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    • My Confidence is at an All-Time High!
    • Writer : Choi****** | Views : 13554 | Date : 2023-09-15

    • Why I Had Double Jaw Surgery

      I was teased for my lower jaw a lot as a child, and it made it difficult to eat as well. While I was looking into jaw surgeries as an adult, I consulted with a number of surgery centers. I initially planned to undergo surgery at a different clinic, but they had a history of medical accidents and told me that preoperative orthodontic treatment was not an option in my case. This led me to look for other surgical practices online, including EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. I decided to undergo surgery at EU because preoperative orthodontic treatment was possible here. 

      2 Days Post-Op

      The swelling went down a lot, and I'm not drooling nor bleeding as much anymore as well. Except for waking up throughout the night and my butt hurting because I have to sleep sitting down, I think I'm doing completely fine. I'm eagerly waiting for the day I can sleep lying down, lol. 

      3 Days Post-Op

      I could feel my skin pulling against the tape when it was taken off. Having to wear the compression band for 50 minutes and taking it off for 10 minutes is a little annoying, but I'm incredibly satisfied with how my face has gotten much smaller, lol. There is quite some discomfort when I'm taking the medications, but I'm able to power through it by telling myself it's only for one week! 

      4 Days Post-Op

      My stomach keeps rumbling because I've only had liquids since the surgery :( I'm pulling through by thinking about how there will be a wider range of foods I can eat once I go to the clinic next week for the laser treatment and to get my surgical site disinfected. I'm spending the entirety of my days lying down 

      7 Days Post-Op

      Today was my first check-up appointment after the surgery, and I was so happy to hear that I could start brushing my teeth! Now I'm thinking about starting to eat yogurt, milk, and other dairy products that don't require chewing. People have been telling me that the swelling has gone down a lot compared to last week, which makes me really happy :) 

      8 Days Post-Op

      I started going on walks yesterday, and today's photos show a noticeable reduction in the swelling!! Tomorrow, I'll have taken all of my prescribed medicines, and I'm hoping to have dairy products like milk and yogurt as well!  

      9 Days Post-Op

      I finished the course of my prescription medications this morning, and I had milk and yogurt for lunch, which satisfied my hunger!! 

      22 Days Post-Op

      I'm able to feel sensations in my cheeks again. I don't know if the ability to feel sensations in my lower jaw is coming back, but my lower jaw feels tingly. Otherwise, there are no issues that interfere with my day-to-day life. Compared to before, it's much easier to swallow soup and porridge, and I'm sleeping much better as well. I do check that the swelling is continuing to go down every morning though, lol.

      25 Days Post-Op

      It's almost been a month since my surgery and the swelling has gone down considerably as well. I've been putting a lot of effort into doing the jaw exercises, and I think it's a relief I'm able to open my mouth wider now! It's only been a month since my surgery, but I don't have any major difficulty or discomfort doing everyday activities, so I'm more comfortable going out and about, which is great! 

      29 Days Post-Op

      Yesterday, I had a traditional Korean meal for the first time after the surgery. Since the ability to feel sensations in my lower jaw hasn't completely returned, I spilled a little while eating, but other than that, there were no issues!! To avoid overexerting my jaw while eating, I cut up the softer side dishes into small pieces. I worried that it would be painful to eat like this, but it didn't hurt at all! 

      32 Days Post-Op

      I went out to watch a movie and hang out with my friends for the first time after surgery. I hadn't seen them in a while, and they told me that I had become much prettier! I think I'll be taking more selfies now since I'll be going out more often!! It's disappointing I can't have kimchi, but I'm satisfied enough with the fact that I am able to eat complete meals! 

      33 Days Post-Op

      Today, my family went hiking on the mountain behind our neighborhood. I was able to reach the top and make my way down without any problems!! To be honest, I worried a lot beforehand and got scared while going up, but it ended up being just fine! Recently my face gets swollen for a bit after waking up in the morning, but it dissipates by the afternoon, so I think I'll be going on walks more often!!

      35 Days Post-Op

      Since I've been going out a lot lately, I'm wearing makeup more often, and I take a selfie every time I wear makeup, LOL. I'm not able to feel sensations in my lower jaw yet, so I do spill my food a little when I eat. Other than this, there are no major issues and I'm doing well!

      39 Days Post-Op

      I dyed my hair for the first time after the surgery.  I honestly worried about how this might affect the surgical site before I went to the hair salon, so I spent a lot of time looking this up online. Now that I think about it, I was able to get my hair dyed without any discomfort affecting the surgical site. It's almost been 2 months since my surgery and much of the swelling has gone down, which is such a relief :) 

      45 Days Post-Op

      Recently, it's gotten much colder, so I can't go on walks outside anymore. I'm trying to make up for it by watching videos of stretches I can do to hopefully reduce the swelling!! It's become much easier to eat, too. My lower jaw felt a little stiff in the mornings after waking up, but now that feeling is gone and I can open my mouth wider now!! Also, my had been swollen after waking up even a few weeks back. Now my face is not swollen in the mornings anymore, which makes me really happy!!

