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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • Visited Korea from USA!
  • 2020-07-24 hit.14,596
  • Writer : E***

(Why EU?)


chose to have surgery due to ongoing dental problems onset during childhood.  These dental issues are a result of visiting a dentist who recommended braces.  These braces remained on my teeth for nearly 5 years.  When the braces were finally removed it was noted that my bite was not as it should be.  Having this abnormal bite has caused difficulties in simple daily tasks such as eating.  As years passed during my adulthood I also realized my facial asymmetry became more noticeable.  So I am also looking for better symmetry, which will give me a well-balanced face.


I chose to have double-jaw surgery after realizing that is the only way to correct my bite.  I searched for doctors in the United States and found that South Korea actually has some of the best in the world.  I reviewed several places before landing on EU’s website.  The doctors at EU produce the results I want so the search went no further.  I am also interested in the genioplasty to bring balance to my face.


I want the best results to come from this surgery.  I am anticipating my bite will improve and eating will become much easier.  I will not have to worry about bone deterioration, as I get older.  I want to also reduce the amount of gum that shows when I smile.  When looking in the mirror I want to see the smile I feel from within.  Overall I am looking for the health benefits as well as the aesthetics.


Day one: the whole experience here at EU is about gaining the confidence between patient and Surgeon and their staff. The operating room is the same private single room for recovery. There is a TV and and electric outlets for my iPad and phone. After surgery last night I was in so much pain.  I asked myself, why did I have the surgery... I told the nurse about my pain. She spoke with Dr. Kim and and then she gave me something for the pain. It lowered the pain to a tolerable level. I was able to sleep after the 6 hours, but was uncomfortable, which I was expecting. This morning I woke up and had the catheter and other stuff removed. The staff here at EU are so attentive. I feel they really care about the work they do and about me as a person. Today Dr. Kim stopped in to check on me several times. After getting up and walking around a bit I felt fine. I looked in the mirror and am happy with day one results :) even though I am swollen I am already loving my new face shape!!!


Day two: I was released today, yay!  Yesterday our consultant, Kayla, showed us the different pumpkin juice and Nuecare drink flavors.  I chose to try out the two different pumpkin juice flavors.  For lunch today I had one of them, certainly not my favorite type of juice.. lol.  I will try the other for dinner.  I chose to stay with the Nurcare flavor the clinic provided as it was pretty good.  We are supposed to use a mouth wash after each meal, not my favorite part of the experience so far.  I am happy we purchased the nose spray, breathing has been difficult since yesterday.  But it is nice to be around my family now. There is a lot of pressure on my face due to the swelling, but the pain level is very low.  Dr. Kim prescribed several pills including an antibiotic.  I do not do so well with large pills, and this one is pretty big.  The pharmacist was very nice and spoke enough English to answer all of our questions.  I still have the tape on my face.  I will remove it tomorrow when I wash my face.  My swelling on day two is really very minimal.


Day three: I am not that big of a fan of the Pumpkin Juice. I am drinking V8 juices along with Nuecare. So far that is keeping me full along with water throughout the day. I am opening my mouth more and more. My pain level is still low. I spoke with Kayla, our consultant, regarding my difficulty breathing and she recommended another nasal spray. I can now breath with a lot less effort. I cleaned my face today and removed the tape. My swelling is still minimal, but I am going for the deswelling light treatment daily.


Day 4: I woke this morning with more swelling than before. I used the compression wrap after I returned from the deswelling treatment today. My swelling seems to be under control now. It had been hard to communicate with my husband and 2 sons. I have a text to speech which has helped, but nothing replaces mommy’s voice.  I can open my mouth more today and have continued the mouth opening exercises. I also have been brushing my teeth so my mouth feels better. Being limited to drinking instead of eating is pretty hard. I have found myself more hungry the last day or or 2. I am looking forward to week 1 coming to a close :)



Day 5: today was especially hard on me regarding a liquid diet. Today we made some chicken soup and puréed it to a consistency I could handle. It was so yummy! My swelling is no more than it was yesterday. The pain is not an issue. Though the inability to brush my teeth is bothering me. The rinse we received from the pharmacy helps. My bite is still aligned and I am still loving my new face. The nose spray we recently got is a life savor, though breathing is easier over all today.


