeling irritated. I was also in more pain than the day before. That all changed when I saw Dr. Kim for a post week op and told me I can start eating soft food. I was elated and had a bite (slurped) into steamed egg and mashed potatoes. Also, I also received permission to take Tylenol so I was able to sleep soundly.


Day 10: Since i was not able to receive the treatment today, i took an extra time walking. Walking not only helps with the swelling but also with the change of scenery. 


Day 11: Consistently going to EU for the treatment and can see obvious distinctions with swellness when i do receive the treatment vs when i don't. Hunger has started to diminish and started to render daily life without eating much although i haven’t lost much weight lol The swelling is getting better but I’m still not sure how I feel about it except that I look younger.


Day 13: Most of the pain I feel is in my teeth. It’s the kind of pain you get when you first get braces or get rubber tightened-except you have screws in your mouth instead of braces. My eyes keep watering and when I lie down, I feel like I can feel all the tingling sensation on each tooth. I wonder when the pain will go away. Nonetheless, it doesn’t seem like my face is deswelling. It’s a bit discouraging at the moment.


Day 15: Afraid of the pain I’ve read about on other reviews, i took Tylenol prior to stitching out. Expecting another excruciating experience, I was stressed- but how wrong I was. Dr. Kim gently cut the stitches out and was done within minutes. There was no pain and I felt foolish for over hyping myself. 2 weeks went by and I felt relieved that the hardest part is over in this journey and just appreciated the fact that I was able to get the surgery done by such a prominent doctor. My ears are not muffled and I can sleep more comfortably. The right side of my face is still noticeably larger than the other.

Day 22:

Day 23:

Day 24:​​


Day 25: I haven’t noticed any significant difference in the swelling. I’m worried my face will be stuck this shape. Also my right ear feels muffled and does not clear. I will i could sleep sideway… and eat an actual meal.


Day 30:

Day 32: Went to the Clinique to have a post one month checkup. I realize how short sighted i was- looking at before and after pictures, there’s just a significant difference. I came out extremely happy albeit I’ve been having issues with my right ear: it’s muffled. I was told to visit the ENT but assured that this is a common symptom. 


Day 34: I went to ENT and turns out I have an ear infection. It’s nothing severe and a week worth of antibiotics should take care of it. I just want to go a day without feeling any pain. Meanwhile, I’ve been receiving comments about how my nose look taller and my forehead look rounder. I definitely see the difference myself although I still look like a chipmunk.

Day 36:


Day 51: I myself think that I have a great face line when I smile… only when I smile. Ear infection lasted for 3 weeks and EMT said my ears are infection free. It took longer than I expected for the infection to be better but glad it healed before my flight. Albeit the doctor did say my ear will still be in pain. 


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