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    • Grateful to Dr. Shin!
    • Writer : Lee** | Views : 23052 | Date : 2017-06-13

    • Before Surgery


      Reason for Surgery


      Ever since I was young, I had a poor bite and I was concerned about my long face and asymmetrical face. I did not think too much about getting braces when I was younger. But as I got older, I regretted it and meeting new people was difficult. I got told that I looked old and intimidating. People would constantly ask me if I was mad when my face was expressionless. I kept thinking about what might be the problem which caused me to feel stressed. Then I realized that it might be due to my face shape.  

      I wished that my face shape looked softer and prettier. I heard a lot about double jaw surgery from my friend. Then, I got recommended to Dr. Shin.

      My concerns and negative thought about double jaw surgery changed after having a consultation with Dr. Shin. I put my trust in what the doctor said. I finally decided to do double jaw surgery. My surgery is tomorrow and when reading other people’s reviews, I saw that double jaw surgery is a very tough surgery to go through. I’m not worried about that at all since I just want a pretty face. I want to see my face quickly after surgery and I’m excited for tomorrow.


      Day of Surgery



      When I opened my eyes, the surgery was already over. I was in the recovery room and I wasn’t fully conscious and kept sleeping. I was frustrated since I was in a lot of pain and couldn’t breathe well. There was a feeling of regret and wanted to go back in time before I did surgery. Time wouldn’t pass quickly so I kept sleeping. When I woke it, only an hour would have passed and the first day was very difficult.


      2 Days Post-OP

      Breathing is still difficult and I feel slightly better compared to the first day. Dr. Shin disinfected my mouth in the morning. I feel a bit more refreshed! In order for the swelling to decrease, I have to keep moving around but I still don’t feel very good. I’m just lying down.


      3 Days Post-OP

      I got discharged and came home. My nose is blocked which is giving me a hard time. It feels stuffier and I’m having a more difficult time compared to when I was hospitalized. While I was hospitalized, I felt at ease. I want to go back to doing my daily activities. My glutes hurt a lot since I cannot lie down regularly, I have to sleep upright.

      4 Days Post-OP


      I thought I would feel a bit better but I got a really bad headache. What’s worse, my nose is clogged so I can’t breathe. T__T I asked the clinic if I could stop using my compression band since my nose feels more clogged with it. It was Sunday but they still replied back to me politely. I told them that I was having a difficult time. They told me that after surgery, the first 4 days are the most difficult. They told me to stay strong for two more days. Also, I was getting tired of drinking soy milk so I asked the nurse if I could drink iced coffee and she smiled sweetly and said I could. I’m very thankful since I was able to get a help on the weekend and they were so kind to me.


      5 Days Post-OP


      Today, I went to the clinic to receive de-swelling laser treatment. While I was there, I got my mouth disinfected and my nose suctioned. The doctor did the disinfection and since I was having a hard time breathing, he told me not to worry. Since the nose is swollen around this time, breathing may be uncomfortable and he told me that it can be stuffy at first. He also asked me how much “New Care” drink I am consuming. Dr. Shin came to my mother first to tell her that my surgery went well and that I will get better with time. My mom and I felt Dr. Shin’s kindness once again. Whenever I meet Dr. Shin at the clinic, I feel much more at ease. I’m going to get laser treatment at the clinic tomorrow. I want to see how my face looks like when the swelling is gone.

      6 Days Post-OP

      I ended up cancelling my laser appointment since I had a headache. Since I’m going through a difficult time, it makes me frustrated and time seems to go slowly. Double Jaw surgery does not seem to hurt as much as I thought it would but after surgery, you have to deal with a lot of difficulties. The swelling in my face does not seems to be decreasing so I will try to go on a walk. I hope two weeks pass by quickly so that I can get my stitches and rubber bands removed.




      7 Days Post-OP

      I have an appointment at 11a.m today. In order to get the laser treatment, I woke up early, drank soy milk, and disinfected my mouth. I had a headache yesterday but today, I feel fine! My face still feels stiff when I wake up. It feels a bit odd but I can see that the swelling is getting better. The clinic is not close to where I live but in order for my swelling to decrease, I will try to get laser treatment as much as I can! I want to eat delicious foods quickly and be able to take a shower.