Day six: nearly a week has passed since my surgery, but it feels like so much longer. Tomorrow is my one week follow-up appointment and I should have some of my stitches removed. My pain level today is pretty low. It’s just uncomfortable not being able to open my mouth more than a little. I try to remind myself the swelling is temporary, and it really has been less than a week, but I can’t wait for the swelling to be completely gone. I also miss talking to my kids and husband, though I use a text to speech app which helps. Overall I feel I am doing pretty well!


Day 7: I had my one week follow up today. Dr. Kim removed the bands that were keeping me from opening my mouth too much. At this point I should be able to open my mouth no more than 20mm, or roughly 3/4 of an inch. I am nervous about opening my mouth because I do not want to cause any damage. My pain today is low and I feel I am healing pretty well. When we arrived at EU the staff greeted us as they always do. They have always made us feel very welcome and actually ask how my sons are doing. I am not going through this alone, my husband and I brought our sons who are 7 and 4 years old. The waiting area is nice with plenty of seating. There is a water dispenser and even a coffee machine which dispenses a variety of coffees. The area is well maintained and always very clean.


Day 8: today was a rough day, but not because of my surgery. My youngest son was showing symptoms of a cold last night and today our eldest son started to cough. We have a 4 and 7 year old son. Thankfully I not my husband have any symptoms. Mine because of my antibiotics and my husband for washing his hands a dozen times a day.  I feel I am geeking pretty quickly. My swelling is no where near what I expected. My pain is around a 2 today on a scale of 1-10 with 10 as the worst. I have been eating well and drinking juices and following the doctor’s recommendation. I hope my sons feel better soo  :)


Day 9: my sons are still ill, children’s Tylenol is helping them to get through the day and sleep through the night. I am Ike feeing the same and my swelling is still much less than expected. I had a banana rice almond milk drink this morning and it was very yummy. I had so much energy that I even did some laundry. Though I know I must pace myself as I am still healing. Today we made some chicken with rice and split pea soup. It is very tasty!  I am also drinking V8 juice and water through the day. If you have this surgery I think one of the most important things is to stay hydrated. My stomach was slightly upset following the surgery. But the water I am sure has helped me to feel better. Still loving my new face :)


Day 10: today I started talking more and more clearly as I am now able to open my mouth wider. My husband and I went for a walk earlier and it felt great to get out and move around. When I looked in the mirror this evening I looked less swollen than yesterday. I have been drinking V8 juices along with my purée soups. Today was the first day I started to drink pineapple juice... it was great! I also started to do a face massage that I read is very beneficial. As the days pass I am looking forward to more of the swelling to go down and become more energetic. However, as my husband ate dinner I looked at him and realized how much I miss chewing food.. hahaha


Day 11: I am continuing my daily walks with my husband, I am sure this will speed in my healing. The biggest change so far has been getting used to sleeping with my head above my heart. I am currently using about 5 pillows. I am also only sleeping on my back; mainly because I am fearful of dislocating my jaw or creating an issue with my surgery. Maybe I am being paranoid, but I am healing and do not want to reverse that. I am very thankful to have my husband and two sons here with me. Their support and help throughout this process has been the best medicine:)


Day 12: today we got some chicken thighs and canned pineapples. The plan is to make chicken teriyaki with rice. Blended in pineapple juice along with some of the teriyaki sauce to taste. But that will not be on the menu for tomorrow. Instead we are cooking up some steaks and mashed potatoes. I know it won’t taste the same, but close is good enough for me! The toughest part is cooking all these things in a single pan we plug in. So far it has worked great for breakfast and soups... we shall see how the steak goes! Aside from the obvious, that I am really missing real food, I am continuing the mouth exercises Dr. Kim explains in his video. I am very thankful we decided to have this procedure with EU.


Day 13: Today is the 4th of July. Normally we would be in the backyard hanging out and having something on the BBQ. Then at night we would go to see the fireworks. However, we are in Seoul this year. So we will still have something resembling the BBQ. We are cooking steaks in the room with a side of mashed potatoes. Later we are going to see the fireworks in the park. This morning I woke to no pain and really no discomfort. My swelling is very minimal. I am happy that part is coming to an end, though I know there is still swelling that could still remain for weeks or months. Tomorrow I am going to see Dr. Kim for the 2-week follow up.


