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    • Almost Done With Braces, I'm So Excited!~
    • Writer : Lee*** | Views : 15531 | Date : 2021-07-28

    • Reason for Surgery

      I was self-conscious about my facial shape, especially my jaw. My upper lips and philtrum are on the shorter side so my gums are visible when I smile. I also feel that my chin and jaw look longer compared to other people so I decided to get surgery.


      Reason for Choosing EU

      I was set on having double jaw surgery and looked up several plastic surgery clinics but found out that it was better to get facial bone surgery at an Oral & Maxillofacial Clinic. So I made a reservation and got a consultation. The consultant and staff were really kind and the doctor seemed down to earth during the consultation. That is why I chose to get surgery from my first consultation at EU.  


      1 Day Post OP

      Due to the anesthesia, I was very sleepy. I wasn’t able to drink water until 4 hours after the surgery and I wasn’t allowed to sleep as well so it was really difficult. My nose was blocked so I couldn’t breathe properly and I kept throwing up so I was having a hard time. I kept bleeding from my nose and mouth which made me concerned but the nurse took good care of me and kept checking up on me. She even changed my ice pack for me regularly so I was grateful to her and felt more at ease. I think I’m more swollen compared to other people which upsets me so I hope time goes quickly.


      2 Days Post OP

      I was given a drink called “New Care” as a meal. Opening my mouth was difficult and drinking liquids cause my throat to hurt so I couldn’t consume most of it. There was almost no difference with the previous day and my back started to hurt since I had to sit up throughout the day. My swelling became worse compared to yesterday.

      3 Days Post OP

      I received de-swelling laser treatment in the morning and the doctor disinfected my mouth and then I came home. I was trying to sleep on the coach but it was really uncomfortable and I kept thinking about the bed at the clinic.



      4 Days Post OP

      Since I wasn’t consuming anything properly, I felt like I would faint so I drank a little bit of New Care and Pocari Sweat and then took my medication. The pills were too big for me to swallow and it kept getting stuck in my throat. I’m able to breathe a little bit more comfortably now and the tape that was on my face got removed.

      5 Days Post OP

      I received de-swelling laser treatment in the morning.

      Breathing is a lot more better now but the swelling on my face seems more severe today. I couldn’t wash my hair so it was itchy. I went to the hair salon to get it washed which felt refreshing. I also bought iced tea at the convenience store and a chocolate drink.

      6 Days Post OP

      I wasn’t able to talk before but now I can talk a little. However, I still cannot talk normally… While I was going up the stairs, my legs were shaking. It seems my stamina got weaker since I haven’t been eating properly. I will go on a walk tomorrow.


      7 Days Post OP

      The pressure band makes it hard for me to breath and I get dizzy if I put it on. Other people seem to use the band without any problem so I wonder why I’m having trouble…

      I wish the swelling can decrease faster so I made sure to receive de-swelling laser treatment during the first 5 days, even though the clinic is an hour away from my house. Maybe that’s why my swelling seems to have decreased.


      8 Days Post OP

      I met with the doctor today and got my mouth disinfected, along with getting my de-swelling laser treatment and my rubber bands removed. It’s easier for me to open my mouth now without the rubber bands and drinking water through the tube is much easier. The doctor told me that my recovery seems to be going well and that I will get prettier after my swelling is gone so I felt really happy. I bought cheesecake bread and milk on my way home. I dipped the bread into the milk and was able to eat it little by little.


      9 Days Post OP

      For breakfast, I drank pumpkin extract and for lunch, I blended banana with milk. I also walked in my house.


      10 Days Post OP

      I had to go outside today so I wore my lenses and did my makeup for the first time after surgery. Since I have to wear a mask, no one can tell that I had surgery. I hope my swelling decreases faster!!


      11 Days Post OP

      My swelling seems to decrease slowly compared to other people. There’s still some bruising on my neck and jaw. I will drink pumpkin extract more frequently and start doing light exercises.


      12 Days Post OP

      I was able to lie down completely for the first time after surgery while I was sleeping. I was able to sleep for 9 hours straight. I consumed pumpkin extract and blended milk with a banana, and then I went to the clinic for my de-swelling treatment. I also went to the café and drank and iced sweet potato latte which was tasty.  


