I love taking photos, but my self-esteem would go down whenever I saw myself in photos others took of me. I had orthodontic treatment for my malocclusion 8 years ago, and my orthodontist at the time recommended I undergo lower jaw surgery. The idea of getting surgery was too scary at that time, so I opted only for the braces, but it was ineffective :( My mouth ended up looking more protruded and my lantern jaw and long face did not improve at all. Wanting to avoid Double Jaw Surgery at all costs, I underwent V-Line Surgery, but it had no effect on my protruding mouth and facial asymmetry. As time passed, I continued to contemplate undergoing Double Jaw Surgery, but it still felt burdensome. I noticed I had a habit of pushing my mouth inward when I looked in the mirror and that there were fewer photos of me with my face showing. I decided I would start going for consultations first and stumbled upon oral & maxillofacial surgery clinics while looking for surgery centers. They felt more credible and helped me narrow down my choices. When I went to EU, my X-rays and clinical photos were taken before my consultation with the doctor. I really liked this aspect of EU, as it felt that the clinic was actually addressing my concerns and didn't just schedule my consultation for the money. After I booked my surgery, people kept telling me about how dangerous it was, which worried me, especially since there were a lot of issues with ghost surgeries at this time. I expressed my concerns to the clinic, and the consultant was able to assure me, so I decided to put my trust in the clinic and get the surgery. Here's to hoping my surgery goes safely and is a success..!
Day of the Surgery
I was mentally out of it and just really tired after the surgery :( I didn't feel well, I had a headache, and the was blood coming from my nose and mouth. I felt like I was suffocating, so I called the nurse but she said that nothing could be done for it. The early morning hours were the worst... I prayed that time would go by quickly.
1 Day Post-Op
My Foley catheter and nasal cannula were removed in the morning. I thought I would be able to breathe through my nose once the nasal cannula was removed, but my nose felt even more congested... I was told walking is beneficial, so I walked around a little. After getting the deswelling laser treatment, I slept a bit and went to get my surgical site disinfected. Dr. Shin personally dressed my surgical site, which was the best!!! I wasn't very alert and couldn't speak, but I was grateful. My throat hurts less than yesterday, so I'm trying to drink as much water as possible, but I can't drink Nucare yet. I mentioned to the nurse that my nose felt really stuffy, and she spritzed nasal spray in my nose and showed me how to use the compression band as well. The nurse on-call during the day was incredibly nice. I'm doing much better than yesterday, but I would like the bleeding from my nose to stop :( My face is still really, really swollen so I don't know what my face shape looks like :( I hope the swelling goes down soon!
2 Days Post-Op (Discharge Day)
Dr. Shin came by last night to check on me!! He pays attention to the little things!! I thought the swelling was going to peak today, but the swelling is expected to increase. That is so discouraging :( I was only able to sleep for an hour at a time before waking up throughout the night, so I made sure to apply the ice pack and wear the compression band for as much as I could. I've been wanting time to go by quickly, but I read other patients' reviews over and over again throughout the night as well. My surgical site was disinfected again, and I went to the pharmacy to get my prescription filled and for a box of pumpkin juice. I should've asked for a syringe... I went to three different pharmacies nearby before being able to buy a syringe. I was able to finish a packet of pumpkin juice, and I feel more invigorated after :) I'm feeling unclean, so I'm eagerly waiting for tomorrow so that I can take a shower. My mom said that I look like a teenage girl and that my face has gotten much shorter and cuter.

3 Days Post-Op
It was too hard to breathe at night. My neck was also swollen, so I used my compression band as a pillow while I slept. I thought the day after the surgery would be the most difficult on my body, but today has been the most taxing. I was so tired I barely ate half a pouch of pumpkin porridge and dissolved my medications in an energy drink to take them. The area inside my mouth near my throat was quite swollen, which concerned me. I sent a photo to the consultant, and she put my mind at ease, so I was able to keep it off my mind until my visit tomorrow. My mom commented that the swelling seemed to have gone down a bit after I came back from an hour-long walk around my neighborhood. But since I got dizzy while walking, I should nourish my body well and continue to go on walks!
