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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • I just want to have prettier face!
  • 2020-06-09 hit.14,904
  • Writer : Yoon**

Motivation of the surgery.

I felt that my face shape changed when I was in middle school, but when I looked at the photos taken by someone I felt like my face became asymmetrical and longer, so I felt more and more stressed out. I thought about facial bone surgery for a long time and decided to have a pretty face shape!

Why EU?

I was interested in surgery and searched for many different hospitals and it was easy to find EU because it was a famous hospital for the good result of the facial bone surgery. I was so trusting to see the actual reviews and I spoke to see the consultant and the doctor, and I decided right away that I should do surgery at EU!  I didn't go to any other hospital. 


Surgery Day

My throat and nose were so dry and painful because I couldn't drink water for 6 hours after the surgery. The pain in the surgical area was bearable, but I think it was the hardest thing not to drink water. I started drinking water and it was a little better than before, but I still have a hard time, my nose and mouth kept bleeding. And my tailbone hurts so much that I want to lie down and sleep. And I had a hard time not falling asleep because I was told not to sleep.


Post OP 1 Day

I got suction and remove the tube from my nose in the morning! I was sick and feel refresh when I received it, but my nose was stuffy after receiving it, so I just breathed with my mouth all day long. It's so uncomfortable. I can only breathe with my mouth, so it's painful to wear facial pressure bandage. My face was more swollen than yesterday, so I took a walk inside the hospital. I hope the swelling goes down quickly,


Post OP 3 Days

Now my upper lip and nose are numb. I feel like it gets worse every evening. I got a swelling laser at lunch, but I still feel stuffy. I can't close my mouth because of the wafer and it's hard to breathe with my nose. My tailbone hurts so much and my neck hurts because of the high pillow. I want to go to sleep comfortably and quickly.


Post OP 4 Days

I cannot close my mouth due to the wafer and it hurt because my lips are very dry. At least my nose gets much better even if I laid down it will close again. I think my face was swollen getting better since deswelling laser treatment is very helpful!  Also, I felt a bit uncomfortable with my ears.


Post OP 5 Days

I fell asleep very comfortably since I can breathe with my nose now! Due to the swelling, I need to wake up during my sleep since I cannot breathe. Also, my cheek is much softer than before! Before surgery, my face was really asymmetric but after surgery, it looks much better. I want to do make as soon as possible!


Post OP 10 Days

I met relatives and they told me that my face looks much smaller than before! I hope that time flies faster than I can remove my stitches and eat more food!


Post OP 13 Days

Finally, tomorrow I will visit EU and remove my stitches! Even my friends think that result of the surgery is good! I am satisfied it! I want my face to be deswelling soon!


Post OP 14 Days

I remove my stitches! It wasn’t as painful as I expected! I did makeup and I felt a bit awkward because of my swelling! At least I really like my bottom jaw since it got much smaller! I felt really hungry that I want to cook Raman!  


Post OP 17 Days

I did not see boyfriend for a month already! After he saw my face, he told me that I look awkward since my face gets much smaller than before! I was really hungry that I soak in custard to milk and it was so delicious! I really want to eat meat, chicken… I hope that my image can be changed a lot!


Post OP 19 Days

I want to remove wafer soon since it’s uncomfortable and my friends are surprised that my face shape gets much shorter!


Post OP 22 Days

I hang out with my friends today and they told me that my side view jaw get much shorter! Also, they told me that I will look really pretty after deswelling!


Post OP 26 Days

The doctor told me that I am available to start to chew a little bit! Since the weather is getting hotter than I want to tie my hair up! Before surgery, I never tie up my hair because of my chin and jawline but I really like my side view! I hope that my face will be deswelling much faster than now!


Post OP 29 Days

I visited the hospital for post-op 1-month checkup, and when the doctor showed to me X-ray, it amazed that my bone is healing well and the doctor cut bone very smoothly! I also asked him all the questions that I had before and he responded back! Also, I should only eat very soft food!


Post OP 30 Days

I start to eat sushi, pasta since those are very soft food. But I don’t taste the same as before since I concern about my bite. Also, braces make me feel really uncomfortable. Furthermore, braces hurt inside of my mouth a lot.


Post OP 34 Days

My face to swell bit more since I eat salty food L


Post OP 40 Days

My classmate told me that my face looks cuter! And people told me that new haircuts look good on me! This is the first time to cut my hair and it looks really good! I hope to have a slimmer face!


Post OP 42 Days

People told me that I look prettier because I got a new hairstyle!


Post OP 44 Days

I met my friends today and he told me that my face looks a bit different and asked me did I get filler on my nose. It’s really amazing that facial bone surgery make my nose prettier too! Those days I like to take selfies! Before I must edit my photos but those days I don’t need to edit on my face after taking selfie!


Post OP 49 Days

My cheek is still puffy but people told me that I am getting prettier! I am happy that I look natural after surgery! Also, those days I can eat various food that made my life become even happier! I hope that my life can be much more comfortable soon!


Post OP 58 Days

I am so happy that I can walk around with my pretty face shape! I felt much confidence wherever I go. I can't remember anything that was going through a hard time a few months ago. Surgery experience was not easy but I think I can do it twice if I can get this good result!  It's a little uncomfortable because my bite is not as perfect as before, but I know that it will become much better after orthodontic treatment.


Post OP 66 Days

When I meet people, they told me that I look much prettier than made me feel really good! If someone is suffering from their facial shape, I really want to tell them to go for it and do not hesitate it! After surgery, I start to love myself even more!


Post OP 80 Days

It's been a long time since I saw my relatives since thanksgiving, but they said they couldn't recognize me because I look much prettier than before. They're asking if I did my dimples and my eyes and nose surgery. LOL. I amazed at how facial shape change makes my whole other part looks different. I eat everything except for hard food. I still have to be careful. I just chew what looks soft. I just want to get well soon!



Post OP 106 Days

I am so comfortable and happy after surgery! My self-esteem has gone up a lot because many people around me said I look pretty. I've been wearing a turtleneck shirt that I didn't wear before and I used to like my side profile better even tie up my hair. I'm still drinking the deswelling tea because my chin and cheeks are swollen. I am not sure when my swelling will reduce it. I'm still so happy these days and I like looking in the mirror.

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