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    • 5 Months Post OP, Proceeding With Daily Activities
    • Writer : 진** | Views : 29652 | Date : 2017-07-11
    • Day of Surgery 
      It’s my first surgery so I was looking forward to it and I was also nervous. After the surgery was over, my girlfriend told me that it took four hours. After closing my eyes and opening them, the surgery was already done. I experienced almost no pain after surgery and staying fully conscious after the anesthesia was the most difficult part. I wasn’t allowed to drink water or sleep right after the surgery… It hasn’t been long since my surgery and I need to keep an eye on my recovery progress. The surgery seemed to have ended safely.


      2 Days Post OP

      It’s been two days since my surgery. I’m not experiencing much pain, maybe it’s because the doctor is very skilled. Before surgery, I was worried since I thought it was going to hurt but I was being too worried. If I had known, I might have gotten surgery much more earlier. Having to sleep while sitting up is uncomfortable. My swelling was more severe than other people so I had to use the ice pack frequently. I heard the amount of swelling is different for each person and I’m someone who gets swollen easily. I think the swelling was the most difficult part. I will try my best to go on a lot of walks. I’m looking forward to how I will look in the future.


      3 Days Post OP

      It’s been 3 days since my surgery. During the first and second day, my face was very swollen when I woke up and it was difficult. However, I did not have any difficulties when I woke up today. I still cannot open my mouth properly so I’ve been having a nutritional drink and milk. I’m trying to take care of my body. No matter how much I eat, I feel like it’s not enough.. my girlfriend was next to me and took care of me. We take walks frequently and she shares my pain. If my body was healthy enough, I want to spit out the mucus in my throat


      4 Days Post OP

      It’s been 4 days since my surgery. Other than not being able to lie down completely when sleeping, I’m not experiencing any difficulties. Compared to the first few days, I’m able to sleep without waking up in the middle of the night. I’m sitting down most of the time so my glutes are uncomfortable. I try to go on walks to make it better. As expected, walking helps blood circulation so I think it aids in making the swelling decrease. I visited the clinic today to get laser treatment. My face did not improve dramatically, but I think it helped make my face feel more comfortable. For the compression band, I’ve been putting it on for one hour and taking it off for 20 minutes.The compression band makes my ears uncomfortable but other than that, everything is fine.


      5 Days Post OP
      It’s been 5 days since my facial contouring surgery. My swelling looks worse when I wake up. The swelling on the right side is more severe than the left side so I’m doing the cold compression frequently. I sent my friends a picture of me after surgery and they said they would consider surgery too if my results turn out well. They said my swelling got better and that the surgery seems to have went well so I felt relieved. For the past 3 days, I kept consuming gruel. I get envious of my family whenever I eat next to them since I keep eating gruel. I hope I can eat regular food and go shopping in the near future.


      6 Days Post OP
      Today, I did not swell more when I woke up and it remained the same size. I’m not in any pain but I can’t wash my hair so I feel uncomfortable and it smells. My bruises turned yellow so I think it will disappear soon. I regained some feeling in my jaw so my lower teeth are kind of tingling. I’m making sure that I take care of myself well. I will receive laser treatment at the clinic tomorrow and remove the stitches for my cheekbones tomorrow. I want to be able to properly wash my hair soon. It’s already been 6 days, time flies by.


      7 Days Post OP
      The swelling near my eyes has moved down to my neck. I have almost no swelling near my eyes but my bruising is still severe so I have to keep an eye on my recovery. Maybe it’s because I took a walk early in the morning but I feel like I have symptoms of the cold. I’m curious to see how I will look like when the swelling disappears. I’m still consuming porridge for my meals. I want to eat chicken soon.


      8 Days Post OP

      It’s been 8 days since my surgery. I will get the stitches for my cheekbones removed today. The stitch removal did not hurt and when I removed the compression band, I felt refreshed. The swelling near my mouth and down my neck is still pretty severe. I saw myself in the mirror for the first time after removing the compression band and I can see a slight V shape on my jawline. I feel good and the staff tell me that my face looks smaller which made me think it was a good decision to get surgery. I want to remove the stitches inside of my mouth quickly. 



      9 Days Post OP
      It’s only been 9 days since my surgery but it seems like I got surgery just yesterday. I can see that my swelling is decreasing and I’m curious to see my face shape when the swelling decreases completely. I think the facial shape that I wanted is starting to show and I’m liking it so far. I had a video call with my friend to show them my face shape and they said that my face looks smaller. I got told that I can wash my face two days after the stitch removal. The most difficult thing for me is the fact that the swelling came down to my neck. I’m trying to drink a lot of water and go on walks frequently.


      10 Days Post OP
      It’s been 10 days since my surgery. I still have symptoms of a cold so I’m having a slightly difficult time. I washed my hair and my face after a long time. It seemed similar to when I got to wash my hair during my military training. I’m able to walk around a bit now that I can wash my hair and I finally got to take off my mask. I went on a walk with my girlfriend and went to a cafe. When I take pictures, I can see that the swelling is still a little bit severe on my front side. When I take a picture at a 45-degree angle, the swelling seems to have decreased on that side.

