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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • FFS for a Soft Face Shape
  • 2021-09-17 hit.17,825
  • Writer : Lee**


Before Surgery

I've been under a lot of insecure feelings about my appearance since middle school due to malocclusion, lantern jaw, and facial asymmetry. I've been under a lot of stress since I became an adult, and I've been looking for hospitals because I've been suffering from stiffness and pain in my jaw area. I heard that it's more professional and safe to operate in oral surgery than plastic surgery, and I saw the video of the EU doctors who have been operating here in the EU and decided to do surgery at EU.



Post OP Day

It's so hard to breathe, and it's so painful to sit down and sleep. People say that the discomfort of breathing is greater than the pain, but I couldn't sleep because of the pain. Even if it was a little bit painful and a little bit uncomfortable, I pressed the emergency bell and called the nurse, and I was so thankful that she was kind and I hope times to flies faster so I can breathe much better as before.


Post OP 2 Days

I feel much better than the day of the surgery. I felt so comfortable since the morning when the doctor suctioned the phlegm in my nose and mouth. But after a few minutes, I' get phlegm again that it was hard to breathe. The pain is definitely less than it was on the day of surgery. The nurses are telling me to drink a nutrient drink called New Care instead of water, but my throat is so swollen that I can't drink it anymore. Still, I swallowed water little by little. I want to breathe well because my throat and nose get better soon.



Post OP 3 Days

In the morning, I was treated for deswelling laser, received suction from the doctor, and discharged from the hospital. It's hard to close my mouth because it's still swollen. I drooled and my nose and throat are swollen, so it's a little harder to breathe than yesterday, but it's definitely better than yesterday. The nurses kindly advised me to take precautions and leave the hospital. They told me to take antibiotics and medicine, but it was a pill. At first, I thought, "My throat is so swollen that it's hard to swallow even water." But when I take the medicine, I was surprised that it was swallowed well. I hope my throat and nose get better soon.


Post OP 5 Days

My face is still swollen. My nose and neck have lost a lot of swelling, so it's easy to breathe, but it's just hard to sleep because I'm lying at a 45-degree angle! I don't know exactly how it is because I still have so much swelling, but I can feel that my jaw length has gotten shorter. I don't know if it's because of the swelling, but I have a double chin...I take 1 hour for a walk every day to get rid of the swelling and eat 3 pumpkin juices. Now it's not pain but a fight against swelling!! Oh, and so far, I can only drink. It's possible to drink without a syringe, but it's still more convenient to use a syringe!

Post OP 6 Days

The day before, I slept deeply after taking a shower. I was so happy that finally, I slept well after surgery!. I had a yellow bruise around my mouth and neck. I heard that the bruise is gradually removed as it goes down, but it seems less swollen than yesterday, and it is still very swollen. Still, I feel good walking around and I have energy so I can stand it. The wafer is now comfortable to close my mouth!


Post OP 7 Days

I think the swelling is a little less than yesterday. But I still have bruises and no pain, but sometimes I feel like my teeth are itchy especially when I wear a facial bandage. Since I only eat liquid food that I feel like my body condition gets much weaker, but I still take an hour's walk to get rid of swelling. From now on, I'm so bored because it's a fight against swelling, I'm used to sleeping at 45 degrees. And I can't wait to eat something delicious... I usually don't like ramen, but now I am craving to eat ramen so badly!


Post OP 8 Days

I Visited EU to get mouth disinfection and laser treatment, and the doctor told me that I am available to brush my teeth with a baby toothbrush. It was so refreshing to brush my tongue and teeth...I'm so grateful for such a small thing. Thank you so much for extending the time a little longer of laser treatment since Seoul and my hometown is so far! I also heard that I need to stitch out Post-op 14 days, but I'm so scared. When I read the reviews, everyone said it's painful to remove the stitches...


Post OP 9 Days

I am happy that I can sleep well these days. Consistently I am taking the medicine that is left, drink pumpkin juice and a walk for 1 hour; I think my swelling is getting less. In general my face no chubby that with the swelling face is kind of cute too! I really hope time flies so fast that I can eat regular food!


Post OP 10 Days

Finally, I took all the medicine that I get perspired. I also take a walk and cannot wait for how my face will be changed post-op 14 days! I dont feel pain on any area and everything is comfortable!  


Post OP 11 Days

I can speak well while wearing wafers now maybe because I'm used to it. In the past, it used to be mumbling, but now it's easier to understand because its pronunciation is better.


