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이전메뉴 다음메뉴
    • I enjoy my life to check the mirror of myself!
    • Writer : Bae** | Views : 10634419 | Date : 2019-04-15

    • Why do I choose EU?

      I had such a long chin & asymmetric face & when I open my mouth I had TMJ. Especially when I took pictures, I must have to cover my chin and do a lot of Photoshop on it. So, I was thinking that maybe I need to do the braces so I visited a dentist but the doctor told me that he cannot improve my case only through the braces. After that experience I urge to do the surgery but I was really scared to do the double jaw surgery. Also, when I try to ask advice from my friend, they told me that “you just want to be prettier!” so those words just give me more worries… But I do not give up on it & keep looking for the hospital and finally, I found EU! EU does not require having blood drain after surgery and it seems like their patient has less swollen face than another hospital patient. So I just decide to do the consultation, but… I decided to do the surgery at EU! Also, Dr. Kim listen to all my concern and response me back which made me trust this hospital!



      Post OP 1 Day
      After surgery, it was hard to breath and I worried a lot that if I feel so pain after the surgery, but I do not feel pain at all. Also, I was amazed by how Dr. Shin did surgery! I wish that I can recover soon!


      Post OP 2 Days
      I cannot sleep comfortably since I cannot breathe well and the nurse was kept check my condition. In the morning the doctor did dressing for me! I feel much better and I did laser treatment and at newcare! I feel way better than yesterday! ,



      Post OP 3 Days
      Finally, I slept well and I can discharge it from the hospital today! Before I leave I met Dr. Shin and he said the outcome of the surgery is good! He makes me feel much happier! I cannot wait to see my face without swelling


      Post OP 4 Days
      Mucus from my nose makes me feel uncomfortable to breathe. When I check myself from the mirror. My face seems about to pop up! I walk for a while & removed tape from my face! J

      Post OP 5 Days
      Even my face is very swelling my friends told me that my face looks smaller and face line get much prettier! I also lost 2 kg! I should do the surgery earlier!



      Post OP 6 Days
      I can sleep very well and the most uncomfortable thing it has to wear pressure bandage every day and braces hurts me a lot! Also, I have to very be careful when I eat the food L



      Post OP 8 Days
      When I check the review from the double jaw surgery blog, people who did surgery at other hospital has been suffering a lot of cause of their bruise. My recovery is pretty fast and I am really happy to find the right hospital! This surgery turning my life!

      Post OP 9 Days

      I touched my face and sensation has been come back and when I touch my chin I can feel a little bit! My friends told me that I got prettier!



      Post OP 11 Days
      I wish that I can stitch out faster so my face can be less swelling and I really want to eat some food! I am craving for the noddle, so cuts all the noodles and ate it! It was so tasty! I wish that I can eat all the food!



      Post OP 12 Days
      Weather is so good today so I did makeup and hang out! Wow! I got much prettier I am so satisfied with it!



      Post OP 13 Days
      Most of my bruise is gone! I wish that I can take out wafer & stitch out! Since my face shape get much smaller that when I wear contact lens my eyes looks much bigger!


      Post OP 15 Days
      I really want to eat spicy & salty food! After stitch out, I feel much comfortable and I can remove my wafer when I eat something! I will practice mouth exercise more than I can recover it better!



      Post OP 17 Days
      I gain some weight since I can eat food and I take a walk every day for my swelling!



      Post OP 18 Days

      With my current face shape, I can practice a few different types of make-up style! Also, swelling from chin area has been reducing too!


      Post OP 21 Days
      My appetite is back and I can eat most of the smooth food! I can open my mouth widely and when I compare before & after picture I look much younger than before with a smoother line!


      Post OP 23 Days
      One of my friends saw all the progress of the double jaw surgery and she really like my result that she wants to the consultation at EU & she books it!




      Post OP 29 Days
      I visited EU for my monthly check up! I did an X-ray and consult with Dr. Shin. He said that I get prettier! >

      Post OP 31 Days

      Finally, my parents saw my face and they also satisfy with the outcome of the surgery too!

      Mom cook for me steamed eggs & soft meat! I was so pleased to eat all this food again! Also, my childhood friend told me that I look prettier! Thank you Dr. & EU! Because of them, I can live a happier life!


