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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • Face shape is more important than eyes, nose, mouth!
  • 2021-06-30 hit.16,267
  • Writer : Lee**

Why EU? & decide to do the surgery?

Long, crooked face, I avoided taking pictures and always did the same hairstyle. For my case, double jaw surgery was desperately needed, but I was worried about the side effects that I have been postponed to the surgery. . I heard that Double Jaw surgery should only be performed in university hospitals or Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. I found EU and read many of the surgery reviews that made to want to do the surgery here since I think EU can make me stratify esthetically. Also, I heard that Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery cannot perform the shadow doctor. EU is impressed because they don't rush me even if it's delayed because of me.


Post OP 1 Day

When I woke up, I was on the bed. I touched his face to see if the surgery went well. It was fortunate and amazing to have a sense of mouth ceiling and face. I didn't have any pain, but I couldn't breathe properly because I didn't have a humidifier.


Post OP 2 Days

I wonder if double jaw surgery recovers this fast. I was surprised because I was less bleed and all my body condition is pretty good comparing to other people. Except for the stuffy nose, it's best to get nose suction and deswelling laser treatment.


Post OP 3 Days

Before the surgery, I told the doctor that I feel that I have no Chin, and the outcome of the surgery is really good as I request it! I was really scared about double jaw surgery but I feel like its nothing!


Post OP 4 Days

The swelling was at its peak during post-op 3~7 days. I didn't get bruises as much as I had less bleeding, but I was surprised because my face was so swollen. I ate steamed eggs after enduring well with the new care that the hospital gave me. Fortunately, I could brush my teeth because my mouth was open wide. I decided to drink a bottle of water a day since I was afraid of inflammation.


Post OP 5 Days

Until now, the discharge had fallen behind my neck and woke me up every 20 minutes, but I had a relatively deep sleep today. I don't have to worry about breathing anymore, but I'm afraid my swollen face will keep going. But since my face swelling has been reduced today, thanks to pumpkin juice I think it will reduce soon. I ate pumpkin porridge in the morning and tuna porridge for dinner. I'm dying to eat ramen. I knew this would happen, so I ate three meals of ramen for a week before the surgery, but I'm still hungry.


Post OP 6 Days

I was worried about swelling and inflammation because eating a lot of different various foods! But I am relieved that it seems to be getting better quickly. While I am taking shower I used warm water to massage my neck so blood circulation can move faster than before!


Post OP 7 Days

Is it a problem that all my sensation is still alive! It was so painful while doing disinfect. As the surgeon pressed my cheek, black blood poured out of my gums. When I got home, I drink the heated milk with crispy donuts because I heard that heated milk will not upset my stomach.


Post OP 8 Days

My face kept wriggling last night. And my gums are tickling every evening.

What I ate: Pumpkin juice3/New Care3/Apocato/Spam soy sauce butter rice2/ Dip crispy doughnut in grapefruit juice


Post OP 9 Days

Oh, my God! I can cover my face with my hands. I slept on the sofa at the angle of the hospital bed, but it quickly reduced the swelling. Now I have to sleep in my bed. Some people ask me where I did the jaw surgery since they like my face shape and they told me that I look really natural.

What I ate: Pumpkin juice3/New Care2/Apocato/Spam Egg rice/Egg soup/ ramen


Post OP 10 Days

It is kind of hard to brush my teeth that I want to avoid eating food! But I tried to eat much of the food possible since I felt like I am lack of nutrients.


Post OP 11 Days

My face is getting slimmer and slimmer! I missed the chubby-faced L I want to remove my bang and do makeup and walking around! One of my acquaintances asked me where did I do the surgery and I heard that she start to do the braces before jaw surgery! I want to see that you become pretty after surgery!


Post OP 14 Days

The swelling came down and formed on the tip of my chin, and it looks like I put a prosthesis in my chin and it's not bad. My left jaw still needs to reduce swelling. I want to have short hair because my face shape got prettier, but my nose is so fat that I want to have a nose job. As the face size has decreased a lot, the nose looks relatively too big. I had bad rhinitis, so I should have surgery anyway. It'll be possible in June, right?


Post OP 19 Days

Before the surgery, I was glad to wear a mask so I can cover my face but after jaw surgery, I do not want to cover my face anymore! Also, I really want to drink beer but I need to wait for 2 months!


Post OP 21 Days

My face is swollen because I ate rice soup. When I try to smile, its hard to use muscles around my mouth area. I should be careful to eat food. In the first week of surgery, I felt like the left molar was in the right position, so I thought the occlusion was wrong, but I didn't bite the wafer properly.



Post OP 26 Days

I can feel that my cheek gets skinner! I want to have swelling on my cheek area! These days, I tried to close my mouth while I wear a wafer and a rubber band that unconsciously, my jaw muscles are strained and wrinkled.


Post OP 28 Days

It's annoying to detach the rubber band in my mouth, so I can't open my mouth well because it's fixed it as much as possible. Only two fingers still go inside of my mouth. I think my jawline is a bit sagging as I lost weight on my face, so I should wear a facial pressure bandage often!


Post OP 34 Days

My occlusion is not in the right position that I decided to get braces only for the bottom jaw. The process wasn't painful but when I get home I start to feel pain bit. I hope that I can have straight teeth! Also, the doctor showed to me before and after x-ray which made me very shocked! Half of my face is gone and jawline was so straight like someone cut my bone with scissors. 


Post OP 36 Days

The doctor told me that I am available to eat noodles or rice now. I should try some soft foods first! I want to eat pork belly too!

Post OP 50 Days

The philtrum swelling gets better and the mouth shape became natural. My appetite explodes and I'm gaining weight now that's when I'm free to eat. I'm hooked on sweet potato pizza. I feel that face shape is more important than eyes, nose, and mouth. My friends ask me how painful jaw surgery was and I told them it not painful at all and they dont trust me! But they told me that the surgery result is really good!


Post OP 55 Days

Some men ask me for my number. It's embarrassing, but I'm so happy that the surgery went that well. But my pronunciation is still weird, so I've been quiet. The hairdresser didn't recognize me at the salon and she thought that I was someone else.


Post OP 70 Days

When I wake up in the morning, I get swollen like I've been in surgery for two weeks. Especially below the jawline. L Is it because I eat ramen often? Still, I get slimmer during lunch time. I want to have swollen like post op 1 month.. My laugh line looks awkward that I thought it’s because of double jaw surgery but I realize that because of the filer that I got 2 years ago around laugh line.. My face is so crooked that my face is different from left and right sides. I think it's because my left face is fatter and my nose is crooked.


Post OP 80 Days

The snaggletooth, which had been covering its front teeth, has already come down to its original position and settled down. It's so nice that teeth are not bothering me when I smile because my teeth are straightened.


Post OP 90 Days

It usually takes a year or two to done with braces, but I've already got my teeth in aligned. I heard that undergo double jaw surgery than do the braces will much shorten the time of the treatment. I guess that's true. My inner molar is also braced, but it hurts so much because my cheek keeps getting pricked. I'm feeling better now that I've added wax on the gum area that the hospital gave to me.

Post OP 186 Days 

I only need to fix my impacted molars. At a regular dental clinic, they said I needed to do braces for at least 2 years. However, 4 months after surgery at EU, my teeth have been all sorted. It’s really shocking but I feel thrilled. I can eat meat and chicken feet without any problem. It’s been so long since I met my friend, and they couldn’t recognize me even when I was in front of them and they ended up calling me. At a gathering, I took off my mask and all of my friends screamed. They said I seemed like a different person LOL. They all said I got prettier and were happy for me.

Post OP 7 Months

Post OP 8 Months

Post OP 9 Months

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