      52 Days Post-Op

      It's almost been two months since my surgery. I worried a lot before undergoing surgery because I heard about people who weren't able to eat or sleep well even two to three months afterward. Personally, I'm extremely satisfied with my post-surgery appearance, so I haven't noticed any difficulties or discomfort that interfere with my everyday life. Since I can't go out much due to the COVID pandemic, I go hiking or on walks in my neighborhood or with my family. I also watch and follow stretching tutorials on YouTube every night to keep my swelling at bay!

      61 Days Post-Op

      It's been two months since I've had surgery! I've heard that it takes several months to be able to feel sensations around the surgical site, so this was what I worried about the most before and after undergoing surgery. Fortunately, I'm able to feel all sensations now, except for those in my lower jaw. Although I do spill a bit of food when I eat, it's much less than before. I've gotten a lot of compliments from my friends, but the most common one is that I now look younger than I did before. I'm glad I underwent the surgery every time I get these compliments!! 

      67 Days Post-Op

      Not much has changed, other than that I'm still doing well!! Although I have yet to be able to feel sensations in my lower jaw, I'm completely fine. Every time I meet up with someone, they tell me I have gotten a lot prettier! My nose was congested shortly after the surgery, but fortunately, that has resolved!! 

      75 Days Post-Op

      I'm trying to have other soft foods other than rice and side dishes!! I haven't been able to eat well in the first month after the surgery, so there are a lot of things I want to eat. At mealtimes, I try to have a lot of the softer side dishes to nourish my body with nutrients :) Next month marks three months since my surgery—I can't wait to have meat!!

      82 Days Post-Op

      I have no issues eating, and my face doesn't temporarily swell in the mornings anymore!! I haven't had my 3-month post-op check with my operating surgeon, so I don't know if it's okay for me to have meat. I'm suppressing my cravings for now, but it would be fantastic if I could start eating meat!!? 

      89 Days Post-Op

      The weather has gotten much colder and COVID-19 cases are on the rise all of a sudden, so a lot of my plans to go out are being canceled. When I do go out, I take a lot of photos, and it surprises me how different I look now compared to before the surgery. I hope the COVID pandemic ends so that I can take my mask off and walk around confidently with my new face!! 

      98 Days Post-Op

      The COVID situation has gotten more serious, so even though I can't go out, I'm trying to keep my spirits high at home by putting on makeup. Regardless of how you look at it, wouldn't it be upsetting to cover your face with a mask after cosmetic surgery :( ? My confidence is at an all-time high after the surgery, but having to wear a mask all the time is frustrating. I just want COVID to go away soon :( When I went out to eat before surgery, I would lower my face, but now I'm able to keep my head high when I take my mask off.

      105 Days Post-Op

      I'm going to the clinic tomorrow for my 3-month post-op follow-up!! Lots of people have said that double jaw surgery patients need monitoring for three months after the surgery. I'm both excited and nervous for tomorrow's check-up. It'd be great if I could have meat after tomorrow, but I can't believe it's been three months since my surgery! 

      138 Days Post-Op

      After the 3-month post-op check-up, I've been able to have some meat and somewhat crunchy foods without any issues!! I think alcohol and tough or hard foods, would be too much on my body, so I haven't had them yet, but I'm willing to try a little bit of them! All of the major swelling has dissipated, and here's to hoping that the residual swelling goes down soon! 

      165 Days Post-Op

      It's now been 5 months—going on 6 months—since my surgery. I had alcohol for the first time after surgery on the Lunar New Year. I worried about this alone, but it had no effect on the surgical site!! I'm still careful because I haven't completely regained the ability to feel sensations in my lower jaw. I hope I can feel sensations in my lower jaw soon! ​

게시물 작성 테이블
다음Next #My New Face Shape Looks Natural and Beautiful!
다음Next #Surgery Improved My Quality of Life!
다음Next #Surgery was the Best Choice I Have Made!
다음Next #I Love How Small My Face is Now!
다음Next #My Side Profile Gets Me Tons of Compliments!
이전Previous #My New Face Shape is the Source of My Happiness!
이전Previous #I Look Great with Short Hair Now!
이전Previous #I Love My New Face Shape!
이전Previous #Surgery + Weight Loss = An Amazing Jawline!
이전Previous #Surgery Replaced My Insecurities with Confidence!
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