      13 Days Post OP

      My mouth and teeth have been tingling lately. Maybe it’s a sign that means I’m recovering? I took a walk around my house for 30 minutes. While I was on my walk, I could smell something delicious which made me hungry and crave a lot of foods.


      15 Days Post OP

      I’m finally getting my stitches removed today. I read through some reviews that said getting the stitches removed is painful so I was very nervous. However, it wasn’t really painful for me until the stitches near my lips got removed, which was a bit painful. It wasn’t too bad though. My mouth feels much more comfortable now that I have no stitches. I stopped by a nearby café and bought a drink and ate a castella bread with soup at home.


      16 Days Post OP

      What I ate: Banana + Strawberry blended with honey. Half a sweet potato, castella bread, ramyeon noodles cut into small pieces, soup, plain yogurt.


      17 Days Post OP

      I ate bone broth stew with noodles and cup noodles by cutting everything into small pieces. It’s been so long since I had these foods so it tasted even more delicious. I also went on a walk for 2- minutes.  


      20 Days Post OP

      I’m worried since my swelling looks the same during the past week. Especially the area around my nose. I look like I have a pig nose.


      23 Days Post OP

      My jaw hurts less when I sleep and I’m able to fit open my mouth a little more.  


      24 Days Post OP

      I’ve always consumed porridge my blending it but I didn’t do that today and tried to eat it by crushing it on the roof of my mouth. I was able to consume it pretty easily. I’m getting tired of consuming porridge everyday so I had a bit of pickled radish stew and put a bit of fire noodle sauce in my porridge.


      28 Days Post OP

      I came to the clinic for my one-month progress checkup. All 8 screws that were inside of my mouth got removed and I was told that I had no problems recovering. I’m able to consume foods that can be broken down with my hands. I ate spam and seaweed stew at home.

      30 Days Post OP

      I’m able to fit two fingers in my mouth and I’m not as swollen as I used to be. My jaw used to hurt when I lied down but I don’t feel any pain anymore.


      33 Days Post OP

      I went to the dentist today and started braces again. I also removed the wafers that were inside of my mouth. I thought not using my wafers would be more comfortable but it felt awkward since I wore it for a month.


      42 Days Post OP

      Little pieces of food keep getting stuck in my teeth but other than that, I am not experiencing any discomfort.


      53 Days Post OP

      The sensation in my jaw has almost completely returned back to normal. The left side of my jaw still has less sensation and my teeth tingle. Also, the swelling in my nose is still there so I’m worried.


      57 Days Post OP

      I had rubber bands inserted at the dentist today. I was also told that I only needed braces for 6 months so I’m happy.


      68 Days Post OP

      I can consume food by cutting it into little pieces with scissors. I’m also able to proceed with my daily activities.

      120  Days Post OP

      131 Days Post OP

      I ate meat by cutting it into small pieces ^_^ I’m still cautious so I ate it little by little. I’m able to eat most foods now (except for seafood).


      150 Days Post OP

      My jaw feels a bit stiff after I wake up.


      174 Days Post OP

      I ate meat with bean sprouts but maybe I put too much strain on my jaw because the left side is hurting. I will start to be more cautious again.

      179 Days Post OP

      I went to the dentist and I got retainers for my lower teeth.  


게시물 작성 테이블
다음Next #People Say My Face Looks Smaller!
다음Next #Double Jaw Should Be Done At A Maxillofacial Clinic!
다음Next #I love to stand infront of the Camera
다음Next #Got My Pins Removed, Recovery for Double Jaw is Now OVER
다음Next #Invisalign correction after double jaw surgery
이전Previous #Goodbye Protruded Mouth, Short Chin! Highly Satisfied!
이전Previous #Face shape is more important than eyes, nose, mouth!
이전Previous #Double Jaw Surgery is Scary?
이전Previous #I want to say thank you to Dr. Shin : )
이전Previous #6 Months After Double Jaw, I've Been Exercising for 2 Months
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Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is officially certified as the Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients.

Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institution

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery has successfully passed highly strict criteria to officially be one of the Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institutions.

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    • EU knows
      beautiful faces very well
    • As our oral and maxillofacial surgery specialists perform aesthetic orthognathic surgery and aesthetic contouring surgery, the biggest of all concerns in receiving the surgery, “can the surgery actually be performed at an oral and maxillofacial surgery hospital to improve my beauty?” is not something you need to worry about.
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