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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • It will be perfect after removal the braces!
  • 2020-07-14 hit.15,328
  • Writer : Shin**

The motivation of the surgery

When I was young my bottom jaw was long and I had facial asymmetric that seems like I am mad. When I try to edit my phone it seems like my bottom was even more outstanding. I hope that I can have a normal bottom jaw as other people.


Why EU?

I have been researching for the hospital and I found EU on plastic surgery application. It seems like they never have a surgical accident that I decided to trust this hospital and do surgery!


Post OP 2 Days

Finally, I removed the tube on my nose which made my condition better! Also, my boyfriend saw my face that my image has been changed a lot! Also, I can speak well and walk around.

Post OP 6 Days

! I have been suffering due to a rubber band inside of my mouth. I discharged from the hospital. The rubber band was so strong that my teeth were so tight and my mouth was so swollen that it came out like yellow weeping sores from my lips. (I didn't wear facial pressure bandage today because other EU reviews said it was better not to do it when you feel real pain, but it's better not to do it when it's too tough to wear it!) It hurt so much that I finally got laser treatment today and asked the doctor to check inside of my mouth. After he checks it he told me that my wound area is healing well. Also, he did disinfection for me too!. He told me that my current bite is right that if I keep this position I don't have to hang the rubber band, so I said I'd keep that no matter what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Post OP 9 Days

Today, with a chubby face, I live with a mirror and an EU review every day, but I am searching and reading for more because I am worried that there is no change after surgery. Am I the only one who is worried about this? I took a picture without much thought today, but my swelling definitely decreased compared to the 7th day. I took a picture of my side face without thinking about it, but I saw a change in the side I took before the surgery! But the overall length seems to have gotten shorter, but I don't think the jawline is the one I thought it would be. When I look from the side I feel like my stubby chin does not change that much.  I'll see, but I'm a little worried.


Post OP 10 Days

I feel like my swelling has gotten softer. I looked up another surgery review I think I remove the rubber band faster than others, so I guess I eat it well. Other people lose 5kg each, but they lose 3kg for the first time and I don't lose any more.

I was wondering why I cannot lose weight even though I dont eat a lot. But my mom told me that her friend's daughter looks like a skull because she couldn't eat much after having a double jaw operation. I guess I am eating well. Hahaha


Post OP 11 Days

My bottom chin and lips feel asleep. Those days I can sleep much comfortable with easier breath but sometimes I still have bloody nose.


Post OP 17 Days

I guess the swelling is stagnant. It's swollen, but it doesn't go away. I'm going to do light exercise for an hour starting tomorrow. I've been sleeping on my back since yesterday, but when I'm still lying down; my face feels heavy.


Post OP 21 Days

My face is less swollen than it was at first, but I have to wear a mask when I go out because I feel awkward with puffy face. It was hard to eat porridge when I was able to wear wafer in the 2nd week, but it became more comfortable to eat porridge or crust of overcooked rice after a week.


Post OP 24 Days

There is no problem with daily life and I feel something is stuck in my throat. Everything is fine except that it's hard to make proper pronounce because of wafers. I still feel numb if something on my lower lip and chin.


Post OP 29 Days

I've been eating more freely since yesterday after being explained that I can chew food that can be crushed with my fingers. Yesterday, I ate Yubu sushi, ramen, egg and sandwich, but it was still hard to open my mouth wide and it was hard to chew rice grains.I think I have a toothache and forgot how to chew. I think it's still better to eat rice with rice or stew. I had to cut some ramen with scissors because it was still hard to cut it with my teeth.


Post OP 34 Days

Post-op 1 month already so I can eat various food and rice as well. I gain weight that I feel like I can eat as like before the surgery. My lips are still numb but I think I'm getting more and more sensual. Now I'm very swollen in the morning when I wake up, but there's a big difference in the evening because the swelling goes down a lot!

The swelling is slowly reducing, but the edge of the chin seems to have faded a lot and only the cheeks are still chubby. There's nothing uncomfortable about speaking or daily life, and I can open my mouth so I can put two fingers in it.


Post OP 64 Days

I went to the hospital last week to check my braces, and the orthodontist said my mouth was too small and wouldn't open. He told me that I used to have a small mouth but after surgery, I could not do mouth exercise well that I cannot open my mouth as before. Maybe it's because I don't feel uncomfortable in my daily life, but I feel awkward chewing. I should work hard on the opening exercise this week.


Post OP 75 Days

I've been working on the opening exercises this week more than last week. I think I'm opening my mouth more easily. If I had two fingers last week, I think it's going to put two and a half fingers this week! If I open my mouth wide and close, it feels stiff. It's been about two and a half months since the surgery, but friends who saw it for the first time after the surgery said that I look better and younger than before but I still look awkward chewing. I think the line gets straightened out a little bit every week!


Post OP 3 Months

I've been doing fine pot op two months. Now there is the only inconvenience of orthodontic treatment. People around me also told me that I look so gentle and young! I've doing orthodontic treatment so my mouth looks smaller, thinner, and awkward. I can't wait done with orthodontic treatment. Now I can open my mouth well and functionally everything is good! .


Post OP 5 Months

My facial sensation is mostly come back as before the surgery. There's nothing uncomfortable about eating or chewing. I can eat hard food well. I think post-op orthodontic treatment is also a big deal. I can't believe I had such a big surgery right now. The biggest stress is face asymmetry and mouth was shifted but there's nothing like that anymore! But I've heard that my face looks chubby because I have some fat on my. Thank you doctor ^__^


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