4 Days Post-OpI had a thin porridge right after waking up this morning. I couldn't sleep well, so I've been falling asleep throughout the day. After taking my medicines, I went to the clinic to get the deswelling laser treatment. I really don't like taking the medications, but I'm dealing with it by hoping to make a quick recovery. The skin underneath my chin looks quite swollen, so I'm concerned that it'll end up sagging... it should be okay, right? I took the bus to the clinic, and I had an upset stomach and felt dizzy and carsick, it was awful :( The mucus made me cough a few times, which got me a few stares because of the COVID pandemic... As soon as I entered the clinic, the consultant checked my face and let me receive a long session of the deswelling laser treatment. The swelling worried me a lot, and I was very thankful to be able for the long laser treatment session and visit with Dr. Shin. I'm also grateful that everyone at EU is friendly and caring towards patients! I don't know what my face shape will look like since I'm very swollen, but I should be optimistic and hope that it will get better with time. After I got home, my face looked a little less swollen compared to before! My mom also made me a banana and Chinese yam smoothie which was really good!

5 Days Post-Op
My face was visibly swollen upon waking up. My nose is also really swollen and looks massive, LOL. It's interesting looking at my face right now, and I burst into laughter every time I look in the mirror. I'm so tired I feel like a paper doll. I've been having thin porridge and I really didn't like eating it :( It was more like having sustenance to live... Since I don't like the taste of Nucare too much, my boyfriend bought me porridge, soup, and vanilla ice cream!! I felt much more alert once I had some ice cream...! However, I think I should eat more carefully because I felt bloated after. I had been taking the prescription medicines by dissolving them in an electrolyte drink. This tastes terrible, so I cut up the large pills into pieces and barely managed to swallow them today. I also went for an hour-long walk around my neighborhood today! After getting home, I took a shower, and I noticed that the swelling in my face had gone down a great amount. I let my bangs down, and my face looked so small, I was so surprised. My mom said my eyes looked larger, too. Compared to the right side of my face, the left side looks much more swollen, and the bruising there is down to my neck as well. Despite all this, I'm incredibly happy and I hope more of the swelling goes down!
6 Days Post-Op
I felt nauseated throughout the night and couldn't sleep because of the medications I took before bed. Even though I had swallowed the pills, it felt like something was stuck in my throat. I was dizzy, too. Taking the medications is worse than not being able to eat :( I'm trying to think positively, but I'm wondering if getting the surgery was a good decision because I feel like I looked better beforehand. Maybe it's because the swelling under my chin is quite noticeable, but I feel that I look like the protagonist from the movie 200 Pounds Beauty before cosmetic surgery. Also, since I've been reading other patients' reviews too many times over and over again, I think I'll recognize those people if I were to run into them outside. I just want the swelling to go down quickly :(
What I Ate Today / Pumpkin Porridge, Vegetable & Egg Porridge, Pumpkin Juice, Ice Cream
7 Days Post-Op
For some reason, I feel much better today! I slept in, had some porridge, took the medicines, and headed to the clinic. I think taking the medications before the bus ride made me feel nauseated. Regardless, I'm still doing much better than before. The swelling has dissipated considerably, and my pronunciation has gotten better. I'll be seeing Dr. Shin tomorrow, and I'm eagerly awaiting the visit. I don't know if the ability to feel sensations has returned, but my teeth and the roof of my mouth feel weird. My cheeks and the area around my mouth feel tingly, too? Also, there is a yellow bruise covering the area from my mouth down to my neck! I took a photo of my side profile, and I'm really happy with how the outline of my lip looks. I think I'll look much pretty once the swelling dissipates!!! Yay!! I want the swelling to go down quickly so that I can go out dressed up and wearing makeup.