Day 14: I woke up so excited as today is the two week mark. I went to my follow-up appointment today and Dr. Kim made some adjustments on my nose. It was a little crooked but looks much better now. He used a pain medication while making the adjustment, and when that wore off there was really not much pain or discomfort. I started some mouth exercises today and will progressively begin to open my mouth more and more. I found an Orthodontist near my home and made an appointment for when I return. I was happy when I had my original braces put on, so I am a little nervous getting them back on. Though I know it will be in important part of getting my bite where it should be.


Day 16: brushing my teeth without toothpaste is very awkward, not to mention it also feels pretty useless... lol... now the stitches are out though I am able to eat sticky foods. So now for breakfast I can have oatmeal, eggs with refried beans, purée of course, but it’s a great change from the standard liquid diet :)This morning we went down to grab some pecan covered cinnamon rolls... but they were sold out! I shall try my luck again tomorrow morning! I am feeling pretty awesome at this point aside from the mouth piece cutting into my cheeks. I will mention this to Kayla our EU Consultant. She has been great throughout this process. I have asked some silly questions I’m sure, but Kayla comes back with an answer and has never judged me. She is also extremely quick to respond


Day 18: today I looked in the mirror and see minimal swelling. I have been having a headache the past few days. My husband believes it is because of the jaw exercises due to the location of my headache. I took a Tylenol and it was gone within 30min or so. We took our two sons to a park this evening and I walked around for about 20min once we arrived, as well as the 10min walk there and back. I have lost about 6 pounds since my surgery. Most of that weight was lost during the first week. If it was not for the home cooked foods, purée, I’m sure it would be more. Still loving my new face shape :)


Day 20: I am still getting my headaches, but I am not too concerned. Most likely related to the mouth exercises. My upper lip and lower lip are just as numb as the first day. Sometimes it causes me to slightly bite my bottom lip. My cheeks are not numb because I certainly feel those when my mouth piece cuts through them. I am getting less shy to be out and about. Today we went out and my husband had some kimchee soup. He had a few side dishes too, but was unable to finish them because our kids were losing their patience. Which was ok for me, cause I was also getting hungry. We took some bottles of ensure, but I am not quite that confident enough to eat/drink in public just yet.


Day 22: I still find it difficult to breath well during the day. I try to limit the stronger nose spray until bedtime. The saline spray helps, but it is difficult to breath through my nose. I may be in a bit of a rush, but I am done with breathing through my mouth and issues that causes. I am sure it is only time which will resolve my nose issues. Either way, I find happiness in being able to eat less liquid purée foods ;) The other day I had a cheese burger purée... mmmm... lol... aside from that I believe I am regaining some of the feeling in my upper lip along with some of the surrounding area. After three weeks my family and I have returned to our normal daily conversations. I can speak well and hear better now. This morning I had scrambled eggs cut up small. It was great!!! Hahah


Day 24: for three weeks I was drinking my dinner through a squeeze bottle. Now I am able to use a spoon and less liquid in my food. I have still been drinking juices daily, which is aiding in my healing. I am still getting the occasional headache, but not as bad as the beginning of the mouth exercises. Though I do feel the strain in my jaw and facial muscles as they continue to strengthen. I am still much less active in my hotel room than I am in my home. I am looking forward to us returning home this coming weekend. For the flight home we will be taking some baby foods so I can keep my calories up. I do not want to lose anymore weight. Day by day the swelling in my face is decreasing and the end results are getting closer in sight.


Day 26: my face is still swollen and my lips and immediate surrounding is still numb. I am also still congested. Last night I tried eating a soup with semi small pieces of chicken. I thought I could easily mush it between my tongue and the roof of my mouth. But that did not work so well and I found myself swallowing them. That made my dinner last longer and also was uncomfortable, so I am staying away from that for now. Tonight we cooked chicken breast and chopped it in a blender until it was nearly powder. That was added to a rice and broccoli mix. It was easier eating the meat in that way.


Day 28: I have finally made it to the one month mark. Today we went to see Doctor Kim for my final appointment. He removed my screws today which were used for the bands. I have my Orthodontist appointment next week and EU will send them photos and X-rays. The two offices will work together for the next stage of my treatment. This treatment will help ensure I keep my bite and my new smile :) We are all excited to return home. We have two wonderful sons who have a great deal of patience having spent 5 weeks in a hotel... lol... We are planning to treat them with a trip to Hershey amusement park soon after we return.


