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    • Thank you, Dr. Shin, for My New Face Shape!
    • Writer : Hwang***** | Views : 14418 | Date : 2023-12-21

    • Why I Had Surgery 

      I think I started taking an interest in my appearance during middle school... There was something subtly different about my jaw compared to others' and it caused me stress. My parents and friends would tell me that they couldn't notice the difference, but I felt that my face appeared longer as I lost weight, which gradually reduced my self-esteem. Since double jaw surgery is not a simple procedure and carries risks, I initially planned to just live with it. However, after being told that my chronic headaches could be due to my jaw asymmetry and lantern jaw, I decided to undergo double jaw surgery to address both the headaches and my insecurities. 

      Why I Chose eu

      This was my first experience with cosmetic surgery, so I spent a lot of time researching and having consultations at surgery centers. Initially, I went to another clinic for a consultation, paid a deposit, and visited eu Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery the following week. I chose eu because they are not a general plastic surgery clinic, but they specialize in facial bone surgeries. Additionally, unlike other practices, there were lots of reviews and the consultants and staff were friendly as well. 

      Surgery Day

      When I opened my eyes, the surgery was over and I was in my recovery room. In other people's reviews, they mentioned being scared after surgery because it was difficult to breathe, but I did not have trouble breathing. The only hard part was that I felt extremely drowsy, but my younger sibling kept waking me up, which was taxing :( I really wanted to sleep! My mind was put at ease after hearing that my surgery went well. The nurse came in regularly to check on me and replace my ice packs, even at dawn! I was really thankful!

      3 Days Post-Op

      Today's the day I'm being discharged... I told the staff I live outside the Seoul Capital Area and wouldn't be able to receive the de-swelling laser treatment for a week, so they let me have a laser session before I left! Although I was provided Nucare (a meal replacement beverage) from the day after surgery, I was too tired to drink properly, so now getting up and around is quite tiring :( Now that I'm at home, I feel more worn out. In fact, I felt more comfortable and in less pain when I was hospitalized :'( 

      5 Days Post-Op

      The time doesn't seem to go by :( My face is swollen to the maximum, it makes me look funny, hahahaha. Now, aside from the pain, I'm so hungry I feel that I'm starving to the point of death because I have no energy. I'm gradually getting sick of Nucare, so I ground up some rice and had it with some bone broth... I want to eat a lot of different things soon...

      11 Days Post-Op

      A week has passed, so I went to eu for surgical site disinfection!! Since I was curious about a lot of things, so I wrote them down on a notepad and showed them to Dr. Shin! I was happy to hear that everything was a natural occurrence and that I was making fairly good progress.

      16 Days Post-Op 

      I finally had my stitches removed...! Considering there were so many reviews saying this was painful, I worried quite a lot but, I didn't hurt as much as I thought... Just a single tear rolled down my cheek... that's about it? Lol. I was told that the swelling will reduce considerably once the sutures are out, so I'm looking forward to that! 

      1 Month Post-Op

      Finally, a month has passed!! I've been feeling depressed because the swelling doesn't seem to be dissipating, but time has been going by :( Today's my 1-month check-up, so I put on makeup for the first time in a while! Compared to previous photos, there has been a significant change even though I said the swelling isn't going down much, hehehe. Dr. Shin told me I was making great progress and that I looked more beautiful, which was both uplifting and reassuring! He also mentioned that my face will start looking natural around the 6-month mark, so I shouldn't fret and wait until then! 

      2 Months Post-Op

      It has already been two months... It feels like the time has gone by quickly yet slowly at the same time.. :( The swelling has reduced a lot, but my face looks a bit puffy still. I asked the consultant all sorts of questions, but she was so friendly when answering them and helped put me at ease. I hope the time flies by so that the swelling decreases soon! 

      3 Months Post-Op

      Everyone tells me that I have become prettier upon seeing me. Those who know about the surgery mention that it seems to be a success... As for my friends who don't know, they mention that they can't point out what's different, but say that I look more beautiful, lol. It feels good to hear that I look more attractive in a natural way! Oh, and I often get asked if I had a nose job, but I think my jaw being moved back makes my nose appear higher in comparison... But human greed is making me want to get a nose job now that my jaw has been moved back... lololol. Shortly after surgery, noises were coming from my jaw, and I had difficulty chewing, but now that I've adapted, I'm eating well and my jaw makes less noise! The residual swelling will continue to dissipate until the 6-month mark, but I'd like for it to go down quickly! 

      6 Months Post-Op 

      I went to see Dr. Shin for my 6-month post-op check-up for the first time in a while! It's surprising that it has already been 6 months... I noticed the swelling has reduced further compared to the 3-month mark after surgery... I feel that the swelling continuously goes down... lol. My orthodontic treatment will end in two weeks, and it seems like the end of this long journey is in sight! Dr. Shin told me that my bones have healed well, so I feel reassured! Now only the plate removal surgery is left! At this point, I don't remember my pre-surgery face, and when I see photos from before surgery... I get surprised. Lol. Thank you, Dr. Shin! 

      7 Months Post-Op 

      I'm doing well without discomfort. The orthodontic treatment is complete, so I'm going about my life indifferent to the fact that I had surgery, hehe.

      11 Months Post-Op

      I'm going about my life with no discomfort. It's to the extent that I've almost forgotten I had surgery! 

      1 Year Post-Op

      A year has finally gone by...  I've been hearing that I'm pretty so often these days, my mom, dad, and everyone else is telling me it was a good decision to have had double jaw surgery. I'm also very, very satisfied!!! hehehe Lately, I've been realizing how your face shape has a big influence on the impression you make! Lol. I would have the surgery again if I had to! Thank you, Dr. Shin, today and always. ​

게시물 작성 테이블
다음Next #My Way of Life Has Changed After Surgery :)
이전Previous #Everyone Says My Surgery was a Success! :)
이전Previous #My New Face Shape Looks Natural and Beautiful!
이전Previous #Surgery Improved My Quality of Life!
이전Previous #Surgery was the Best Choice I Have Made!
이전Previous #I Love How Small My Face is Now!
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Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is officially certified as the Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients.

Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institution

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery has successfully passed highly strict criteria to officially be one of the Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institutions.

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    • EU knows
      beautiful faces very well
    • As our oral and maxillofacial surgery specialists perform aesthetic orthognathic surgery and aesthetic contouring surgery, the biggest of all concerns in receiving the surgery, “can the surgery actually be performed at an oral and maxillofacial surgery hospital to improve my beauty?” is not something you need to worry about.
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