      8 Days Post-OP

      There isn’t much of a difference with my recovery. There still is a lot of swelling left so it looks like I have candy stuffed in my mouth. I’m not too worried since swelling will decrease as time goes by. I’m curious to see what I will look like after surgery. 



      9 Days Post-OP

      When I woke up, the swelling decreased. After using the compression band, I went on a walk since the weather was good. If the swelling continues to decrease quickly like right now, I’m excited to see how I will look in the future.


      10 Days Post-OP


      After removing the tape from my face, I was told that going on walks is the best way to let the swelling decrease and that it is the only way when doing daily activities. Whenever I read the reviews of people who did double jaw surgery on other websites, they seem to bruise around their face. I did not experience any bruising from the first day. As expected, choosing the right clinic is important. When my swelling decreases, I want to become prettier and that is what I’m looking forward to.  



      11 Days Post-OP

      I have swelling on my cheeks and the swelling above it seems to have decreased. My face still looks a bit awkward so I have to wear a mask. It seems to get better day by day.  


      12 Days Post-OP

      The swelling seemed like it decreased yesterday, but today it increased and I felt really upset. I hate seeing the swelling under my chin. I went to the clinic to receive my laser treatment. I hope that the swelling will decrease quickly!


      13 Days Post-OP

      When I woke up from my nap, my face was swollen. I’m trying my best to take care of my swelling. My co-worker was curious about how I was recovering so I sent her a picture. She said that my face got a lot shorter and that I looked younger. She was amazed so I wonder how my other co-workers will react when they see me. Before I return back to the office, I will try my best to take care of the swelling.



      14 Days Post-OP

      It’s finally the day where I can get my stitches removed!! After the stitch removal, I can eat soft foods so I’m looking forward to today. There are a lot of people who say removing stitched sting so I was nervous. I had to ask people around me to ask about stitch removal. But maybe it’s because I still have some loss of sensation, but removing the stitches did not hurt at all. The problem was trying to use the rubber bands. They taught me how to put it on but I couldn’t get the hang of it and started feeling frustrated. But the staff told me that it was okay and that everyone finds it difficult at first! After some time, I was finally able to put it on but I felt tired LOL. Trying to put one rubber band on is difficult, so I wonder how putting 4 rubber bands in will be like.

      I’m going to buy the cake that I was craving when I go home. I’ll also buy some porridge LOL.  


      15 Days Post-OP

      16 Days Post-OP


      Going on walks was boring so I decided to move around my house and to organize things. I also went outside to buy some more porridge. My swelling seems to have decreased after I woke up. I’m craving spicy foods so I keep eating them, maybe that’s why my face is swelling.

      Since I got my stitches removed, I can brush my teeth regularly with a toothbrush now. Putting on the rubber bands is still difficult but I think I’m getting better at it.



      18 Days Post-OP

      I’m the type to get swollen easily but I get worried whenever I wake up because my face is always more swollen. It’s almost time for me to return to the office so I wonder when the swelling will be gone. I hope I can see my face shape without any swelling.


      19 Days Post-OP

      22 Days Post-OP

      The swelling that wasn’t decreasing since last week was decreasing during the past few days. When I took a selfie, I seemed to have looked less swollen and I think the bigger swelling has decreased. My jawline seems to be a bit more visible. I went back to the office after a long time and my co-workers were telling me that my face shape got much prettier.

      My face is still swollen so my results are still not visible so I wonder how much happier I will be once a few months pass. I’m grateful that I found out about EU and that I had surgery with them.


      I’m also really thankful to Dr. Shin. I keep imagining what my full results will look like. Since time seemed to pass by slowly when I was recovering, I looked up a lot of reviews. Those reviews were very helpful to me. I think this year was the best year for me.​

      54 Days Post-OP

      It's already more than a month since my operation! People around me say that I look prettier. 

      I can say that most of my swelling has decreased and I have fun taking selfies. 

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