What I Ate Today / Pumpkin Porridge, Pumpkin Juice, Ice Cream
8 Days Post-OpI left for the clinic as soon as I woke up! Dr. Shin disinfected my surgical site and said it was healing nicely. He also mentioned that my postoperative scans looked good, which made me happy. It's hard for me to speak, but I made sure to say "Thank you" before leaving because I am truly grateful...! I hope my next appointment comes by quickly so that I can get my stitches removed. My face is swollen when I wake up in the morning, but the swelling goes down at night, which is really interesting. The swelling has dissipated quite a lot, but my nose is still bigger from the swelling which is kind of funny, lol. I'm still happy to see the swelling dissipate from my face every day, though!
What I Ate Today / Cream Soup, Pumpkin Porridge, Ice Cream, Soft Tofu

9 Days Post-OpI left for the clinic as soon as I woke up—just like yesterday! It's not close by, but I can feel the effects of the deswelling laser right away, so it's totally worth it. All of the employees at the clinic are really friendly, so I'm in a better mood when I come back from the clinic.. ♡ Today, I ordered waffles to-go from a cafe in Garosugil for my friends and my boyfriend. I couldn't have the waffles, but it's the joy of giving! I can eat whatever I want at the 3-month post-op mark!!! Once I got back home, I had soup and soft tofu. I made sure to take the medicines, too. Although my face is still swollen, lowering my mask doesn't embarrass me a whole lot anymore, lol. I ran into a close friend in Sinsa by chance and I had a much easier time speaking...!! She mentioned that the swelling has gone down nicely :)
What I Ate Today / Cream Soup, Pumpkin Porridge, Ice Cream, Soft Tofu
10 Days Post-OpI went on a walk today as well! My face is quite swollen in the mornings, but much of the swelling dissipates by the evening. The changes after the surgery are really noticeable when I look at my side profile photos. Was my nose always this pretty?! My philtrum is fairly swollen, so my mouth looks a little protruded. I want the swelling to go down faster. My face has gotten much smaller. I had soft tofu because a former patient mentioned it in a review, but it remains stuck deep into the crevices of my wafer no matter how much I rinse my mouth :( I'm concerned about developing cavities because I have to keep wearing the wafer until next Monday. Here's to hoping I can stop wearing it, as I'm looking forward to feeling refreshed after brushing my teeth.
What I Ate Today / Protein Shake, Pumpkin Juice
I could feel that the swelling went down considerably today, as my jawline was starting to become noticeably visible! Although it's too early to tell, I've heard Dr. Shin has the hands of a god, and I'm starting to see why people say that!!! Today I went to the clinic because food getting stuck in my wafer was concerning me. It was a little embarrassing, but the hygienists took my wafer off, cleaned it, and let me rinse my mouth. This was really refreshing and really boosted my mood! ♡ I went to a cafe with my mom and younger sister, and we had sponge cake dipped in hot chocolate. It wasn't as good as I thought it would be. My mom kept mentioning that my face had gotten much smaller and that I looked like a different person.
What I Ate Today / Sponge Cake + Hot Chocolate, Pumpkin Juice
12 Days Post-Op
I went for another hour-long walk today! Also, had Korean noodle soup by cutting it into fine pieces and swallowing it. Since I couldn't chew it, it felt pretty flavorless. I can't wait for the 1-month post-op mark so that I can start chewing my food...!!!
What I Ate Today / Soup, Korean noodle soup, Yogurt
I have a lot of concerns about returning to work tomorrow. Physically, I feel great and feel that I have a lot of stamina, but my pronunciation is a little unclear which kind of worries me :( Would it get better tomorrow when I get my stitches out? I've read that it hurts to have them removed, so that's another concern of mine. I'm being cowardly :( I went for a 2-hour long walk today and I can't tell if the swelling has gone down more. Maybe it's because of the wafer, but the area around my mouth looks a little awkward.
