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    • Double Jaw Should Be Done At A Maxillofacial Clinic!
    • Writer : Kim*** | Views : 16085 | Date : 2021-08-16

    • Reason for Surgery at EU

      Ever since I was little, my malocclusion caused my lower teeth to cover my upper teeth and my chin protruded. Starting from elementary school and until high school, my face changed and I went to a university hospital, and a famous dentist in Seoul. However, I was told my concerns could not be corrected with braces and that I would need orthognathic double jaw surgery when I become an adult. The term “Lantern Jaw” has followed me throughout middle school and high school. It was difficult since I was going through surgery. After I became an adult, I wasn’t teased anymore but since my bite did not match, I could near noises whenever I ate due to my teeth clashing. Because I had functional problems, I developed gastrointestinal disorder. I thought I had to live like that forever which made me want to get surgery. After I decided to get surgery, I reached out to EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery through the chat page. I found out from another clinic that my nerve lining was too low for the SSRO method but they said they had confidence to proceed with that method. I knew it was a surgery with big risks but I started getting scared. Then, I went to EU for a consultation and Dr. Shin informed be that safety is the most important thing for surgery. In order to minimize the risks, he said he would perform the IVRO method which made me trust him. That is why I decided to get surgery at EU.


      OP Day

      It’s really difficult to breathe. My throat hurts and I’m not allowed to drink water until 3 more hours. My nose felt stuffy to the point where I felt like I couldn’t breathe and I cannot open my mouth due to my wafers. I called for the nurse quickly because I thought I was going to suffocate and she treated me kindly late at night so I was really grateful. She gave me medication that helps my nose clear up(?) and my breathing got better.


      Post OP 1 Day

      My face got more swollen compared to yesterday. My catheter got removed early in the morning, then I got “New Care” for my meal. I got laser treatment for at least 10 minutes and went back into the recovery room and drank New Care. After drinking only water, the taste of the New Care was delicious. However, my throat is still swollen so it is difficult to drink anything.


      Post OP 2 Days

      My nose is swollen. I got my mouth disinfected and got discharged. After coming home, I drank New Care and consumed my powdered prescription medication and syrup. It was very verrrry bitter. After taking the medication, I slept and my face ended up getting more swollen. Breathing got more difficult. I was scared because breathing at night got difficult.


      Post OP 3 Days

      The consultant told me I can try to eat fine porridge or stew so I ate stew! I’m still scared to wash my hair so I tried to take a light shower at night. I feel so refreshed!! Breathing is so much better than yesterday! Staying home with my family makes time go by faster compared to when I was recovering at the clinic.


      Post OP 4 Days

      I couldn’t breathe well yesterday so I had trouble sleeping. I keep drinking liquids because I want to eat food. In the mornings I have new care, for lunch new care + bean sprout stew. Then I went to the clinic.


      Post OP 5 Days

      It’s been so long since I slept for 8 hours straight! The roof of my mouth and gums hurt slightly. Also, my teeth hurt slightly and my ears tingle sometimes. I think it will get better though. I think my swelling decreased a bit but the swelling on my lips won’t decrease LOL. I’ll try to go on walks frequently.


      Post OP 6 Days

      It’s been so long since I had a good nap. I feel that my swelling got better compared to yesterday?! But the swelling on my lips isn’t getting better. I went on a walk for an hour hoping that my swelling would get better. I keep losing weight because eating properly is difficult so I want to eat delicious foods quickly.

      I was craving something sweet so I blended a watermelon and drank it. Yummy.

      Breakfast: Porridge + New Care + Water (All Blended)

      Lunch: Porridge + Water (All blended)

      Dinner: Porridge + Water (Blended)

      Post OP 7 Days

      It seems that time isn’t going by but it’s already been a week. I went to the clinic this morning and got the inside of my mouth disinfected and got de-swelling treatment. The inside of my mouth hurts from the metals so I told the doctor but they couldn’t do anything about it because I’m in the middle of using rubber bands for fixation. I want to get them removed quickly T__T Maybe it’s because I always ate spicy foods but I’m really craving spicy foods! I asked the staff at EU when I will be able to eat spicy foods and they said I could after I get my stitched removed.