      11 Days Post OP

      The right side of my face is still very swollen. The left side of my face also has some swelling left. The bruising around my eyes have decreased a lot. The bruising on my neck is still yellow. When I look in the mirror, I can still see that my face is swollen but I can still see more visible results. I can open my mouth about half way and the feeling on my face is slowly returning back to normal. Lately, I keep feeling that my face looks smaller and it’s fascinating. I look at my face more often than usual.



      12 Days Post OP
      I have no discomforts other than not being able to eat what I want. My swelling does not increase in the mornings anymore put I can feel a tightening sensation. I heard that the swelling will decrease slowly. Due the rain, I’m not as active outside and I rest at home. Whenever I do the cold compress for my face, I feel the blood circulation in my face gets better. I feel that this is an important step when taking care of the swelling.


      13 Days Post OP
      The swelling under my jaw and my cheeks decreased a lot. The bruising in my eyes has decreased but I cannot see well. I still cannot fit two fingers in my mouth but I can fit one finger. I was worried about the recovery before I went through surgery but I feel like my recovery gets faster every single day! I used to style my hair to cover my facial shape in the past but now I can do any hair styles that I want. I’m curious to see how I will look with my hair styled after my recovery.


      14 Days Post OP
      From the pictures, I can see that my right side is more swollen. I need to put more attention when taking care of the swelling on the right side of my face. I’m going to get the stiches inside of my mouth removed tomorrow. I want to be able to eat a little bit more comfortably so I want to get the stitches removed quickly. It still hurts when I try to open my mouth because of the swelling. It will get better as time passes. Also, since I wasn’t able to wash my face until recently, my skin became worse so I have to take care of my skin as well.

      16 Days Post OP

      I got the stitches from inside of my mouth removed. I heard that the stitch removal would hurt but it didn’t hurt much for me. I will be able to brush my teeth now and eat a bit more comfortably without the stitches. It seems as time goes by, the swelling is getting better. I’m making sure to go on walks frequently since it seems effective. I hope two months passes quickly so that I can see my results.


      18 Days Post OP

      It’s been a while since I got surgery and I don’t have to wear my mask anymore. When I walk around outside, I don’t think anyone can tell that I had surgery since the swelling got much better. It may look like I’m a person who just woke up and went outside? I think that’s how I look like. Of course, I still have some swelling near my mouth so I’m cautious when I eat soft foods. I went to the hair salon and also went shopping, it’s aurprising how I can walk around outside when it hasn’t been long since I had surgery.

      20 Days Post OP

      It seems my swelling decreases day by day but I still have swelling on my jaw and in the inside of my mouth. The inside of my mouth used to feel very tight but not anymore. Since my face got smaller, my eyes looks bigger and my nose bridge looks higher. Besides solid foods, I can eat almost anything that is soft.


      22 Days Post OP

      I’m still doing the cold compression for my face. I’ve looked at all of my pictures that I took from the past 22 days.It seems that starting from the 10th day, the swelling got visually better. Besides the numbness below my cheekbones and below my jaw, the feeling has almost come back completely. Today, I ate soft meat and was able to brush my teeth normally. I hope the remaining swelling can decrease quickly.


      24 Days Post OP
      After I took a picture, I can see that the swelling on the right is almost completely gone. There doesn’t seem to be much difference in my appearance but I’m able to open my mouth wider. I feel that the surgery turned out well and I wish I could have gotten surgery earlier. I still cannot eat solid food but I can still eat almost any soft foods.


      26 Days Post OP
      I can proceed with almost all the activities I did before surgery. The only thing that is uncomfortable is the swelling on my neck. I met my sibling who lives in Seoul after a long time and when they saw me, I got told that my face looks much smaller. I feel my face line will be more noticeable when the swelling decreases 


      28 Days Post OP

      It’s already been almost a month since my surgery. It seems like it was only yesterday when I was eating porridge and gruel. The swelling in the inside of my mouth is gone so I can eat more comfortably now. I ate soft meat today but it was still pretty uncomfortable but I had no problems eating. To take care of my face, I still use the compression band and do cold compressions. I compared my before and after photos and I can see changes more distinctively.


      30 Days Post OP
      It’s been a month after my surgery and I met up with my high school friends after a long time. They told me that my face got a lot smaller and that it’s good to see that my surgery went well. I drank about one sip of beer. It was nice meeting my friends after a long time. Unless I tell people that I had surgery, they won’t be able to tell since the swelling decreased and because it looks natural. Nowadays, I can meet people comfortably and proceed with my daily activities.



          Left: Before Surgery  / Right: 30 Days Post OP

      5 Months Post OP

      After one to two months, the bigger swelling got visibly better. The remaining small swelling seems like it will go away after some time. Some days, I may have some swellings and some days I might not. I don’t think my face is fully recovered yet since I have some slight swelling left. Other than that, I have no discomforts. People around me say that I look much younger than before and that I look easier to approach. I personally think I made the right decision to get surgery.  

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