What I Ate Today / Soup, Yogurt, Grape Juice
14 Days Post-Op
It has finally been 2 weeks since my surgery!! I was scared to have the stitches removed, but it didn't hurt to have the lower jaw stitches taken out, and it just stung a little for the upper jaw stitches. Since I didn't experience very much pain, I don't think this was worth the worrying. There is less discomfort now that the stitches are out. Also, I was doing the jaw exercises during the bus ride home :) I was told that I could start eating soft foods starting today. Since I lost a lot of weight, I think I should try to get some calories in. It's a great day for me so far ♥ Next week, I have another visit with Dr. Shin, and I might get the approval to stop wearing my wafer! My heart is fluttering with excitement! The double chin worries me, but I was told that it was best to wait and see until the 6-month mark to see if it would resolve. My mind was put at ease, and I guess I should wait patiently. I went to work today and other than the mild difficulty speaking, everything was completely fine! Everyone told me that I was speaking articulately, which was such a relief because I was worried that it might interfere with my work. It was a day filled with happiness for me, as I got a ton of compliments and good news!
What I Ate Today / Sweet Potato Latte, Pumpkin Juice, Protein Shake
I haven't been able to go on walks since I've gone back to work :( Not being able to eat is a little taxing on me physically, but fortunately, this doesn't interfere with my work. Today I was able to have a snack cake by smashing it down. There haven't been any major changes regarding the swelling, but I hope my next appointment at the clinic will come soon.
What I Ate Today / Mashed Sweet Potato, Protein Shake, Snack Cake, Banana, Yogurt
16 Days Post-Op
My pronunciation is great when I'm not wearing the wafer—I want to stop wearing it already. The time has been going back after I returned to work, compared to when I was at home, so that's nice. Also, I feel that I'm recovering faster as I'm working! I hope I can start exercising at the gym again now that I'm getting better. My face is still swollen, and I have even been asked if I had facial fat grafting. Since I wear a mask at work due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people don't know that I've had surgery unless I have told them. I can't wait for the 1-month post-op mark so that I can go out to eat delicious food! I put a lot of effort into doing the jaw exercises today as well, and now I can open my mouth three-finger widths! But one of the screws is starting to jam into my gums and it's starting to hurt :(
What I Ate Today / Pumpkin Juice, Protein Shake, Mashed Sweet Potato, Snack Cake, Smashed Boiled Egg
Since the screw jamming into my gums was causing me pain, I put some finely cut cotton in my mouth before I went to sleep, and it was okay by the morning! I'm not sure if I'm seeing any changes in the swelling past the 2-week mark, but I think it's still going down, just differently. Right now my facial outline looks a little bumpy in photos. I hope the swelling in my nose goes down quickly!
What I Ate Today / Pumpkin Juice, Mashed Sweet Potato, Eggs, Yogurt
18 Days Post-Op
I've gotten tired of eating the same things every day, so I had Korean noodle soup by cutting it up into fine pieces and swallowed those bits, lol. These noodles aren't as thick as other noodles, so they're the easiest to swallow. As for the swelling, I don't think there are any major changes.
What I Ate Today / Korean Noodle Soup, Pumpkin Juice, Yogurt, Sponge Cake, Milk
19 Days Post-Op
There's nothing special these days! I met with my mom briefly a week ago, and she commented that she couldn't see drastic changes in the swelling. Since I can't chew my food, I have a limited range of food options. I can't wait for the 1-month mark so that I can start chewing!
What I Ate Today / Boiled Eggs, Yogurt, Cheesy Bread, Milk, Gorgonzola Pizza
It has already been 20 days since my surgery! Time seems to go by quickly, yet slowly at the same time. Today I was really fatigued and dizzy with an upset stomach, so I ordered some porridge and requested that they grind it up finely. The broth from radish kimchi that came with the porridge was the best... I feel that Koreans have to have kimchi.
