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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • People told me that my face is so pretty!
  • 2020-08-06 hit.16,507
  • Writer : Jung***

In the past, when taking pictures, my face size seemed larger than others, and when taking a frontal picture, it was a stress that the lip shape and nose symmetry did not match. I was afraid of surgery, so I tried to take a meridian massage, but it worked for asymmetry and face reduction, but it seemed insufficient to achieve the perfect look I wanted. Since this life is once that I want to live with a satisfied face shape. 


I have been looking for double jaw surgery hospital since several years ago. I feel that no hospital does double jaw surgery as naturally as EU. I recently forgot about the EU when I try to research about double jaw surgery hospital. But when I looked at a computer a few years ago, I found EU’s name on my note. 

Besides, I thought that I would like to have double jaw surgery from Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery doctors, not plastic surgeons. If I look at other hospitals before and after photos, it looks so obvious that they went through jaw surgery. However, when I Looking at photos of patients who had surgery from Dr. Shin, it was so natural that it seemed to be the most similar to what I had imagined.


Post OP 1 Day

This is the picture that I took right after jaw surgery. The general anesthesia seemed to be stronger than the sleep anesthesia. I have a little bit of pressure on my face, but I think I was dizzy all day because of the anesthesia. In the meantime, the tube in my nose went down to my throat and my throat hurt the most when I swallowed my saliva. I had a sore throat that I didn't care about anything else. When my nose and throat were stuffy in the middle, the nurse replaced my nose with a new one, so I breathed with it until the next morning, and there was nothing uncomfortable about it. The pain was more tolerable than I thought.


Post OP 2 Days

I wasn't able to sleep because I was uncomfortable. Normally, my sleep habit raises the legs and sleeps on one side. Pain is also less than yesterday. The pain is bearable after double jaw surgery. Just the entire face is a little bit pressured, tingling, and I am not sure its because yesterday's general anesthesia I still feel dizzy, a little sleepy, and tired. The doctor sterilized my mouth at 7:00 in the morning, but I still had painless injections, so it didn't hurt either. It doesn't hurt, so don't worry!


Post OP 3 Days

Today is the day of discharge. I woke up in the morning and got a laser and the doctor dressing my mouth for me, If I wear a mask, I don't think people cannot recognize that I underwent double jaw surgery. There is no pain as I continue to experience painless injections until morning! Wafers are attached to the mouth, but the rubber bands are removed so I can speak and drink. I did dish-washed and take rest now! 


Post OP 4 Days

Finally, I washed my face, hair, and take shower and remove the tape on my face! I feel like the whole of my face is very swelling but I wish that I can look like an ordinary person. When I talk about the pain after surgery it did not pain at all, but I just feel like I am lack strength that I felt dizzy and my nose and mouth are very swelling that it was hard to breathe! Also, I am the person who feels very joyful when I eat delicious food but currently, I cannot eat any food. I hope time flies so fast! 


Post OP 5 Days

I still have swell on my face that I look very chubby and circle that people told me that I look very cute! I still do not feel any pain but just a country. Also, I can speak but since the wafer is inside of my mouth and very swelling that hard to make a proper pronunciation. 


Post OP 8 Days

Finally, I am sleep lie down on the bed. I am not sure is the symptom that my sensation is coming back or not but the inside of my mouth feels a tingle. This feeling bothers me. Swelling is keeping reducing but my face line does not look soft at all and it’s very uneven. I am trying to eat thin rice gruel and cheesecake with newcare. I found a new strategy on how to eat soft food with the roof of the mouth. Because of this small strategy made me feel much better! And bruise on my neck is almost gone too! 


Post OP 9 Days

My face looks angular than yesterday. Is it because of the swelling? I don’t like my face shape. Most of the bruise is gone from my neck and stitches inside of my mouth bother me so much that I cannot speak : ( 


Post OP 12 Days

My jaw and cheeks are swollen. I don't swell a lot anywhere else, but my jaw looks very reluctant when I take off my mask. So I avoid taking out the mask and try to drink pumpkin juice a lot which might be helpful for deswelling! I hope my face to be skinny soon!


Post OP 15 Days

It has been post op 2 weeks that I visited the hospital to remove stitch out and get deswelling laser treatment. I was really afraid to remove stitches but Dr. Shin removed very gently that I was not pained at all! I feel much comfortable when I smile and I feel like deswelling will be much faster. Finally, I can practice jaw exercise and I can take off and on my wafer! 


Post OP 18 Days

It's still a long way from getting reduced to the swelling, but I'm happy that my awkwardness is getting better. As my face gets less swollen, I can speak better with wafers and laugh more comfortably after removing the stitches. I can't chew food at all yet. It's better to eat salty side dishes such as soba soup and stew soup I can't wait to take out the wafer.-


Post OP 30 Days

My angular face gets much better but my face is still chubby! I am totally satisfied with the face that my long face gets shorter after surgery and strongly believe that my face like will turn in to pretty shape soon! The doctor told me that I will remove the wafer 2 weeks later! I hope that I can speak well. Also, currently, when I try to eat food I am cutting all the food with scissors. 


Post OP 37 Days

I can open my mouth much wider than before which made me very happy. Also, I look much natural when I smile but I still have swell on my chin and cheek and philtrum. So I am trying to take some medicine that will help me to reduce swelling! 


Post OP 44 Days

Many people told me that my face looks smaller and my eyes get bigger! I think because my bottom jaw gets smaller! My face starts to deswelling a lot that I like my face and I can eat much food than before that I am pretty enjoying my life now. 


Post OP 47 Days

I face look much better than before cause of deswelling and get much smaller! Those days I love to look at myself from the mirror. 


Post OP 60 Days

Many of my friends told me that my face has been reducing much swelling and I look much prettier than before. I know that my face needs to be deswelling much more but I am really glad to hear that I look pretty! Also, I can eat many of food! But just when I smile muscles around my mouth bothers me. 



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