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이전메뉴 다음메뉴
    • Life change after double jaw surgery
    • Writer : Lee** | Views : 15325 | Date : 2021-01-08

    • The reason why I decided on the surgery was because of the painful memory of being eliminated from commissioned officers, and I do not feel comfortable to take side profile picture. I decided to be in the right position to do business lecture. So made such an enormous research about surgery. I wanted to do surgery at EU since staffs are very gentle and facility was clean with good result after surgery. 


      Post OP 1 Day

      At first, the pain in my face was too severe, but the pain disappeared at night, and I couldn't sleep at all due to stuffy nose and throat. The pain disappeared quickly, and the hardest thing was that every minute of breathing and I had no energy in my body.



      Post OP 2 Days

      I don't think the swelling has gone down much. At first, breathing seemed to be more comfortable, but even if my nose is stuffy and phlegm is uncomfortable and it is much better than yesterday. My face is very swollen and I have difficulty breathing.


      Post OP 14 Days

      These days, I lie down and sleep on my side, but when I woke up in the morning, the swelling got a little bigger, but the swelling went down in the afternoon. Tomorrow is the day when we have to remove the stitches, and I wonder how long I will wear wafers and rubber bands.  I can't wait to eat porridge after stitch out!


      Post OP 15 Days

      There were a lot of reviews about the pain of removing the stitches, but it stings and when I put strength on my fingers three times, it was over, so it didn't hurt much. Although there was no inflammation! Doctor told me to disinfect it once more two days later, and teach me how to do mouth exercise. It's amazing that the position has changed because it feels awkward to take out the wafer and see the front teeth come forward and the lower teeth go inside.

      Post OP 33 Days

      While looking in the mirror, I suddenly felt that the swelling had gone down. After a month, I can eat full meals and my life is getting easier little by little. To describe about the current inconvenience, rubber band and wafer are still existing inside of my mouth. The level of dizziness in the headache is gradually decreasing.


      Post OP 39 Days

      I am practicing to open my mouth, but he doesn't seem to have much change, so I looked for contour injections or liposuction because I seems to be bloated, but I has to get rid of swelling. I'm still holding out on the passing time.


      Post OP 42 Days

      After looking at the side of the 6th and 3rd weeks pictures; there are some changes in the side, and I'm eating pumpkin juice to reduce the swelling, too.


      Post OP 54 Days

      After the operation, I started to get braces treatment. I feel empty inside my mouth because I removed the wafer. It feels like the side is slightly missing and it seems to get better quickly than what I expected. My face is getting smaller and I lost a lot of weight, so I think it'll be the best if I just lose my swelling.

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Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is officially certified as the Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients.

Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institution

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery has successfully passed highly strict criteria to officially be one of the Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institutions.

Love sharing EU

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery share
the love we have received from our patients with those in need in our society.

By helping and sharing with our neighbors and those in need,
we strive to help our society become warmer, healthier, and richer.


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    • EU knows
      beautiful faces very well
    • As our oral and maxillofacial surgery specialists perform aesthetic orthognathic surgery and aesthetic contouring surgery, the biggest of all concerns in receiving the surgery, “can the surgery actually be performed at an oral and maxillofacial surgery hospital to improve my beauty?” is not something you need to worry about.
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Hospital name EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery |Address: Nohyeon-dong 1-3, Gangnam-gu |Personal Information Protection Officer : Jong Yun Kim |Business registration number: 691.66.00118
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