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이전메뉴 다음메뉴
    • Satisfy after double jaw surgery!
    • Writer : Choi | Views : 16813 | Date : 2020-12-03

    • Motivation

      Since I was a kid, I've heard often that people make fun of my protruded mouth and appearance. It was too stressful to go to school or just go outside of the house. I went around various university hospitals to get braces, and I heard that due to improving my protruded mouth I need to undergo double jaw surgery, this issue cannot be just improving with braces. My appearance becomes like this because my lower jaw didn't grow while my upper jaw grows. I've never thought about it, but it was a burdensome surgery for me, so I gave up on it to a certain extent. 

      Still, I avoided people's eyes on the road and some people told me that I suck so I got beaten. The wound was too severe mentally. And then he was assaulted because he looked so ridiculous. It was more traumatic than being hit, and I had to decide on the surgery.


      Post OP 7 Days

      I always had my mouth protruded, so I took a picture using a camera that modifies my picture, and it was amazing that my mouth went in even if I took a picture without any modification. I've heard a lot about double jaw surgery. I think it was easier than I thought because my face does not have bruise or swelling as much as I expected.


      Post OP 11 Days

      I think the swelling has gone down a lot compared to the first day.

      I still have some bruises on my neck and face, but my nose stopped bleeding and I feel better!!

      As the swelling went down, my lips got so small! People told me that my face shape has gotten a lot softer. I'm especially happy because my parents like it because it seems like it's changed to a smiling face.



      Post OP 3 Months

      It's a picture taken by my friend. I'm happy to hear that I look cute even if I just take it! I often meet my friends when I have time during my part-time job, but after the surgery, I fell in love with taking pictures! These days, I've lost all my bruises and my side looks more natural! If I don't tell people that I underwent surgery, people won't know. LOL People used to say that I look older than my age, but people say that I look younger because I get less swollen after surgery. It's so amazing.



      Post OP 8 Months

      It's been 8 to 9 months since the surgery, and my face shape is already settling down, and I'm happy to hear that I'm smiling is pretty while working. I had a protruding mouth that didn't like tying my hair, so I always untied it, but now I think it suits me well even if I try different styles with ponytail hair and braid. Now my favorite hair is a ponytail!


      Post OP 10 Months

      I didn't feel any side effects after the double jaw surgery. I heard that my senses might not come back, but I can feel it very well. The hospital took good care of my post-care, so I'm so relieved that I checked my braces from time to time. People still think this surgery is amazing and they like my result. Compared to old ID pictures, it's totally different. It's in the picture over there, but in the past, I used to close their mouths rather than smiling, but these days, I look so pretty even when I smile like that, and if I don't tell them, the surgery goes so well that people don't know that I underwent operating. I'm enjoying my life without regret for the double jaw surgery. Haha


      Post OP 12 Months

      The swelling is gone. I was worried about sag after surgery, but it's all gone now, probably because it's swollen. I'm satisfied because my face is small and my face is like a baby. I'm 25 years old, and my face turns young after surgery, and people think I'm in my early 20s.


게시물 작성 테이블
다음Next #Changed my impression after surgery!
다음Next #Felt miserable when I saw my Chin
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다음Next #I just like my side view of my face!
다음Next #I just want to change my cheekbone and chin :)
이전Previous #Self-esteem increased a lot!
이전Previous #I fall in love with my face shape!
이전Previous #Quality of my life changed after double jaw surgery!
이전Previous #Revision surgery!
이전Previous #Feel More Feminine With My Face Shape!
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