      Today’s meal: Blended porridge, 2 Cans of New Care, Powerade

      Post OP 11 Days

      I went to the clinic yesterday to get my de-swelling laser treatment. By going on walks, I feel that my swelling has been decreasing! I didn’t get surgery on my chin so I don’t have any swelling in that area, and I like how my jawline looks whenever I smile. Originally, I was planning on getting surgery on my chin as well but Dr. Shin told me it would be better if I didn’t do it.

      Post OP 13 Days

      My swelling has been decreasing and my family has been telling me that my appearance is changing little by little everyday. I can’t notice it though. The left side of my jaw was in pain and I think it’s due to the fact that I wasn’t able to sleep comfortably on my side. I could feel the pain 2-3 more times and woke up from it. The pain keeps getting worse, it’s my first time experiencing it after surgery. However, the pain got better in the afternoon. I can finally remove my stitches and rubber bands tomorrow! I want to eat porridge quickly T__T. I lost about 7kgs but my face is very round (due to the swelling)… I will go on a walk again today.

      Today’s meal: Chocolate milk, Strawberry milk, Banana milk, New Care, Pumpkin extract, Pumpkin tea.

      Post OP 15 Days

      I went and got de-swelling laser treatment at the clinic yesterday and got my stitches removed. I thought my rubber bands will be completely removed after I got my stitched removed but… I was told that I can removed the rubber bands only for 3 hours per day. But now I’ll be able to eat porridge and noodles, and talk for at least an hour during breakfast and dinner time. My family said that my voice sounded weird though T__T. I asked the clinic about it and they asked if my throat hurt a lot after surgery. They told me it was because my throat, gums, and the roof of my mouth are still swollen. I can’t go to my company like this.. LOLOL. I hope the swelling in the inside of my mouth will get better soon!

      Today’s meal: Blended Rice and Galbi Stew, Dippin Dots, and bite of chicken (no chewing, only swallowing).


      Post OP 19 Days (8/19)

      I went to the clinic on the 17th and they checked my bite. They told me that I could remove my rubber bands for 2 hours during breakfast, lunch, and dinner (6 hours in total). I wish I can remove them completely~ Maybe it’s because I’ve been doing the jaw exercises so I’m able to fit 3 fingers in my mouth. The swelling on the outer part of my face is uncomfortable due to the swelling inside. My throat and the inside of my nose is swollen so my voice sounds weird and the inside of my cheeks keep rubbing against my braces so I’m getting an injury. I’ve been consuming various stews and congee. Now that I’m eating more, my weight has been returning. Maybe my stomach got smaller but I cannot eat as much as before.

      Today’s meal: Army Stew with Rice, Steamed egg, Chocolate cake, Pumpkin extract.


      Post OP 22 Days (8/22)

      My voice still sounds weird due to the swelling on the inside of my nose and throat. My pronunciation is also weird..  Lately, I’ve been eating chocolate cake, rice and stew, and pancakes. But I’m still not able to gain the 7kgs that I lost. Maybe it’s because I went on walks too frequently since I was focused on making the swelling decrease. I hope the swelling decreases so that my voice can go back to normal.

      Today’s meal: Pumpkin porridge, Braised chicken (cut into small pieces), Chocolate cake, Egg porridge, Pumpkin extract


      Post OP 25 Days (8/25)

      My nose and ears keeps getting blocked T_T. And my ears sting.


      Post OP 27 Days (8/27)

      My voice still sounds weird and my pronunciation is off… At least I’m able to eat various foods! Tomorrow will be the fourth week. By reading other people’s reviews, they seem to be able to go outside after 4 weeks. But since I’ve been very swollen since the beginning, I cannot go outside. I hope the swelling decreases.


      Post OP 28 Days (8/28)

      I can take off my wafers starting today. I was also told that I can chew soft foods! I can’t believe I can finally chew T__T. The weight that I lost during the first 2 weeks isn’t coming back, but I think I will gain weight soon.

      Today’s Meal: Pumpkin Porridge, Pumpkin extract, Pumpkin pancakes, Edible marinated Raw Meat


      Post OP 37 Days (9/7)

      Now that I can chew, I feel like I can live! I can eat pasta, risotto, and soft parts of lean chicken. It’s amazing how it’s already been 37 days. I went to the ENT doctor and I was told that I had a problem with the airflow in my ears. They said it can happen with sudden weight loss. I will eat a lot so that I gain weight. I don’t have any problems with my vocal chords but my voice still sounds weird. I really hope the remaining swelling decreases T__T. Sometimes when I open my mouth and say “Ahh,” the left side of my jaw joint tingles. It’s not like that everyday but it still hurts sometimes.

