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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • Love my side face!
  • 2020-11-06 hit.15,218
  • Writer : Na**


Whenever I closed my mouth, my jaw felt awkward and my wrinkles show on my chin. I visited a hospital to get Botox due to get a better shape of chin but it did not help at all. When people see my face they thought I am mad because of the facial expression but I am not. When time goes facial asymmetry gets worse. I realize that I couldn't postpone it anymore to get facial bone surgery. Lastly, I heard that EU is good at facial bone surgery and oral and maxillofacial surgeons.  


Post OP 1 Day

I was so tired because I couldn't wake up and I think I'm really going to die because I can't breathe. I didn't know it was such a hard operation. My mom said it took me about four hours, but when I woke up, the surgery was over. I hope the swelling goes down soon.


Post OP 3 Days

I think the edge of the chin swelling reduces a bit. I can drink some water and newcare. I can also walk around a bit but still, its hard to breathe through my nose.



Post OP 7 Days

Doctor stitch out for me and my face turning yellow because of the bruise.



Post OP 12 Days

The bruise on my neck gets much better. At first I was worry that if with surgery my face cannot improve symmetrically but after deswelling, it looks much better. Finally, I can lie down and fall asleep!


Post OP 15 Days

After removing out the stitches, the swelling really reduces it a lot as the nurse said. I thought I would eat something properly from now on so I removed the rubber band and ate steamed eggs as soon as I arrived home. By the way, stitch out was so hurt that I thought I was going to die.


Post OP 17 Days

The swelling on the tip of the chin is surprisingly disappearing. As times goes by I love the result of the surgery and I get used to wearing rubber band too J


Post OP 18 Days

The tip of the chin is getting thinner and thinner. I visited the hospital to check the occlusion, and I got goosebumps when I heard that if the upper and bottom teeth do not in align next week, it should be fixed with wire. I was afraid that I have to eat food with a syringe again  Also, I think my sensation starts to come back since my left cheek is tingling. The nerves under my eyes returned.


Post OP 20 Days

I still have a lot of swelling on my face and double chin. : (



Post OP 24 Days

I realized that taking a walk is the best to help reduce swelling! I feel better every time I look in the mirror because I feel like my double chin is getting better. My mom kept laughing at me, saying that I looked like someone else, but if I knew I would look better like this, I would do it earlier. I never notice that facial bone surgery can change my appearance this much!



Post OP 28 Days

Swelling on the chin area reduced a lot compared to the cheekbone. For the first week of surgery, I regret a lot the fact that I did the surgery. However, at this moment I am proud of myself that I did surgery already! I cannot wait to see my final result of the surgery!



Post OP 34 Days

I went to the hospital and removed the wafer that I had been attached to for a month and changed it to a transparent one. I did not put rubber band for a few weeks that when I retry to wear it, I was so painful.  I really wanted to cry and bleeding from my gums.


Post OP 3 Months

It's posted OP 100 days!, but I've been chewing meat and eating soy sauce marinated crab well these days. Before surgery, my chin was protruded that people told me that I look upset. After surgery, I never heard that kind of comment from others. I'm happy that I can tie up the hair these days. By the way, my face is still reducing the swelling.


Post OP 4 Months

These days, I just forget the fact that I did double jaw surgery!  I think my mouth feels much comfortable as time goes by day by day. Everyone who knows about my previous face told me that I look much better after surgery!  I'm satisfied with my life.


Post OP 6 Months

Finally, I can wear a turtle neck after surgery! Before surgery, when I wear those clothes my bottom jaw looks so outstanding, but after surgery I look much better with same clothes!


Post OP 7 Months

I really like my side face and I do not feel insecure when people said they will take pictures of me. Also, I can eat hard food!


Post OP 8 Months

I really like my jawline! Sometimes my family show to be the picture of me before surgery. Those pictures really shock me! I really like my side face right now! I just want to say thanks to doctor!


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