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    • 6 Months After Double Jaw, I've Been Exercising for 2 Months
    • Writer : 차유성 | Views : 19407 | Date : 2021-05-28

    • I decided to go through with surgery due to my jaw lowering my self-esteem. When I smile, my chin jaw sticks out so I tried my best not to smile around others and I disliked when other people stood next to me. I am self-conscious of what others think about me. My occupation requires me to meet people face to face and participating in competitions means that my face will be exposed to more people. Due to these reasons, I wanted to receive surgery even more.


      I chose to have surgery at EU was because they specialized in maxillofacial surgery and because the doctor seemed calm and rational. I was able to put my full trust in him. Also, the facility seemed clean and tiny which was another reason why I liked it.



      Day of Surgery

      I was half awake after the surgery and I noticed that I was shaking since I felt very cold. The lower half of my body felt stiff and I felt as if my airway was burning so I couldn’t breathe. Maybe it was due to working out my lower body two days prior and bad posture but my muscles were hurting. I couldn’t find a comfortable position and I was in pain even when I was staying still. I was upset and regretted working out my lower body. I didn’t care how my face changed, I just kept wishing that time would fly by faster.


      Post OP 2 Days

      My face kept swelling and my throat still burned. I received “New Care” for as my meals but it was difficult for me to swallow any liquids. I think I was finally able to drink one bottle of “New Care” throughout the day. After removing my urine tube and the breathing tube on my nose, I felt more comfortable than the day before.



      Post OP 3 Days

      Finally, it was the day I was being discharged from the hospital. Before surgery, I thought my body would be okay before my hospital discharge. I was wrong. I couldn’t walk and relaxing my body was not easy but I was happy that I was finally able to go back home. I think the swelling in my face did not get worse compared to yesterday.



      Post OP 4 Days

      I was worried since I wasn’t able to consume anything properly. However, I was able to consume liquids today. I still have to sit upright while I sleep, while it is a bit difficult, I can still sleep properly.

      Post OP 5 Days

      I am relieved that I am able to consume clear porridge with a small spoon now. Since I am a so-called “gym head,” I was worried about muscle loss, since I hadn’t rested this long in a while. My heart sank as I still couldn’t consume anything properly, which was different from what I imagined.


      Post OP 7 Days

      I visited the hospital today. Since I live near the countryside, I had to drive. I usually experience nausea so I had a hard time. However, after coming home and resting, my body felt better.


      Post OP 9 Days

      The swelling has been going down and my body is slowly returning back to normal. It such a relief


      Post OP 11 Days

      I can see that the swelling has been decreasing a bit and I am able to consume liquids better than before. My body seems like it’s getting better so I’m relieved. 


      Post OP 14 Days

      I finally removed my stitches today. I was worried that it was going to be painful but it wasn’t. It may be different depending on the person, but I don’t think there should be any concerns when removing them. I feel better and I’m able to move around more freely. My face is still swollen but since I have to wear a mask during these times, it’s been helpful.


      Post OP 15 Days

      My swelling hasn’t reduced drastically but it seems like it’s getting better day by day. Putting strength on my jaw frequently does not help much. Other than doing simple jaw exercises, it’s better to not put too much strength in the jaw area.


      Post OP 16 Days 


      Post OP 19 Days


      Post OP 23 Days

      I’ve recovered and have been working for 3 days now. The inflammation also got much better along with the swelling. I still have to use the wafers and speaking is still a bit awkward but I can finally remove the wafers completely after this week.


      Post OP 25 Days


      Post OP 28 Days

      The swelling decreased so much and it doesn’t seem unnatural when I remove my mask. But it still looks awkward when I smile or try to make facial expressions. Other than having to use the wafers, I don’t have feel uncomfortable when doing daily tasks.


      Post OP 42 Days

      Eating is not so difficult anymore and I will start using braces again this week. It seems like my life is returning back to how it was before.

      Post OP 7 Weeks

      I think all the initial swelling has gone down and I can open my mouth as wide as I can. I’ve recovered a lot and I can eat solid food now.


      Post OP 8 Weeks

      There isn’t a big difference in my swelling compared to last week. The numbness is slowly going away and the senses are returning. I don’t feel self-conscious of other people even when I take off my mask. 

      Post OP 9 Weeks

      Now I don’t experience any discomfort and I can enjoy my daily activities. However, I still cannot enjoy rigorous upper body exercises. After one month, I’ll finally be able to exercise without any danger.


      Post OP 11 Week

      The swelling seems better when viewed form the side. It hasn’t disappeared completely, and the inside of my mouth still feels awkward. But I can consume most foods now and the nerves seems to be healing well.



      Post OP 12 Weeks

      I have almost no problems when eating and overall, I feel better. But I still have to wait a little longer if I want the healing to be more natural. I don’t have any restrictions at all when doing any activities so I’m glad.


      Post OP 4 Months

      Until three months after my surgery, my face didn’t seem natural and I was worried since the changes were happening quickly. But after that, my face seemed more natural and the changes weren’t happening as quickly as before. Now, I feel that my face is slowly looking more natural (swelling is getting better).



      Post OP 6 Months

      It’s been 2 months since I started exercising again. After starting my diet, the swelling seems to be getting better and I feel that my face is starting to look more natural nowadays. The sensitivity in my lips before is getting better and is almost back to normal. Everything seems more comfortable now and I want to remove my braces quickly.

게시물 작성 테이블
다음Next #Almost Done With Braces, I'm So Excited!~
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이전Previous #Improvement in quality of life after Double Jaw Surgery
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이전Previous #Invisalign braces after jaw surgery!
  • 목록

Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is officially certified as the Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients.

Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institution

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery has successfully passed highly strict criteria to officially be one of the Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institutions.

Love sharing EU

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery share
the love we have received from our patients with those in need in our society.

By helping and sharing with our neighbors and those in need,
we strive to help our society become warmer, healthier, and richer.


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    • EU knows
      beautiful faces very well
    • As our oral and maxillofacial surgery specialists perform aesthetic orthognathic surgery and aesthetic contouring surgery, the biggest of all concerns in receiving the surgery, “can the surgery actually be performed at an oral and maxillofacial surgery hospital to improve my beauty?” is not something you need to worry about.
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