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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • Invisalign correction after double jaw surgery
  • 2021-07-29 hit.17,540
  • Writer : Kim

Before Surgery

Double Jaw / Facial Bone Surgery

I was under stress due to long face and asymmetric with under bite. Therefore, I never posted profile pictures because of my jaw. I thought that I wanted to take pictures freely, so I decided to do double jaw surgery. It was not easy to choose a hospital because it was a big operation. I have been to many other hospitals for consultation, but safety even though I paid deposit twice and I lost money because of that I finally choose the EU. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is safe, but the aesthetic effect is lower than that of plastic surgery, but the EU was also reliable in safety. Furthermore, when I consult with Dr. Shin he consult me very detail and inform me how and where I should improve it. I realized that I do not have to worry it anymore.


Post OP 1 day

It was much easier to breathe than I thought! I could breathe easier because I had a nasal wear retainer in my nose. On the first day, dizziness and vomiting made my life so difficult! I woke up every hour and had a bad nausea. I spent the first day hoping that time would pass quickly. I did not even have a guardian, but the nurse on duty kept coming and taking care of to me. I am so sorry and thank you! Thanks to her that I was able to live comfortably without a guardian. Haha


Post OP 2 days

Foley Catheter and Nasal Wears have been removing from my body, so it becomes hard to breath. My nose was stuffy on both sides and nose was bleeding, so I had to breathe with my mouth. I could not sleep. It was so frustrating. When the doctor disinfected, I got some suction too. After that, I got deswelling laser treatment but my nose was still stuffy. My face got swollen more and more, so it was harder than yesterday. I heard that face would be get bloated on the third day, so I think I should take care of your swelling from now on!


Post OP 3,4 days

I feel a little very swelling or nosebleed, so I am having a hard time, but I am enduring it with the hope that time will pass quickly.


Post OP 7 days

Breathing is no longer a big problem. "When I was sleeping, I couldn't fall a deep sleep because I slept in a slightly slanted way. I sometimes had a stuffy nose, and it was still hard to lie down right away." After the surgery, I met the doctor and asked him all the questions that I was curious about it. He was so kind that I felt much relieved and thankful. However, when I smile, philtrum and gums are so tight that it's hard to hold back my laughter and then I feel really starving. I eat it well, but these days, I have been grinding mangoes and grilling porridge one more time. I asked because I really wanted to eat yogurt soup and soft tofu stew, and they said I could not eat salty, greasy, spicy things until I stich out. I will have to endure it for another week.


Post OP 10 days

I am glad that swelling is going down faster than I thought. Therefore, I drank the swelling tea, pumpkin juice, and took a walk, and I think all these are effective. I tried to lie down and fall asleep but I get a stuffy nose in the middle, so I sleep slanted position again. Today, I cut the cold noodles into small pieces and ate it with the soup, and it was okay. I am brushing my teeth little by little because I can put my half finger inside of my mouth. I cannot wait to take out the wafer and brush my teeth. ᅲᅲ


Post OP 12 days

I visited to get deswelling laser treatment. I think there is big difference between the day that getting laser and not. I feel relief that at least when I compare with post op 5 days it get much better! In addition, I am good at eating all the food! Therefore, I just hope that bruise and swelling can be gone soon!

Today’s Meal

- Lunch: Tomato juice + sweet pumpkin porridge + cake

- Dinner: Steamed eggs, chicken soup, ground mango, ice cream


Post OP 14 days

I met a doctor today and remove stich out. It did not hurt that much when doctor remove the stitches. I took two pills of painkillers in the morning because I thought it would hurt. He told me not to eat spicy food because I am still on the process of the recover it. I still have a lot of swelling left. I was happy to hear that I would be so pretty if I get less swollen. I'm checking with the doctor two weeks later, and I'll have to take good care of it in the whole time. After stich out my life getting more comfortable, since I am free to laugh and move my mouth. I can even brush my teeth. They said I should not do intense exercises yet, so I'll have to walk often.


Post OP 15 days

I feel much comfortable after stich out. Doctor told me that I should do mouth exercise so I can put 2 fingers now. Not same as before the surgery, but I still I can open wider if I practice it. I can feel that my upper lip sensation is coming back slowly and I feel kind of tingling too!


Post OP 18 days

I ate ramen without cutting noodles and swallowed it. It was delicious. As I suppose to mash it with my tongue to eat this and that, my right jaw muscles started to hurt, so I got a massage all day today. Now there's nothing that bothers me much other than swelling!.


