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    • I had surgery from Dr. Kim!
    • Writer : Jung** | Views : 29004 | Date : 2017-10-02
    • I had double jaw surgery + facial contouring surgery.
      My facial asymmetry was severe and I’ve always been self-conscious about it. I would never let others take photos (anyone with facial asymmetry would know how it feels __). Wherever I went, I heard I needed double jaw surgery, but I didn’t want to do double jaw surgery. I proceeded to get braces and even got side cheekbone reduction surgery but I wasn’t satisfied. I tried searching and then I found a blog post from the doctor. I didn’t realize that I needed double jaw surgery but after reading that post, I thought double jaw surgery would be the solution for me.

      It was my first time receiving an in depth consultation at a clinic on the first appointment. The doctor and the consultant explained everything to me even though I asked a lot of questions. I’ve received consultations at several places but there were times where I left feeling disappointed (pointing out my appearance in a blunt manner, explaining everything as if they’re tired, etc). But the doctor at EU gave a clear diagnosis and helped me and I felt that it was a proper 1:1 consultation. During my consultation, I had a strong feeling that I needed to do surgery here. 

      Day Of Surgery

      My friend thought it would be best if I had a guardian with me during the day of my surgery so they came a long way and kept waking me up after the operation. I wasn’t supposed to sleep but I kept falling asleep so I thought I was dying. I was also thirsty but other than that, I was fine. My swelling wasn’t to severe and I didn’t bleed so they took out my gauze.

      My throat felt dry so they gave me a damp gauze and put it above my nose and mouth.

      The dry throat was the most difficult thing after surgery and I kept coughing. The nurse kept checking up on me like a mother so I was really touched.


      2 Days Post OP

      I got my mouth disinfected and I read reviews of other hospitals where they would dig around the mouth during the disinfection. I got really nervous but it wasn’t painful at all, it actually felt refreshing.

      They also said they would take out the tube in my nose, which I was not ready for (the tube is really long and based on other reviews, it feels like your soul is leaving your body). But as my tube got taken out, it wasn’t that long and I felt great for my discharge.

      Since I have bad eyesight, I didn’t turn on the tv at all and felt bored since I sat around all day. I took a walk in the clinic. Also, I received laser treatment and drank “New Care” through a syringe tube. I was able to drink it well in a regular paper cup. I was excited since I heard people lose weight after surgery, but I was already able to consume the New Care well.

      My whole neck was swollen and the swelling near my mouth keeps getting better than worse. I keep rubbing vasaline and was told that I needed to practice using my wafers, but my nose was clogged the whole day so I didn’t do it.



      Day of Discharge

      My cheeks keep feeling hot as time goes by and it feels like it will explode. Since it’s a revision surgery, I have a lot of swelling. Everyone’s swelling seems to get better during the night but why do I feel like it gets worse? I can’t open my left eyes.

      I keep getting depressed because my face keeps swelling but I guess it will get better in a few days.


      4 Days Post OP

      I received laser treatment.

      It may not be anything huge but I feel like my swelling gets visibly better after the laser!! The clinic helped me with my laser reservations and told me that receiving it frequently would be helpful to me.

      I was also told that I didn’t need to use my ice pack anymore.

      Also, I was told that warm compressions aren’t good either _

      It seems that the doctor is really skilled and everything that might irritate my results are minimized. I picked the right clinic to get surgery. 


      The hot feeling for my swelling has decreased a lot.

      However, I still have a lot of swelling left and my nose bleeds.

      Today, I feel that the inside of my mouth is swollen.. I heard that going on walks can improve the swelling but my eyes are swollen and my contact lenses keep getting dry. (I cannot use my glasses right now). When the swelling in my eyes decrease, I’ll go on walks.


      5 Days Post OP

      It’s already been 5 days, time sure flies by.

      I received laser treatment today.

      I bought banana juice and it was really tasty.

      The swelling in my lower cheeks and jaw is severe so when I use the pressure band, it hurts.

      My cheeks are still swollen but my stuffy nose got much better. I want to be able to bite down on my wafers… I hope my stuffy nose and the swelling goes away quickly. 

      7 Days Post OP

      I received laser treatment today as well. I’ve been receiving laser treatment almost everyday since my discharge. Whenever I go to the clinic, I feel that my swelling gets better immediately.