What I Ate Today / Boiled Eggs, Yogurt, Gorgonzola Pizza, Beef and Vegetable Porridge
21 Days Post-Op
Today marks 3 weeks since my surgery! I got the approval to take my wafer off and the hygienists showed me how to put the elastic bands on, but it's really hard :( They told me it is difficult at first, but it's possible to put them on without looking once I get the hang of it! The screw that has jammed into my gums has caused some swelling, so it's quite painful when I put the elastic bands on there :( I also read reviews that say removing the screws is painful, so I'm already scared, lol. Despite that, not wearing the wafer anymore has made things much more comfortable ♥ Compared to yesterday, I feel more swollen today. I think my swelling has hit a plateau :( My cheeks feel heavy... I should drink lots of pumpkin juice (to reduce the swelling)!
22 Days Post-Op
I think the swelling has dissipated a bit more! Today I had porridge, instant ramen noodles, and a hamburger that I smashed up. I ate as if today was my last day. My body felt heavier because I ate too much for the first time in a long while. Aside from what I'm eating, I'm going about my life exactly how I did before the surgery, but the screw jamming into my gums is causing me so much pain :( If it weren't for the pain in my gums from the screw, I'd be completely fine. I can't wait for the 1-month post-op mark!
I don't have new updates, but the screw jamming into my gums is painful :( As for the swelling, I felt that it was going down slowly, but looking at my photos from 4/5 days after the surgery... the swelling went down considerably, lol. If the swelling keeps going down until the 6-month mark, I think I'll become much prettier! I'm happy my face has gotten much smaller. As for my nose, I can't tell if it looks larger because of the swelling or because my face has gotten smaller. I'm contemplating whether I need to get a nose job... I had too much salty food yesterday, so I'm going to make up for that by having sweet potatoes, pumpkin porridge, and pumpkin juice today!!
Each week goes by really quickly now that I've gone back to work! Today the inside of my mouth and my nose have swelled up, and it felt like I was chewing the inside of my right cheek while I was sleeping :( I've been getting goosebumps every time I see my gums turn white when I put the elastic bands on the screws :( Although I'm scheduled to get the screws removed next Thursday, I called the clinic to see if I could come in sooner. I followed their recommendation to take some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory painkillers. I think I'm going to be waiting for my 1-month post-op check-up throughout this week.
25 Days Post-Op
I think my face is more swollen today for some strange reason :( The area around my cheeks feels weighed down, and the inside of my mouth feels swollen and uncomfortable in the evenings. Today I called the clinic and moved my appointment from next Thursday to this Tuesday. I also went for a short bike ride and got some aerobic exercise. Lately, I've been practicing smiling. According to the YouTube videos I have been watching, it's beneficial to make use of the muscles above the jaw. I've also been doing the jaw exercises, and now I can open my mouth three-finger widths!
26 Days Post-Op
I slept in and took a nap because it was the weekend. It made my face swell up, so I went out for a walk at night. My face swells up in the morning and deswells in the evening like magic.. The inside of my mouth remains swollen, so it hurts when I take the elastic bands on and off :( Today, I had Korean black bean noodles (finely cut up) and porridge! I've been able to eat more recently. Yesterday, I had a video chat with my friend and she mentioned my face has gotten way smaller and that the swelling in my cheeks makes me look like an elementary schooler, LOL.
27 Days Post-Op
I've been having either porridge or ramen noodles for meals since there aren't many easy-to-swallow foods. I'm excited by the thought of being able to eat soft foods next week!! Today I had kimchi stew ramen, porridge, and a chocolate pastry drenched in milk. It still hurts when I take the elastic bands on and off :( I got to rest and get a lot of sleep over the weekend, so the inside of my mouth has elastic band marks from the swelling that increased and dissipated.
My facial outline is still bumpy from the swelling. It should become smoother where my chin is, right? I don't want to overexert myself because of the swelling, so I'm making plans to go out with my friends starting in July. I feel like I'll be in for a reality check soon because I haven't been wearing makeup and only wearing comfortable clothes. Despite this, I'm eagerly waiting for the next few months when I'll have gotten prettier!