Post OP 12 Days

I don't have any pain anymore. It's the most painful thing to eat liquid food, but... If you remove the stitches on my gums area finally I am available to eat porridge, so just wait a little longer!! My face is still swelling. .


Post OP 13 Days

I am so boring to stay at home. I can't wait to get rid of over 80 percent of the swelling on my face. I want to eat some porridge and soft food, not just liquid food. It's true that it's not because I'm sick but because I'm uncomfortable, but I feel better when I take a walk rather than staying at home.


Post OP 14 Days

I felt like I ate all the soy milk in two weeks for a year. I so exist to imagine that I will eat all the soft food such as porridge and risotto after remove my stitches. It's good to see that the swelling gradually goes down as time goes by. I can't wait to get braces and eat something delicious food!


Post OP 16 Days

I haven't eaten for 2 weeks, so I got constipation for the first time in my life. So I'm embarrassed because I suddenly have a lot of pimples around my lips, I'm going to take some lactobacillus, but now I can eat something soft, so I think I'll have to eat porridge, soy milk, bread or whatever. Also, I will not forget to take a walk too J


Post OP 17 Days

For the first time after the surgery, I had a very full meal... even though I had a bowl of porridge, I do not feel full at all. So I broke down the ramen and boiled it like a pancake... I ate it so deliciously that I didn't envy the meat! So I went for a walk in a good mood. lol lol it was a day where I learned the happiness of eating!


Post OP 19 Days

The swelling on the left side is so bad compared to the right side, so I'm going to have to wear facial pressure bandage again!. And I made dumpling soup and it's easy to use my tongue and celling of my mouth to break it down, so I ate very well!


Post OP 22 Days

I went to the hospital and fortunately, my bite is very stable!! Next week is already post-op 1 Month. Wow, that's amazing. I thought time would never go by. I think I will take a X-ray and start to get braces in the 5th.

Post OP 26 Days

I have been getting too many pimples these days, and I looked up on the internet and found that I get a lot of pimples if I eat too much dairy products.I don't think I'll ever eat castella with milk again because of my pimples.It was my only happiness. I strongly believe that I will be available to chew so I will wait until that time!


Post OP 28 Days

I am dreaming to meet my friends and drink alcohol soon! I think I've almost deswelling except for swollen philtrum and cheeks, so I can hang out with my friends soon!  But I'm still embarrassed to go outside with my current face. .


Post OP 31 DaysI met my friends and talked about my daily life, and showed them my face after double jaw surgery, and everyone said that I look better after surgery. So I was so proud and happy!! I can't wait to get less swollen and eat delicious food with my friends!

Post OP 42 Days

I’m not sure if it’s because of the braces or if it’s because of the double jaw surgery, but I cannot chew properly. I was told that I can start chewing soft foods now. I tried to eat rice mixed with congee but I never knew how difficult it was to chew rice. Not only is chewing difficult….I was also in some pain so I had porridge.


Post OP 44 Days

I met my friends after a long time. They told me that I looked different and that my swelling decreased so I felt happy. I hope the swelling decreses quickly!

Post OP 50 Days

I took an ID photo. In the past, I had to edit Photoshop every time due to facial asymmetry and chin length, but for this time I do not need to edit the photo because I really like my face after surgery!. So I just edit my skin? I really like the jaw line


Post OP 52 Days

I did not meet my friends for so long since I was recovering from the surgery! My friends who I saw for the first time after double jaw surgery are all surprised. I am proud of my face result and I love to hear when people make compliment.


Post OP 60 Days

I can eat as much as I can eat even if the molars do not match with each other. Its two months after surgery, so it seems like I'm forgetting everything that and I live like I never done the surgery before!

Post OP 68 Days

Minor swelling is almost gone too! Result of surgery is good that I don’t know what do write it


Post OP 75 Days

I am able to eat food very and everything is perfect!


Post OP 85 Days

I hang out with my friends often and enjoy my life after surgery.


Post OP 4 months

It's hard to chew on the left side only because the right molar doesn't fit, but it's still worth it!

Post OP 5 Months

Post OP 6 Months

Post OP 7 Months

I think it's getting natural. I'm doing really well without any inconvenience~!!!

Post OP 9 Months

I'm doing well without any inconvenience.

Post OP 11 Months

I don't have any discomfort after surgery!


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이름 : 비밀번호 :