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이전메뉴 다음메뉴
    • Facial Contouring for Facial Asymmetry!
    • Writer : Choi**** | Views : 22956 | Date : 2021-11-05
    • Before Surgery

      Reason for Surgery:

      Due to my facial asymmetry, I had a lot of concerns. Since my facial asymmetry was severe, I visited countless plastic surgery clinics during December. Since facial bone surgery is a big surgery, I had to cotemplate a lot. I decided to have surgery on February. I have been self conscious and stressed for a long time so I hope I can get prettier. That is my only wish.


      Day 1

      My throat was hurting and there was something plugged in my nose so I couldn’t breathe well. I couldn’t rest well and I had to sleep upright which made my back and glutes uncomfortable. The anesthesia was also made me have a hard time and I just wanted one day to pass by quickly.


      Day 2

      I got discharged and returned home. I can’t talk since I’m really swollen and whenever I look in the mirror, I feel depressed. Although I’m swollen, it’s amazing to see that the size of my cheekbones got reduced. I want to see how I look like when I’m not swollen.



      Day 3

      I wonder what they put under my eye.. (tape). Anyways, my swelling doesn’t seem to be decreasing and whenever I wake up, it seems better but then it gets bad again. I need to be more patient and also, I feel hungry.




      Day 4

      Other people seem to swell around their mouth but most of my swelling is near my eyes and cheeks. I’m going to receive my laser treatment tomorrow so I’m hoping that some of the swelling will be able to decrease in about a week?



      Day 5​

      When I woke up, one side of my eye was really swollen. I ended up sleeping on my side unconsciously. Now, it seems my swelling is decreasing little by little. When I got my hair washed for the first time after surgery, I felt sorry to the hairdresser. But it felt refreshing and I’m getting used to my lifestyle.


      Day 6


      I went on a walk during dawn and my eyes were stinging due to the cold wind. I’m trying my best to go on frequent walks which seems to be helping my swelling decrease. But I can’t eat what I want so I always feel hungry. I want to remove my stitches quickly.



      Day 7​

      When I woke up, my swelling seemed like it decreased. It was surprising since I could open my eyes widely and I can open my mouth wider than before. It’s been a week and I can fit about two fingers in my mouth. I hope that my swelling continues to decrease. Not being able to wash my face was bothering me but my skin actually got better. I also lost 3kgs.


      Day 9​

      My swelling has been decreasing. People around me say that they can see my face shape better. I can talk regularly and it would be perfect if I could eat regularly as well. I want to remove the stitched on the inside of my mouth quickly. It felt refreshing when I removed my facial tape. I’m using the compression band and going on walks frequently.


      Day 11​

      My swelling has been moving down. The swelling near my eyes is almost gone now and I will be able to get my stitches removed next week. I know I have to be careful of tough and hard foods, but I want to be able to eat more variety of food soon. I’m looking forward to seeing how my face looks when the swelling decreases.


      Day 13​

      It seems like I need to be patient with the stubborn/minimal swelling that’s left. I didn’t expect my swelling to decrease this much. During the 5th  day after surgery, I was starting to regret everything. Now, I don’t regret a thing when I look into the mirror.


      Day 14


      Today marks the second week since my surgery, which means I’m going to the clinic. I went on a walk this morning and used my compression band. Finally, I’m getting my stitches removed. Although I’m a bit swollen, I can see that most of the swelling is gone. I want to put make up on and meet my friends quickly. People around me say that my face got smaller.


      Day 15​


      My cheeks still look like I have candy stuffed in them. The swelling is still there but overall, it decreased a lot from the front view. It’s amazing how different I look compared to before. I’m finally able to shower regularly and I just need to be patient for the rest of my swelling to disappear.


      Day 17​



      Day 45

      Day 50

      I love my face shape~!!!!  


      Day 51

      During the consultation, I asked to doctor to reduce my bones as much as possible. I wanted a dolly look and I was able to achieve it through surgery. A lot of my friends ask me where I did my surgery. I don’t need to photoshop or edit my photos anymore. The sensation on my face returned back to normal and I’m not experiencing any side effects. The doctor is really skilled. I couldn’t stop mentioning EU to the people around me.

      Getting good results from surgery is important, but safety should be the priority. 

      Since facial bone surgery is a big surgery, I want to thank the doctor one more time. I still have some loss of sensation on my gums and teeth but they seem to be returning. I hope the stubborn/smaller swelling is gone soon so that I can see my final results. I’m glad that my surgery went well and finished safely.​

      I'm highly satisfied with my face shape!!~

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다음Next #Facial Asymmetry Improved! Highly Satisfied
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      beautiful faces very well
    • As our oral and maxillofacial surgery specialists perform aesthetic orthognathic surgery and aesthetic contouring surgery, the biggest of all concerns in receiving the surgery, “can the surgery actually be performed at an oral and maxillofacial surgery hospital to improve my beauty?” is not something you need to worry about.
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