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Facial Bone Contouring Surgery > FAQ+
  • Q
  • How often do I have to visit the hospital after facial bone contouring..
  • A
  • After leaving the hospital, you can visit the hospital after one week, and then after two weeks, and finally after a month in order to check up on your progress.


    At EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, we offer laser treatment to help recovery quickly after facial bone contouring surgery.

    Laser treatment is available for 2 weeks, which you can use by making an advanced reservation.
  • Q
  • I consumed all the prescribed pills. Do I still have to consume pills ..
  • A
  • After the surgery, the prescription will be provided for one week worth of pills. You can consume these pills according to the instructions, and if you have no issues afterward, you do not need to consume additional pills from


  • Q
  • How long do I have to put on the compression bandage?
  • A
  • The compression bandage you put on after the surgery pressured the face, thereby preventing edema and sagging skin. It is advisable to having the band on for 2 weeks, and you can take either 5 minutes of break after

    putting it on for 25 minutes, or 10 minutes of break after having it on for 50 minutes.


    While you are hospitalized, you have to put it on even when you are sleeping. After leaving the hospital, you do not need to have it on, or you can loosen it up a little during your sleep
  • Q
  • When does the swelling go away after facial bone contouring surgery?
  • A
  • Swelling is the most serious in the first 2 to 3 days post-surgery.

    Normally, swelling diminishes slowly starting one-week post-surgery, but it depends on the person.

    Sizable swelling can take approximately a month to disappear, and swelling will mostly disappear after approximately three months.
  • Q
  • Can I sleep right after facial bone contouring surgery?
  • A
  • Some time is needed for anesthetic gas to come out of the body after the surgery.

    In addition, your status will need to be monitored continuously. As such, sleeping right after the surgery is difficult. You can sleep approximately 4 hours post-surgery.

    For one week after the surgery, in order to prevent edema and maintain breathing, it is advisable to have your head higher than your heart while sleeping.

  • Q
  • When can I start eating after facial bone contouring surgery?
  • A
  • You can only start drinking water after 6 to 8 hours post-surgery. On the day of the surgery, you are not allowed to eat or drink anything other than water.

    Starting the following day, you can start drinking soups with no solid ingredients.

    While you are hospitalized, we provide a drink called “New Care” three times a day.


    For 2 weeks after the surgery, it is advisable that you have New Care, along with liquid food such as soup, ion drinks and soybean milk in a balance manner, so that you are not nutritionally deficient.

    While you can drink fruit juice, you should be cautious as you may have a burning feeling in your stomach. You should also be cautious with drinking milk as it can cause diarrhea.

    After 2 weeks from the surgery, you can start consuming any food in a normal manner.


    However, if you have received cheekbone reduction surgery, you should only consume food that does not require you to chew.

    After a month, you can start consuming and chewing primarily tender and soft food.


  • Q
  • Do you have to be hospitalized after facial bone contouring surgery?
  • A
  • Depending on the scope of the facial bone contouring surgery, you may be able to leave on the same day, or may need one day of hospitalization. If one of cheeckbone, square jaw, or chin surgery was performed, then you

    can leave the hospital on the same day.

    However, if you received surgery to treat two or more areas such as V line and cheeckbone + V line, then you will need to be hospitalized for one day.