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    • Everyone Says My Surgery was a Success! :)
    • Writer : Park****** | Views : 14686 | Date : 2023-11-16

    • Why I Had Surgery

      My decision to undergo double jaw surgery stemmed from my own insecurities from childhood. I kept telling myself that I would have the surgery when I had the time, but I kept putting it off until now. I went on a trip abroad a few years ago, and my concerns were noticeable in my photos and videos. It was disappointing to see myself like that in a nice place, and I realized that I wouldn't want to create more memories like this. With the COVID-19 pandemic allowing me to take a break from my studies, I decided to address my insecurities before it was too late. I wanted to have a consultation with an oral and maxillofacial surgeon and undergo the operation appropriate for me. 

      My Concerns

      I had a protruded mouth, a recessed jaw, and a gummy smile, which made me dissatisfied with my side profile. Even when I smiled with my mouth closed, my lip lines looked awkward, so I didn't know what to do. As a result, whenever someone offered to take my picture, I would get really nervous and try to avoid being photographed. I got used to people telling me I looked angry and sulky. After a certain point, I was unaffected by these comments, which is bittersweet. I think these things built up my insecurities over time.

      Why I Chose eu

      Several people around me have undergone double jaw surgery, including my younger sibling. In fact, I actually know someone who has undergone surgery at eu. Although my personality might play a role, this made me pay a lot of attention to the little details when selecting a clinic. Before I visited eu Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, I felt that the clinic offered a lot of helpful information to those considering coming in for a consultation. This was attractive to me, as it had me thinking that the staff would also be attentive to patients' needs. During my visit, the doctor and the consultant were professional, and I felt that I should have my surgery here. Knowing someone who has had surgery at eu did have an influence on me—how could it not? Even though eu was recommended to me, I decided to have my surgery at eu based on my own personal experience during my visit.

      Day of the Surgery 

      After waking up from the anesthesia, I was so sleepy and disoriented that I couldn't even think about hydration. I was able to breathe easily until the 6-hour mark after surgery. Once the 6-hour mark passed, my breathing felt blocked, so I continued breathing the best I could, but it was still really frustrating. I kept feeling chilly, so I wrapped myself in a blanket. Drinking water made me gag, so I only drank enough water to stay hydrated. 

      2 Days Post-Op

      The doctor suctioned my nose and disinfected my surgical site. Everybody said that this felt really nice, and while it did at that moment, my nose kept getting stuffed. I got some sleep when I felt comfortable, and I made sure to drink water and Nucare (a meal replacement beverage). A weird sound kept coming from my right ear, but seeing that others experienced the same in their reviews, I decided not to worry about it. There was no pain or discomfort after surgery, but breathing remained a challenge :( I had my hospital bed adjusted to a 90-degree angle the entire time. It'd be great to be free from the nasal congestion and the gurgling sounds my throat is making. 

      4 Days Post-Op

      I think the swelling started reaching its peak on the third day after surgery. If I try to talk a lot, I end up coughing and my nose starts to bleed. The blood doesn't gush out, so I'm able to go on frequent walks and visit cafes. My friend bought a bruise cream for me, so I'm using that as well. I'm starting to notice the pain from the wafer now. It's frustrating because it feels like the inside of my mouth is being stamped by the wafer :( Also, hearing ringing noises in my right ear is scary, but I'm expecting it to get better. 

      14 Days Post-Op 

      Today marks 2 weeks since my surgery, so I had my stitches removed today. The areas of my face that felt tight when I smiled before the surgery felt tight and painful when the sutures were taken out. My face was throbbing afterward. The bruising still remains, so I'm waiting for that to disappear... I think it will in a few days. After the surgery, I have been sleeping in a 90-degree sitting position, but recently I've been able to sleep in a more comfortable position. I think it's why I've been able to get more sleep. Although the swelling on my face has dissipated somewhat, the swelling in my mouth still remains, so my mind is preoccupied with that. At the moment, I'm craving ramyeon the most, so with that in mind, I did the jaw exercises right after waking up. I want to have ramyeon once I hit the 1-month mark after surgery. Hopefully, the next two weeks go by as quickly as the first two.