Today is the day I go in for my 1-month post-op visit! Finally! It's awkward seeing my face with makeup on for the first time in a month. My eyes look really large, it's interesting. The issue with my nose looking big is still an issue :( I was told that the swelling in my nose would continue to go down until the 6-month post-op mark! All of the screws in my gums were removed and it didn't hurt at all. I also got the approval to start eating soft foods!! I'm so happy! I can't wait for the day I can have tteokbokki (Korean spicy rice cakes).
After I got the OK to start chewing, I've been eating a lot, and I think I've regained the weight that I've lost over the course of five days, LOL. I went to a sushi place because I had a craving for sashimi, and I realized how soft sashimi could be for the first time... Fortunately, salmon is soft, so I was able to have salmon sushi. I didn't think the swelling went down any further, but looking at my photos from five days ago, it did!! Because I enjoy salty and spicy foods and eat a late-night snack every evening, I feel like the swelling isn't dissipating as much as it could. I should cut down on the late-night snacks starting today.
I put on makeup for the first time in a while and went to a cafe today. My eyes and nose look larger because my face has gotten significantly smaller. I don't like taking photos from the front because I think my nose looks too big in them :( The same goes for photos other people take of me from the front because of my cheeks, the bottom of my chin, and my nose. Since I like taking photos so much, it's frustrating to not be able to do what I want to do. As for my nose, I wasn't sure if it appeared larger due to the swelling, so I looked back at photos from before the surgery to compare, and I think it is the swelling that makes my nose look bigger. It should go down, right? I know I shouldn't be impatient, but I want to look prettier as soon as possible. Oh, and one more thing! My lip shape has become much prettier. People are asking me if I had something done on my lips because my lip corners look lifted upwards. I have been doing much better and it has been over a month since my surgery, but it's evident I underwent a major surgery if you look at the swelling and bruising on my neck. With major surgeries such as Double Jaw Surgery, I feel that it's important to be prudent when selecting a surgery center. I'm glad I had mine at EU!
When I look in the mirror or at the selfies I took, it seems like much of the swelling went down. However, I feel that I look like a pufferfish in photos others took of me, so those are still hard to look at. I ordered an anti-swelling tea because I feel that the swelling isn't going down very much. Because of the COVID pandemic, I'm not able to go out often and when I do, I'm almost always wearing a mask, so I don't have very many opportunities to take photos. As for my nose, it remains large, and my nostrils look big if you look at them from a worm's eye view, lol. My nose looking wide is my main concern these days. Aside from that, my face has become much smaller, and my facial proportions look amazing. My facial outline looks natural. It's almost as if I was born with it, and it amazes me every time I see it..! I'm able to eat well too, and I'm just waiting to have pork belly three months from now ♡
56 Days Post-Op
Today was the first time I went out with others after the surgery. I worried a little, but fortunately, it was well-received. Even though I don't look very swollen when I look in the mirror, I look like a baby pufferfish in photos, lol :( I live for taking photos, but my photos aren't coming out very nicely. It's depressing. The swelling in the front of my cheeks looks like it's going to pop if you poke it. I wish the swelling making my nose look big would go away. Since my nose is swollen, it makes me give off a blunt expression. I'm going about my daily life with ease and I'm able to eat almost everything, as I'm trying to be careful with foods that are hard.
It's already been 2 months since my surgery...that's insane! The swelling has gone down considerably, but now my nose is the most noticeable feature on my face, so I'm preoccupied with another concern :( If you look at my face from the underside, my wide nostrils really emphasize the width of my nose. My face shape is still a little bumpy because of the residual swelling, and if you look at my face from the side, you can see the skin that's left beneath my chin. I've been drinking an anti-swelling tea lately, so I hope the swelling goes down quickly! My face has gotten much smaller and I can't have traditional pork belly, but I can thinly sliced pork belly! I've been gaining weight because I've been eating so well, it might become a problem, lol.
