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    • My Friends Say I became Prettier!
    • Writer : Kim*** | Views : 15883 | Date : 2021-10-29

    • Reason for Surgery : 

      Ever since I was in high school, I was interested in taking care of my appearance but due to my protruded mouth, I had no confidence with my side profile. Whenever I took photos, I would feel stressed whenever I saw my selfies without any filters. The most difficult thing was not being able to cut noodles with my front teeth properly. I was scared and nervous to get surgery but I didn’t want to be stressed with my appearance any longer so I made a huge decision to get surgery.


      Reason for Choosing EU:

      I found out about EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery through a plastic surgery app. I searched for them on youtube and found out that they had a channel. I subscribed to their channel and watched their videos and ended up getting a consultation at the clinic. The atmosphere at the clinic was okay and the staff were really kind and made sure to examine everything carefully. It made me put my trust in them.


      Post-Op: 1 Day

      After I woke up from the anesthesia, I was very dizzy and threw up blood. The most difficult part was breathing. I was given “New Care” but I only ended up drinking half of it. My throat felt dry so I drank a lot of water.


      Post-Op: 3 Days

      My breathing got better now but my swelling got worse. When I looked in the mirror, I thought I was someone else. I consumed soup and pumpkin extract when I got hungry. I also had “New Care” and went out on a walk around my house for about 30 minutes.


      Post-Op: 7 Days

      I feel comfortable breathing now but my bruises haven’t disappeared. I think the swelling decreased. Other than when I was eating, I made sure to use the compression band. As soon as I woke up, I drank two pouches of pumpkin extract and also had some steamed egg since I was hungry. I also went on a 30 minute walk in the morning and during the night. I was craving something sweet so I bought ice cream at a nearby café. I feel like I only experience pain at night. I feel pain on my jaw. I hope this pain can disappear soon.


      Post-Op: 22 Days

      I wanted to go to Baskin-Robbins so I made sure to go there during my daily walk. My swelling is decreasing pretty quickly. My bruises are also disappearing and the area where I have bruises tends to get itchy. Day by day, I can see that my swelling is decreasing. I’m making sure that I’m doing my jaw exercises and I am able to open my mouth wider compared to before. I still feel pain and tingling sensation on my jaw. Also, I’ve been craving sugar so I drink chocolate milk more than New Care.


      Post-Op: 25 Days

      It’s been a while since I put on makeup. I went on a walk to look at some flowers. Whenever I wake up, my face seems to swell.


      Post-Op: 38 Days

      a lot of my swelling has decreased. Of course, I’m still swollen though. The braces aren’t too painful but I still get uncomfortable since food keeps getting stuck in it. I’m trying to find a place that has good risotto. Recently, I went to Hongdae to eat an omelet soufflé. It was very soft so I think I’ll go there often! I’m doing the jaw exercises everyday. I’m worried if I can correct my dental midline without the wafers. It’s not easy.


      Post-Op: 52 Days

      While brushing my teeth, I was able to see the new flesh that was growing over the holes where the screws were. I think only half of the sensation returned for the roof of my mouth. Sometimes, I feel a tingling sensation on the roof of my mouth. I can fit 3 fingers in my mouth and my dental midline is matching more compared to last time. I’m not experiencing any pain or discomfort.


      Post-Op: 114 Days

      My dental midline matches now and I’m drinking tea that helps with swelling. I can see that most of my swelling has decreased. Also, I can fit more than 3 fingers in my mouth now. I went to the clinic today and was told that I can eat any foods now. I almost cried when I heard that. I’m trying to eat what I couldn’t like spicy rice cakes. I made sure to cut them up into small pieces.


      Post-Op: 142 Days

      After surgery, I wasn’t able to eat properly since I was in pain and breathing was also difficult. It seems like it was only yesterday when I was having trouble sleeping. I’m able to eat chicken and spicy rice cakes, foods which I couldn’t eat before I’m eating well and I’m still going on walks. Since it’s my vacation, I was able to go to the water park and since I had to walk a lot, my swelling got much better. Also, putting on lipstick was difficult in the past. But now, I’m able to rub my lips together. I’m not experiencing any discomforts.


      Post-Op: 185 Days

      I’m doing well nowadays. It seems like it was yesterday when I had my surgery. Time flies by quickly. I can see that my swelling is decreasing and my friends have been saying that I got a lot prettier which makes me happy. I’m receiving the orthodontic treatment without any problems. Since I have braces, I pay more attention to brushing my teeth now. I’m always afraid that my braces will fall off when I eat so I’m being careful. When I sleep, I put a small rubber band on y braces. It didn’t hurt at first but as time goes by, I feel pain.


게시물 작성 테이블
다음Next #Facial Asymmetry Improved! Highly Satisfied
다음Next #Living a New Life After Surgery!~
다음Next #Jaw surgery improve asymmetry! Post OP 6 Months
다음Next #200% Satisfied!
다음Next #Facial Contouring for Facial Asymmetry!
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이전Previous #Satisfied When Looking In The Mirror!
이전Previous #I Used to Hate Taking Profile Pictures
이전Previous #Definition on My Jawline!~
  • 목록

Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is officially certified as the Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients.

Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institution

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery has successfully passed highly strict criteria to officially be one of the Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institutions.

Love sharing EU

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery share
the love we have received from our patients with those in need in our society.

By helping and sharing with our neighbors and those in need,
we strive to help our society become warmer, healthier, and richer.


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    • EU knows
      beautiful faces very well
    • As our oral and maxillofacial surgery specialists perform aesthetic orthognathic surgery and aesthetic contouring surgery, the biggest of all concerns in receiving the surgery, “can the surgery actually be performed at an oral and maxillofacial surgery hospital to improve my beauty?” is not something you need to worry about.
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Hospital name EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery |Address: Nohyeon-dong 1-3, Gangnam-gu |Personal Information Protection Officer : Jong Yun Kim |Business registration number: 691.66.00118
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