      28 Days Post-Op 

      I thinly sliced up some hot fish cake, and it made my gums hurt. Maybe it's because of the screws that are irritating the inside of my mouth... My younger sibling who had undergone double jaw surgery saw me eating the fish cake and asked me how I could eat that at this stage in shock. I guess it depends on the person. We talked about our recoveries after surgery, and they're quite different. My younger sibling said they could not bear to have double jaw surgery again, but I think it would be tolerable. It's fun to see my friends' reactions to my post-surgery appearance now that I'm able to hang out with them! 

      50 Days Post-Op

      I wondered when the time would go by after the surgery, but fifty days have gone by. It's cool. Even though I'm only eating the "permitted foods," I'm eating well, so I haven't really lost any weight. Now that fifty days have passed since my surgery, it's apparent that my recessed jaw has been brought forward. People have been telling me that it seems like all of the swelling has gone down, but since this was my first surgery, I'm not too sure. Maybe that's now natural-looking my results are, LOL. 

      94 Days Post-Op

      During my 3-month post-op check-up, the doctor told me that I could go back to my lifestyle before the surgery, which I was relieved to hear. He also said I could eat like I did before surgery, but it's hard for me to chew on seafood or pork at the moment. Since I also had genioplasty, I'm avoiding lying on my stomach, since it's uncomfortable to do so.

      167 Days Post-Op

      I'm starting to be able to feel sensations on the roof of my mouth again. I think that's the reason for the sensitivity in my teeth. It's more noticeable when I brush my teeth. My face is also a bit tingly when I put foundation on. I can't have chewy foods like jjolmyeon and boiled octopus just yet :(  When I think about this, I feel that there's still a bit of a journey ahead if I want to eat the foods I was able to have before surgery... hehe. Over the holiday, I was able to catch up with people I hadn't seen in a while, and they all told me that I looked pretty, which made me a little shy, lol. I also hung out with my friends and we took a photo together. Unlike before, I didn't feel burdened or nervous to take a picture! 

      6 Months Post-Op 

      Right after the surgery, I would hide my swollen face behind a mask, lol. It was nice while I was recovering, but now that the time has passed, I just want to take it off :/ Although I haven't recovered completely in the sense that there are certain foods I have a hard time chewing, I am able to go about my life as I did before the surgery. I'm doing really well—I've basically forgotten that I had surgery. At the moment, I'm thinking about getting new ID photos taken, lol. 

      8 Months Post-Op

      Now that the time has gone by, I truly don't remember how my face looked before the surgery. It's interesting. My mom boils octopus for me every time I visit her since I like it so much, but I'm still unable to eat it, which is disappointing. Maybe I can't have foods like that quite yet :( They say everything goes back to normal a year after surgery (although it depends on the person). I thought I was the type to recover quickly, but I guess my recovery is not quite over yet, lol. I met up with my friend who tried to dissuade me from undergoing double jaw surgery for the first time in eight months. We met up because she was curious about my new appearance. She greeted me with a smile and told me that my surgery was a huge success, despite her initial objections. 

      1 Year Post-Op

      To be honest, there is a different kind of inconvenience that arises after surgery, but it is negligible compared to how much my appearance has changed through surgery. I have no regrets about my decision to undergo double jaw surgery. Also, people have not been able to notice that I have had surgery regardless of whether or not they have known me before my surgery. Although I've received comments that I look different and that I got prettier, I don't think it has occurred to anyone that I had surgery. I compared a recent photo of mine with one from last July, and my face definitely looks chubbier! Since I haven't seen my pre-surgery photos in a long time, I realized how much more beautiful I am now. I have been and continue to be very, very satisfied with my surgery results :)​

게시물 작성 테이블
다음Next #My Way of Life Has Changed After Surgery :)
다음Next #Thank you, Dr. Shin, for My New Face Shape!
이전Previous #My New Face Shape Looks Natural and Beautiful!
이전Previous #Surgery Improved My Quality of Life!
이전Previous #Surgery was the Best Choice I Have Made!
이전Previous #I Love How Small My Face is Now!
이전Previous #My Side Profile Gets Me Tons of Compliments!
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Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients

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      beautiful faces very well
    • As our oral and maxillofacial surgery specialists perform aesthetic orthognathic surgery and aesthetic contouring surgery, the biggest of all concerns in receiving the surgery, “can the surgery actually be performed at an oral and maxillofacial surgery hospital to improve my beauty?” is not something you need to worry about.
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