      Post OP 44 Days
      People are being really nice to me, I think because my appearance looks different than before and my self-esteem rose up a lot! Also, I finally removed the wafer and my face has been deswelling a lot!




      Post OP 51 Days
      Peoples are being really nice t me, I felt like I am living another life! Especially when I take a selfie I do not need to modify it!


      Post OP 2 Months

      I think this is my prime time! My self-esteem raised a lot because of my appearance. Even though my face is swelling little bit it looks good on me! Also, my face looks so natural like I born with this pretty face shape ^__^




      Post OP 3 Months

      When I visited Dr. Shin, he said that I can eat and chew all the food that I want since my bone recovered very well! A few days ago I say “Hello” to my old friend but she cannot recognize me! So I thought that my appearance changed a lot! Furthermore, my acquaintances change the view of double jaw surgery. Before I did, they have a negative perspective about double jaw surgery but now they told me that it was a good decision to do the double jaw surgery. I am happy every single day!


      Today I visited the studio and took pictures! I felt like I become a celebrity since some people do make-up and hair for me! I had such a good memory!


      Post OP 4 Months
      Time flies so fast! I did surgery 6 months ago and I love my face shape right now! Since I do not have any side effect from the surgery so I am totally satisfied with it! Furthermore, I can eat all the good food! I never regret to do the surgery!



      Post OP 5 Months

      I am totally adapted to my current face shape! I feel like I am living a new life with new face! I really love to look at myself from the mirror! I am proud of myself!

      Post OP 6 Months

      Everything is perfect and I want to finish with my braces soon! I am used to not do Photoshop after taking pictures! Also, I am telling people how amaze the double jaw surgery it is!

      Post OP 7 Months

      My parents are also satisfied with my current appearance and I still cannot believe that I have my ideal face shape! Also, my friends made a lot of compliment about my appearance that my life is full of happiness!

      Post OP 8 Months

      I visited my orthodontist and he said that the outcome of the surgery is so good that he does not need to touch my set of teeth! I really wish that I can have a brighter smile after braces!

      Post OP 9 Months

      I am on diet and I think my face shape getting prettier after losing some weight! Also, I am really glad that I do not have any sagging face because I worried a lot that my face might be sag after the surgery. It really thinks that it will be better to do the facial bone surgery when you are young!


      Post OP 10 Months

      In those days, I realize how amazing double jaw surgery it is! If you know how to take care after the surgery you will face the amazing outcome of the surgery! Thank you, Dr. Shin, because of you I can have a golden ratio face shape and I support EU!

      Post OP 1 Year

       I want to say thank you and love you to EU! Because of EU I can face a new life and I can be more confident in front of other people.

게시물 작성 테이블
다음Next #Facial Contouring Post OP 1 year! Thank you Dr. Shin
다음Next # I felt like a model
다음Next #When I look back my before surgery picture..
다음Next #Thanks to Dr. Kim! You made me become prettier!
다음Next #Functionally & cosmetically improved a lot after surgery
이전Previous #Post OP 1 Year "Lantern Jaw Surgery"
이전Previous #Such a long time to update the Post OP 8 Months,
이전Previous #Don't need to get stress from my long chin! Post OP 2 Months
이전Previous #♬♪My post OP 2 Months Review
이전Previous #Freshman of Double Jaw surgery Post OP 3 Weeks
  • 목록

Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is officially certified as the Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients.

Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institution

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery has successfully passed highly strict criteria to officially be one of the Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institutions.

Love sharing EU

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery share
the love we have received from our patients with those in need in our society.

By helping and sharing with our neighbors and those in need,
we strive to help our society become warmer, healthier, and richer.


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    • EU knows
      beautiful faces very well
    • As our oral and maxillofacial surgery specialists perform aesthetic orthognathic surgery and aesthetic contouring surgery, the biggest of all concerns in receiving the surgery, “can the surgery actually be performed at an oral and maxillofacial surgery hospital to improve my beauty?” is not something you need to worry about.
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Hospital name EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery |Address: Nohyeon-dong 1-3, Gangnam-gu |Personal Information Protection Officer : Jong Yun Kim |Business registration number: 691.66.00118
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