      Post OP 44 Days (9/14)

      With the exception of hard and tough foods (ex: meat, cucumbers) I can eat almost anything. I started braces again last week. My wires are more thick now so my teeth hurt. The screws that are inside of my mouth keep rubbing the inside so it hurts. I cannot get the screws removed so I have to get used to it. My medical leave for work ended today. I’m able to talk a bit and my pronunciation is better. However, my voice still sounds like I have a cold. Time is medicine!

      As time goes by, I like my appearance. ^_^


      Post OP 55 Days (9/25)

      I can eat tuna and salmon sashimi! The sensation for my bottom teeth and gums have almost fully returned but I still have loss of sensation on my upper teeth and gums. The time for the sensation to return depends on each person, it can even take years so I’m not worried. I’m satisfied with my bite position and my appearance so far. I don’t take a lot of pictures since I have to wear a mask indoors and outdoors.

      Post OP 61 Days (10/1)

      My right nostril is swollen and itches. I will send a message if it’s still swollen after my orthodontic appointment!


      Post OP 76 Days (10/16)

      I still have loss of sensation on around my mouth. My coworkers tell me that my swelling seems to be decreasing. I can’t tell but I’m relieved that the swelling is getting better. I can eat various foods but I still have to refrain from having meat or anything that requires strength in my jaw muscles. But I’m still happy that I can eat more foods. I hope covid19 situation gets better so that I can go around outside without wearing a mask. 

      Post OP 80 Days  (10/20)

      Post OP 100 Days  

      Post OP 104 Days  (11/13)

      I was able to meet with a lot of people lately. It’s the first time that they saw me after surgery and they said that I got so much prettier. The sensation around my mouth returned almost fully, and I can chew kimchi and galbi! I’m happy since I can also eat sashimi wraps. I still wish that the smaller swelling decreases soon and I hope I can take off my braces.


      Post OP 173 Days (1/20)

      I can now eat all foods without any problem! After surgery, whenever I opened my mouth, I would hear a sound. It got a lot better now but the left side of my jaw occasionally makes those sounds. I thought it got fixed after surgery but since that is not the case, I’m a bit sad. I wanted to reduce the swelling more quickly so I got injections but I cannot see a big difference. After surgery, if I eat a late night snack and go to sleep, the inside of my mouth and cheeks get swollen. I’m the type whose face does not swell easily but I think it changed now. Other than that, I don’t have any discomforts. I’m just looking forward to getting my braces removed.


      Post OP 6 Months  

      -There is still some loss of sensation around my mouth. When I touch the outer part of my skin, I can feel a tingle(?) itchy(?) sensation. I hope my nerves heal quickly!

      -My braces are more uncomfortable compared to the loss of sensation of my nerves. My cheeks keep rubbing against the braces and so it keeps getting inflamed. I hope I can get it removed quickly!​

      Post OP 9 Months (5/21)

      I don’t have any problems with eating solid foods. Diced radish, BBQ meat, etc. I’m able to eat solid and tough foods. But my braces are uncomfortable. (T_T) I want to remove them quickly. Sometimes I hear a noise from my jaw when I open my mouth. It’s a noise that I heard frequently even before surgery so it didn’t get corrected fully. When I eat, I can hear my teeth rubbing against each other. I could hear noises before surgery when I ate, this too could not be corrected fully.

게시물 작성 테이블
다음Next #Satisfied When Looking In The Mirror!
다음Next #I Used to Hate Taking Profile Pictures
다음Next #Definition on My Jawline!~
다음Next #FFS for a Soft Face Shape
다음Next #People Say My Face Looks Smaller!
이전Previous #I love to stand infront of the Camera
이전Previous #Got My Pins Removed, Recovery for Double Jaw is Now OVER
이전Previous #Invisalign correction after double jaw surgery
이전Previous #Almost Done With Braces, I'm So Excited!~
이전Previous #Goodbye Protruded Mouth, Short Chin! Highly Satisfied!
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