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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • Bye Bye Lantern Jaw!
  • 2020-05-12 hit.16,156
  • Writer : Kim**

Motivation & Reason to choose EU.

I went to a dental clinic at a university hospital to get an implant, but it is occlusion was not in the right position. Dentist offer me to undergo the double jaw surgery.  When I was young, I got stressed out by the latern jaws that I decided to have surgery. I was able to do it at a university hospital, but I looked around because I was worried about the major side effects of the surgery, which is not a small surgery. I got to know the EU without a hospital I haven't been to. There was no force me to do the surgery from the head of the counseling when I was consulted. Thanks to your kindness, your active treatment plan, and your active explanation of the condition, I decided to do surgery at EU!


Post OP 1 Day

I cannot sleep well that I was tired, so I had to keep my eyes open when the anesthesia was relieved after the surgery, but fell asleep like I fainted after 2 hours from the surgery. So the side effects vomited all night long... I was worried that my nose would be stuffy and I couldn't breathe when I was sleeping at night, but... I was easy to breathe because my nose wasn't clogged. I don't know if it hurts, but my face was just tingling and I had upset a stomach.


Post OP 2 Days

My face is much swelling than yesterday. It’s bearable since nurse has been taking care of me! But I heard that post OP 3 days my face will me much swelling. I think everything will be bearable except vomit it.


Post OP 3 Days

I did disinfection since I will be discharge soon! And I wear wafer and put rubber bands around it. It was my first time to make fit for the bottom and upper jaw that bit uncomfortable. Also, I order pumpkin juice so I can eat rather than newcare. I feel pretty good today!


Post OP 4 Days

The swelling was at its maximum. It was so hard to breathe. I'm afraid of sleeping on the 4th to 5th day because I almost suffocated to death. But definitely, the jaw length has decreased around me and the smaller face is comforting me. My face was so tingling that I asked the hospital and they said it was a symptom of the bone grafting process, so I was very proud!!


Post OP 6 Days

It's still uncomfortable to breathe, but I'm glad my nasal congestion is getting longer than before. After the surgery, I only eat liquid food and thin rice gruel, so I feel repulsed, and portion of the food was very small that made my very hungry. I'm feeling nauseous because I took antibiotics without any food. But I need to increase the amount of new care. I think eating well and taking a light walk definitely makes me feel better quickly! I've been to ENT for a while, and I've gotten a lot better.



Post OP 7 Days

I was so happy that people made compliment for my less swollen face. When I looking at the photos taken every day, I definitely lost a lot of weight! The best part was the detachable wafer.



Post OP 10 Days

I really think if I walk it will help my face to be deswelling much faster J The sad thing is that if you take a picture with a regular camera, you look much more swollen than your actual looks. Maybe because I haven't eaten properly for 10 days, I almost fall off because my legs were weak while walking. Losing weight is good, but... I would rather gain weight if I were on such a severe like this... It's a day I want to chew everything... I understand why the consultant told me to eat everything I could before the surgery. After


Post OP 20 Days

The screws on my gum gets hurts cause I feel like this screw try to go inside of the skin. It was so painful and after doctor removes screw for me… I felt pain again! Also rubber band has been changed too! Thanks to doctor since he has been explain to me very well detail J


Post OP 25 Days

Maybe it's because I worked out my mouth, before I am only able to ut 1 finger inside of my mouth but now I am able to put 2 and half fingers I'm not sure if I'm doing well with mouth exercises, but I think I'm using my facial muscles more freely. My muscles weren't natural when I laughed before, but now I think I'm smiling more naturally. Currently, I am concern than when I wear wafer my occlusion is in the right position but when I remove it it’s not in a line. I hope that it will get better!


Post OP 28 Days

I visited EU today so I can do the monthly check up. X-ray, CT, oral scans, and the doctor came in and he looked at the joint and the lower jaw. He said that I would have to wear wafer for a while even with braces. I can't wait to get normal occlusion! After that, I went into the consultation room and the doctor showed me the pre-op and post-op photos and explained them in detail. I get permission eat some food!


Post OP 55 Days

I started braces today, and people describe getting braces is really painful since its heavy and tight. But fortunately I do not have any problem with braces! My face is less swollen I am doing mouth exercise every day, so now I can put three fingers inside of my mouth. The inconvenience of eating food with your mouth wide open has decreased a lot. But I still don't have a sensation of the upper ceiling, so it's awkward. As the days go by, the swelling goes down and becomes thinner and smaller, so I enjoy looking at the mirror every day.~


Post OP 76 Days

The philtrum and cheeks are still swollen. Maybe it's because surgeon pushed in lantern jaw, or because I still have swelling left? But I don't worry about double chin since I am really satisfied with surgery result. I'm worried because the middle line is still a little off, but I've been looking into the mirror and trying to and I'm getting back sensation of the roof of my mouth. I'm happy that people around me complimented my face for being too small!


Post OP 150 Days

Everything is comfortable, but I was worried that the middle line of the upper and lower teeth would not fit anymore after the braces.  I asked orthodontist and he said that I don’t have to worry about it because while he is doing orthodontic treatment he opens teeth when he needs to do the braces. I am always glad to visit EU since all the staffs kindly explain all the questions. I can feel all the senses right now, but if I sweep my cheeks with my hands, I'll get electricity feeling. I can't wait for this sensation to go away.


Post OP 176 Days

All the sensation came back. There is still a tingling sensation in my cheeks area. Everything is so comfortable in my life. Even the memory of the surgery feels like it's been a long time. I'm appreciating with the outcome of the surgery without any side effects.​

Post OP 7 Months

I don't feel like I did surgery! When time goes by, the swelling in my face is still getting smaller. I'm so, so, so satisfied!!


Post OP 10 Months

I feel comfortable right now. I think my face gets smaller as the swelling goes down (!!) When I take a picture with others, my face looks smaller than other, so I'm so happy.​

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