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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • Visted so many hospital for jaw surgery
  • 2020-06-11 hit.16,660
  • Writer : Moon ***

Motivation of the surgery.

Actually, I received consultation at EU 1~2 years ago. After I succeed, lose weight, my face getting slimmer and longer.  Especially, when I take pictures my protruded mouth and facial asymmetric bothers me a lot! Therefore, I visited a few different hospitals to improve this through braces but there will be limitations to improve it with braces. Therefore, I decided to do double jaw surgery. I have been visited so many hospitals but I decided to do at EU. Since EU is oral & maxillofacial surgery hospital. Double jaw surgery is major surgery compared to other surgeries and double jaw and occlusion is related to oral & maxillofacial. 2nd reason is that I really like the outcome of the surgery at EU. From my perspective, I wish the entire surgery outcome should be natural. However, when I see a few different hospitals result of the double jaw surgery seems like a toothless person. I can see that EU tries to find patients' own style so it can be matched with their eyes, nose, and lips. Last reason is I think a surgeon from EU is being honest to the patient. Some hospitals that I visited, the surgeon told me that I can become so pretty after jaw surgery but EU told me that you should not expect dramatic surgery result since your facial asymmetric and no chin is not severed cases compare to other. After that doctor has been observing my face for a long time that I trust doctor even more than any other hospital ~! 


Post OP 1 Day

I was regretting it a lot when I go on the bed inside the operation room. But when I open my eyes everything was finished and I was on the bed inside of the recovery room. Before I do double jaw surgery, I read so many reviews of the surgery and I remember that the most suffering part feels really sleep right after surgery and hard to breathe! The doctor inserts tube inside of my nose so I can breathe better!


Post OP 2 Days

Even my parents cannot recognize my face cause of the swelling. In addition, I do not feel any pain after surgery but just uncomfortable maybe because of the painkiller. Tonight I do not use the syringe to drink something but just use the cup. I really appreciated how I can eat food with my mouth. I am afraid that my face will be exploding because of the swelling.


Post OP 3 Days

My face and neck is so swelling that size of the face and neck is the same. Before I get discharged from the hospital, the doctor checked for my condition and my wafer was keep came off that doctor used wire and rubber band to fix my wafer. I was available to speak in the morning but its so difficult to open my mouth. .I appreciate to doctor that when I say something he listens to everything very carefully and try to take care of me. When I arrive at home, I was so hungry that I bought food that I saw from the EUTUBE. I hope that I can chew soon so I can eat Pizza!


Post OP 4 Days

I feel like my face is so swollen compare to other people L


Post OP 7 Days

My throat so hurts more than hurts from the double jaw surgery. Because of this it makes me cough but when I cough people staring me because they might think that I get infected from the coronavirus. Finally, I put some makeup on my face. And bruises start to appear on my face that it seems like I get punched from someone L 


Post OP 8 Days

I visited the hospital and he told me that I should do gargle better since the molar side of my teeth is not clean L Currently, I can put 1 finger easily. But its hard to brush teeth since I have to put the brush inside of my mouth and molar teeth are so behind of my mouth. So I was trying to do brush my teeth for 30 mins. In addition, the result of the surgery is amazed since even I dont force my mouth but I still can close my mouth!


Post OP 12 Days

The length of my face looks short when I see the mirror. I really like it. I was worried that if this surgery is not effective in my case but I really satisfied with the result! I really thankful to doctor J


Post OP 18 Days

Bruises on my face are almost gone e
specially around my eyes and I still have to swell on my mouth area that it does look asymmetric.  I wear a mask anyway, so I do not really care about my swelling. These days, I only eat bread and porridge. However, I am so happy to eat porridge with pepper and different type of bread such as Castella and Madeleine. In addition, my face gets much smaller than I do not need to put many make-ups on.

Post OP 21 Days


Post OP 25 Days

I am busy those days because of my test. When I took a picture, my swollen has been disappeared a lot but my left and right side looks a bit different. In addition, when I smile I still feel my face muscles feel very awkward! I only go through double jaw surgery but my eyes and cheeks were also swollen too. Currently, I can eat more food since when I wear the wafer I was worry that all the food will stick on the wafer that I cannot eat food freely! Recently, I ate cakes, chocolate, and porridge often.


Post OP 29 Days

Those days my swollen reduce much faster than before. From my point of view, I think my face still looks awkward but people cannot recognize it. In general, I do not like to take selfie but those days I tend to take more selfies and check myself since my face shape looks really balance it! 


Post OP 39 Days

Finally, the doctor told me that I am available to chew the food little by little! I was so happy that I visited to eat Japanese ramen right away! Wow, the taste of ramen was amazing! I was about to cry. In addition, I remove screws on my gums. It was not that painful but I can taste the blood. When I look at myself from the mirror, I feel like my facial expression is bit awkward but people told me that I look much better than before. I hope to do mouth exercise more so I can be more natural than now!

Post OP 57 Days


Post OP 63 Days

Those days I got used to surgery that I live as before. The problem is the doctor told me that I am available to chew. Therefore, I ate a lot of food that I gain 3kg. When I compare the picture a week ago picture my face has been reducing swelling a lot. Currently, I can put 2 and a half fingers inside of my mouth. I was happy a few days ago before surgery I show this one celebrity face shape and tell him that I want to look like her. In addition, all of the sudden, my boyfriend told me that my bottom jaw looks like her face shape. Therefore, I really satisfied with the surgery result and I really want to eat meat as soon as possible!


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