Two month Post op


I feel a sense of accomplishment as I have finally reached the 2-month mark!  I still do not bend much at the waist due to the feeling of pressure in my face.  I also still do not do anything that will raise my blood pressure, so I am still taking it easy.  Sometimes while playing with my kids I forget and catch myself when reaching over.  I also have a fear of one of them accidentally hitting me in my face.


I am still talking differently than before especially with the mouth wafer/mouth splint.  I certainly do not open my mouth wide enough to pronounce my words as before.  Every once in a while my husband will ask me to repeat myself.  The other day we were in the grocery store.  The store we go to has a type of daycare for shoppers, it’s free and the staff is very friendly.  We were nearly finished up and started to head to the check outline.


Then I remembered an item we forgot to add to the grocery list.  Our youngest son loves strawberry yogurt, and so do I.  So I asked my husband to run and grab it.  It was taking some time so I texted him and asked what was taking so long.  He answered back saying he was searching for the Gogurt.  Gogurt is yogurt in squeezable pouches.  That is not what I asked him for and it tastes like plastic.  He returned by the time I was going to respond with the strawberry yogurt I had in mind.  He said he could not find the specific Gogurt and if this yogurt would be fine.  I simply said, “thanks Honey, it’s perfect.”  On the way home I told him my side of the story and we both laughed.  Then our youngest son started to say that he wanted Gogurt, my husband and I started laughing even more.


Needless to say I ask my husband to make calls for me, for such things as Dentists and so forth.  I already have an accent that is difficult for these Pennsylvania Doctors to understand.  The swelling and not opening my mouth enough only make those translations worst.  So when it comes to a Doctor appointment I make sure there are no mixed signals, because the results from that could be drastic… lol…


My gums and the lower lip is still numb.  The skin surrounding the lower part of my mouth and chin are still numb.  I am able to put 3 fingers in my mouth now.  I continue to perform the mouth exercise as recommended by Dr. Kim.  I am still swollen from my nose and circling around that area around my face to my chin.  I know the 3-month mark will show more of what my face will look like.  My upper lip is very tight, I read online that it is a normal part of this process.


Every once in a while I bit my lower lip while eating.  I am still only swallowing food, which leaves me with a sense of dissatisfaction.  There is truly nothing like biting into your food and chomping away at it!  I take B-6 and 12 vitamins, but also eat very healthy.  So I really have not lost much weight.


I went for my first Orthodontic appointment the other day.  My husband was able to accompany me to the appointment.  We also had our 2 sons.  They are very well behaved.  The Doctor gave them each a set of fake jaws and teeth with braces on them to keep them entertained.  The fake teeth and jaws are used as examples to help illustrate the procedure.  There were over a dozen of these in his office.  He also had a large screen that he used to pull up the images sent over from EU.


The plan will be to have my braces on for 18-months.  I had braces when I was a teenager, so I know what to expect.  This time however I will not notice the feeling of the braces rubbing the inside of my bottom lip.  During the appointment, we discussed the different styles of braces including Invisalign.  I decided to go with the traditional braces, as its what I had before.


I am still keeping my head elevated while sleeping.  I am sure this helps with the swelling, but it also prevents me from rolling over.  Though one night I tried to sleep with one pillow with a travel pillow around my neck.  The next morning my husband woke up and saw me with my head lying on the side.  So I went back to sleeping with a few pillows.  I feel very tired and exhausted during the day.


I have been trying on clothes and outfits and spending a little time in the mirror.  It is amazing how different things actually look on me.  It's funny, a few things I was going to get rid of actually look pretty flattering now, so I will keep them… lol…  As I enter the third month I am getting really excited.  First, because the swelling will continue to go down and I assume feeling in my face will gradually return.  Second, I am only one more month from being able to start eating normal food again.  I will not go out and buy the largest toughest steak for at least another month!  Third, I will start to be more likely to want to take photos.  For many years I felt uncomfortable having pictures taken of me.  I cannot remember the last time I saw my real smile in a photo, that along with my face not being symmetrical.  Now for the first time as an adult, I will feel confident and smile ?

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