Post OP 20 days

It was amazing to see a lot of improvement in asymmetry when I took pictures from the bottom. Because it is still swollen, it looks asymmetrical from the front, but when you touch the jawbone, it seems to be symmetrical. I cannot wait to be reducing of the swelling.


Post OP 21 days

I am used to eating and wearing wafers, there is no big inconvenience in my daily life. Now, when I open mouth, I can put up to three fingers. My right jaw is still hurting, so I am using a hot pack and resting a little bit.


Post OP 24 days

My mouth seems to be opening up a lot, so I have not done any mouth exercises for a while, so I only can put two fingers again. I resumed that I have to do my mouth exercises again. My face is still swelling but I think I have double chin and my skin start to sag. So, I start to wear facial pressure bandage. I'm sad that the swelling doesn't seem to go away, especially the philtrum, nose, and laugh lines areas.


Post OP 26 days

I still have swelling that it seems like I have no chin and my face looks so circle! When I read the reviews people

said that usually until post op 3 months face will be deswelling. I will be more patience and do exercise more! I

hope to see my X-ray and get permission to chew food little bit! 


Post OP 28 days


Post OP 33 days


Post OP 45 days

It seems like time is going fast after changing to Invisalign correction, but before surgery, I was a malocclusion, so the front teeth were not in the middle line. Now it is amazing and happy to see that all my teeth are in a middle line!


Post OP 70 days

If I press down hard on my face, it is still hard and painful. Especially, it still hurts when I press my nose and philtrum. The stitches between the gums have not fully recovered yet, so I cannot eat hot food well, but I think I am slowly getting better and less swollen.


Post OP 77 days

Compared to before the surgery, my jaw got shorter and I am satisfied the result already. At first, I thought I should not have done it because of the swollen, but now I look at my past pictures again, my chin is sticking out, asymmetric, and it looks tacky. My face looks much younger now and I am spending every day happily thinking that I am glad I did it as well.​


Post OP 4 Months

I was worried that my chin might have gotten too short because my face was swollen until post-op 3 months. The swelling has been reducing even more post-op 4 months. Now I can see the jawline gradually. I really think it was right to choose Dr. Shin. The jawline connected smoothly to the line I want and I like it so much because it is natural. Now my face has changed a lot. Many people told me that it has become more sophisticated. I still cannot believe that my face looks pretty even if I do not edit on my photo. In addition, my face looks short when I take pictures from afar. I am glad I did facial bone surgery before it was too late. The surgery is done with great care, but the hard times went by faster than I thought. There is nothing uncomfortable and I am doing the braces through the Invisalign braces : ) Comfortable with my life! ^__^


Post OP 5 Months

There is not that big difference better post-op 4 months and 5 months. Swelling depends on my condition so sometimes it swells a lot and some time is not. In addition, I still have swelling on my nose and cheek area but it will reduce it until post-op 1 year. My molar is still no in an align but I can chew all the food and my orthodontic treatment is halfway done already.

6 Months Post OP

I thought I still had some swelling left but it seems like it’s just my skin and fat. My results are so natural that everyone around me asked if I lost weight. I’m still in the middle of braces but I have no discomfort.


7 Months Post OP

I can eat well and I was told that I can get my pins removed if I wanted to. However, I’m still not done with my braces so I have to think about it. I’ll probably feel refreshed if I get my pins removed. It’s been so long since I met my friends and they told me that it seems like I lost weight. They got surprised when I told them that I got double jaw surgery and kept saying I looked younger. My face didn’t change too drastically but I’m happy that my chin that was protruded was pushed back. It was tough but I’m glad that I did it.


8 Months Post OP

My cheeks still seem swollen but since my chin was pushed back, I don’t cover it anymore when I take picture.


9 Months Post OP

I can eat solid foods, squid, nurungji, everything now. I want to get my pins removed quickly and write a review on my pin removal as well.


10 Months Post OP

Instead of calling it swelling, it seemsthe reason my cheeks look big is due to my skin/fat returning to normal after my muscles healed. There’s nothing I can do about this. Still, I get told that my face looks smaller nowadays which makes me satisfied.


11 Months Post OP

It’s almost a year but I still have to wait for my 1-year progress check up with the doctor. Everything is comfortable now and I almost forget that I had surgery and I didn’t need to visit the clinic. It was very difficult for me at the beginning but as time went by, I don’t have any difficulties.


1 Year Post OP

I have no discomforts at all and my jawline is more visible. I want to thank Dr. Shin for the pretty results.


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