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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • I love my profile!
  • 2020-11-09 hit.15,440
  • Writer : Kim**


The motivation of the surgery

Since I was in middle school, people told me that if your jaw goes in a little bit you will look much better. So, when I become an adult I decided to have surgery. These days, technology has improved a lot, so I don't think it's a very dangerous surgery except for two months of inconvenience, so it wasn't difficult to decide.


Post OP 1 Day

Pain and breathing are tolerable.  I'm feeling dizzy and nauseous.


Post OP 2 Days

It's disgusting and it's hard to swallow water and new care. But I think I have almost all the senses around my jaw. The nurse helped me a lot, so I'm doing well without any inconvenience. Oh, and I can breathe well with my nose.


Post OP 3 Days

Your face is swollen. My eyes sting a little, too. However, it was difficult to urinate due to the aftereffects of general anesthesia after surgery, so I used a urine line to drain it. Fortunately, I went to the bathroom by myself. Also, I think swallowing water or new care is more comfortable than before. I'm finally discharged from the hospital today!


Post OP 7 Days

I slept well and once I sprayed otribin, I was able to breathe well and I'm doing well without any problems. I heard that I need to do some activities to recover from swelling faster, so I'm doing some housework and taking a walk. I thought it would be uncomfortable to take medicine, but I am taking well. I'm also drinking New Care and soy milk well.


Post OP 8 Days

I'm a little less swollen today. I can feel my upper lip, lower eye, and cheek sensation is slowly coming back. I got sterilize it today and remove the stitches on the cheekbones area, but I'll feel better after the doctor check on my progress. I'm done with the medicine today, but I'm glad I don't have to take it anymore.


Post OP 9 Days

I heard that finally, I can brush my teeth today, but my mouth is still swollen, so it's hard to brush my teeth. But I feel more comfortable eating, so I'm eating soup and this and that. I went around a lot yesterday, so I'm a little less swollen. Haha


Post OP 13 Days

I got laser treatment today. Clearly, swelling is different when I wake up in the morning and walk and get laser treatment. I was a little chubby this morning, but after walking a little bit and getting a laser, my swelling is gone again. Other things are not much different from yesterday. I'd like to remove the stitches in two days!


Post OP 14 Days


Post OP 15 Days

Finally, the doctor stitch out for me! I'm working out my jaw exercise after removing the stitches. It's my first time exercising with my mouth open, but I can put about 2 fingers in it. It's hard to make a smiling face because I still can't feel it above my lips, but I hope sensation can come back soon and I smile brightly. Haha


Post OP 17 Days

After surgery muscles around my face were stiffened. Now I can smile enough to notice that I am smiling. It's getting more and more natural!


Post OP 36 Days

Looks like Ive lost more swelling today! I think the cheeks on both sides are getting smaller. I can't wait to see the under and philtrum become more natural.


Post OP 3 Months

I was worried that I might have gained a lot of fat on my cheek, but I think it's the swelling! My cheeks rarely get swollen at night, so I'm satisfied when I look in the mirror. I eat well and live well without any side effects. Finally, it's been 3 months! I'm doing fine! I can finally eat meat today. There are no side effects that I was worried about and I think I chose the right hospital for my jaw surgery in the EU!

Post OP 5 Months

I'm living the same life as before the surgery. I'm not feeling any pain or discomfort! I'm really satisfied. ~~~


Post OP 6 Months

I am living fine without any inconvenience just as before the surgery. I love to see my appearance without deswelling. Before surgery, I hate to see my profile but right now I even like my profile.


Post OP 9 Months

I didn't have much confidence because of my profile, but I can feel that I've gained a lot of confidence in my appearance!


Post OP 11 Months

I am done with orthodontic treatment, so I've gotten a lot better both functionally and aesthetically than before!!


Post OP 12 Months

As my profile has improved a lot and my face has gotten smaller. Before surgery, some clothes do not look good on me but after surgery, many of the clothes look good on me. Doctor, I appreciate all your work! Thanks to you, I gained a lot of confidence and improved my jaw function. Thank you so much for your hard work!


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