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이전메뉴 다음메뉴
    • Feel More Feminine With My Face Shape!
    • Writer : Kim** | Views : 17713 | Date : 2020-11-16

    • The motivation of the Surgery

      I had braces because I just want to improve my masculine appearance. Even with braces, my appearance was not improved, and I was not satisfied with 100%, so I lost a lot of self-esteem. My acquaintances told me that I would have been more handsome if I had been born as a man. Above all, I decided to have surgery because I wanted to raise my self-esteem and create a feminine image.



      Post OP 1 Day



      Post OP 28 Days

      My face is getting less swollen. It's so nice~~ I want to show off a feminine atmosphere. I'm looking forward to seeing my final result of the face.


      Post OP 40 Days

      Finally, it has been after a month from the surgery day! It's only a few days apart, and I can't believe my face is less swollen. It's so amazing. Also, I look good from the picture and also, my makeup style has been changed too! I'm excited


      Post OP 3 Months

      My face shape is getting much better. My appearance already so natural that it's just amazing. I'm looking forward to having a perfect face shape! I think I made such a right choice to do surgery at EU! I feel like I'm finally getting rid of my complex and confident in my appearance. These days, I'm confident in taking pictures.


      Post OP 4 Months



      Post OP 5 Months

      I've lost a lot of weight these days, I've gotten prettier, and I've been listening to it a lot of compliment those days^^ It's only been five months, and I don't think I have any worries about swelling. I love to put on makeup!


      Post OP 6 Months


      Post OP 7 Months


      Post OP 12 Months

      After the surgery, I lost weight and the quality of my life changed a lot! After change my appearance I tend to spend more time taking care of my face and skin! I think I really became a woman after losing weight and do facial bone surgery. It's been a while since I wrote a review, and I'm surprised to see the pictures before surgery!




게시물 작성 테이블
다음Next #Satisfy after double jaw surgery!
다음Next #Self-esteem increased a lot!
다음Next #I fall in love with my face shape!
다음Next #Quality of my life changed after double jaw surgery!
다음Next #Revision surgery!
이전Previous #I love my profile!
이전Previous #Love my side face!
이전Previous #Post OP 2 Yeas! I like my face shape!
이전Previous #Satisfy after facial bone surgery!
이전Previous #Post OP 44 Days!
  • 목록

Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is officially certified as the Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients.

Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institution

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery has successfully passed highly strict criteria to officially be one of the Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institutions.

Love sharing EU

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery share
the love we have received from our patients with those in need in our society.

By helping and sharing with our neighbors and those in need,
we strive to help our society become warmer, healthier, and richer.


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    • EU knows
      beautiful faces very well
    • As our oral and maxillofacial surgery specialists perform aesthetic orthognathic surgery and aesthetic contouring surgery, the biggest of all concerns in receiving the surgery, “can the surgery actually be performed at an oral and maxillofacial surgery hospital to improve my beauty?” is not something you need to worry about.
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Hospital name EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery |Address: Nohyeon-dong 1-3, Gangnam-gu |Personal Information Protection Officer : Jong Yun Kim |Business registration number: 691.66.00118
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