72 Days Post-Op
It's crazy how quickly the time has gone by. I met up with my friends today and they kept telling me that the swelling makes me look cuter and younger, lol. They also mentioned that the surgery seemed like a success and that it doesn't look obvious that I had cosmetic surgery done. It's not that there was no change in how I look, but my face still has a natural look as if I were born with my current face. I think I heard that my side profile is pretty 100 times. I'm overjoyed! Everything I wanted to improve through surgery has been done, and above all, I'm happy about and thankful to Dr. Shin and everyone at EU for ensuring that my surgery went safely.. ♥ My self-esteem goes up as the swelling goes down. I don't know if it's because I've been drinking the anti-swelling tea, but I think the swelling dissipated quite a lot! I'm able to have thin cuts of meat and the fatty part of pork shoulder since it's soft. It's okay if I have just a little, right..?
I'm not sure if the anti-swelling tea is effective, but I met with a friend I saw last week and she told me that it looks like the swelling dissipated more! My photos look great now, and I get surprised when I see photos of myself before surgery... Once the swelling in my philtrum goes down, my mouth will look less protruded, and the unevenness in my lower jaw is due to the swelling as well, right? I still look swollen in photos other people take of me, but the swelling isn't noticeable in my selfies! I have been realizing how much impact one's face shape can have these days ♥
84 Days Post-Op
I feel that the swelling has gone down drastically. I've been having two bags of the anti-swelling tea every day. Is it the effects of the anti-swelling tea? From the front, the swelling left in my nose and cheekbone area makes my face look full, but from the side, my jawline is starting to become visible, which makes me super happy. I have been really enjoying taking side profile photos lately. No matter how hard I tried to correct my lip shape in the past, it still looked awkward. Nowadays, I've been hearing that my lip shape looks prettier very often!! I become more grateful to Dr. Shin and everyone at EU as the swelling goes down.
It's finally time for my 3-month post-op check-up. On my way to the clinic, I made a list of things I wanted to ask Dr. Shin. The first thing on the list: Can I have pork belly? lol I've been having a huge craving for pork belly. Dr. Shin told me that my bones had healed well and that I could have anything I wanted to eat now! I was overjoyed!!! I had been contemplating getting a nose job because of the swelling in my nose, and Dr. Shin informed me that the swelling in the nose takes the longest to dissipate. I was so relieved to hear that the swelling in my nose would go down further! Also, I've why facial bone contouring surgery should be done before cosmetic eye or nose surgery. Every time I meet people these days, they always comment how my face looks slightly different, lol. I had pork belly right after I came back from the clinic. I should have a beer soon, too ♥
In the first month after surgery, I felt really tired and longed to hit the 3-month post-op mark, but six months have gone by since my surgery..! I'm satisfied with my face profile. Now I'm able to have meat jerky, and I'm going about my life happily without pain or sensitivity!
I'm doing so well, I've almost forgotten that I had surgery. My mouth protrusion has improved a lot, and my face hasn't sagged as much as I expected, so I'm just getting lifting procedures from time to time!
Nowadays I've forgotten that I've had surgery. Next month marks one year since my surgery..! The friends I met up with recently mentioned that it seems like there seems to be some swelling left and that they think I'll become prettier once it fully dissipates!
I can't believe a year has already gone by since my surgery! I remember feeling regret over the surgery because I was super tired until the 3-month mark... I couldn't notice any stark changes since it's my face, but I was startled when I saw a photo from 4 years ago recently. I've become so much prettier... lol! Although it depends on the person, I haven't noticed any discomfort that interferes with my everyday life throughout the first year after double jaw surgery. I'm a little regretful that I didn't get orthodontic treatment at EU because I feel that I would have had better results, but otherwise, I'm incredibly satisfied!!