      The picture I took today was when I was wearing the pressure band but I feel that my jawline is different. It became way way way more narrow!


      As it became night time, my swelling improved.

      I still have a lot of swelling near my nose.

      Although I had upper jaw, lower jaw, and facial contouring surgery, I have no bruising and I’m recovering pretty quickly!!

      Since my nose was clogged today, I couldn’t bite down on my wafers. I think I need to practice more. I wish my nose would clear up completely.

      9 Days Post OP

      I thought my swelling wasn’t decreasing but it seems to be getting better every day. My cells must be working hard LOL. I’m not too puffy anymore and I can see my facial line a bit. I also received laser treatment today! I have a lot of time on my hands so I make sure to get the laser treatments every day. It feels a bit embarrassing but the clinic helps me with the laser reservations so I’m very grateful. I should go tomorrow as well.

      11 Days Post OP 

      My face feels itchy everywhere and even though I scratch it, it doesn’t get better. I was told that when my nerves recover, I may feel some tingling sensations, this must be it.


      12 Days Post OP

      I still feel like I have a lot of swelling left whenever I touch my face. My family tells me that my face will look smaller after my swelling decreases.

      Before surgery, I was complaining about how I couldn’t eat for two weeks, but after recovering, I don’t have much of an appetite.

      14 Days Post OP

      Watching what you eat is really important. I ate steamed egg and my face became really puffy. Seeing my face de-swelling every day and then seeing it suddenly get big makes me depressed. Come to think of it, my braces bracket poked my lips and it hurts. Maintaining the proper diet is very important.  

      15 Days Post OP

      I finally got my stitches removed! >_<

      I heard that getting the stitches removed near the philtrum hurts because it feels like the skin is getting cut, so it made me very nervous. The philtrum didn’t hurt , the ones at the side hurt. I was very scared in the beginning so the doctor told me he would remove them gently. It didn’t hurt as much and finished very quickly. I felt refreshed after.

      I’m able to close my mouth easier and I have to use one big rubber band near my back molars. It’s not uncomfortable! Starting today, I can remove my wafers. I was told that I had to eat well in order for me to get better quickly. As soon as I came home, I had the sauce from marinated bulgogi meat and had it with rice. But maybe it was marinated too much because it tasted a bit salty. I’m not able to brush my teeth like before surgery, but it’s been refreshing after being able to do it in a long time.

      16 Days Post OP

      I read on the double jaw braces forum that the feeling in the jaw returns late. However, I had all feeling in my jaw from the start. The feeling in my gums returned slowly but the lower teeth had all feeling. The sensation on the roof of my mouth and my upper teeth are still dull.

      The part below my right eye also feels dull and hasn’t returned yet.

      18 Days Post OP

      When I go on walks and stay hydrated, I feel good but the biggest factor in de-swelling is the diet. Having a salt free diet seems to make the puffiness go away quickly.


      19 Days Post OP

      It was my first official time doing activities outside after surgery.

      I ate outside with my friends and I made sure to eat soft foods by cutting them into small pieces. It wasn’t uncomfortable but I felt like I was swelling again while I ate. I will start cutting out salt again tomorrow. I was able to walk a lot and my stamina has returned almost completely. I feel that my facial shape will look pretty after the swelling is gone.


      3 Months Post OP

      It’s already been 3 months since my surgery~ ^_^

      I had braces before surgery so maybe that is why the lining of my bite matched immediately after surgery. I ate well after my stitch removal, but I refrained from eating solid foods.

      Maybe that is why I went through hell with my swelling. I was able to eat salty foods without my swelling increasing after the first month.


      My face became much smaller! I didn’t experience much pain after surgery so I wasn’t to recommend surgery to those who are thinking about it!!

      The third day after surgery is when the swelling is the most severe. From week 1~before stitch removal (strict liquid diet), make sure you can endure these obstacles.



      9 Months Post OP

      It’s already been 9 months. I don’t have any discomforts anymore and I forget the fact that I had surgery. Without thinking, I was biting on ice and I was surprised because it was so natural. But it still seems like I should be careful with foods that are too hard for at least one year. My jaw became more narrow.

      The people around me who know that I had surgery said I made a good decision. I got told that my face became much smaller and that my face recovered well after meeting in such a long time. I also get surprised whenever I look into the mirror and I wondered why I didn’t do it earlier. I’m highly satisfied and very grateful.

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