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    • Satisfy after facial bone surgery!
    • Writer : Yu** | Views : 15353 | Date : 2020-08-19

    • Ever since I was a student, I've been worried about my face shape. Every time I looked in the mirror, I thought, "I could live a much better life if I even have prettier face shape." In the hot summer, I couldn't tie my hair up because I didn't want to see my face shape stand out, and I was busy covering my hair every day up to the protruding cheekbones and the angular jaw of the 45-degree cheekbones. The lower jaw is also longer when I compare the ratio of my eyes, nose, and mouth. Every time I laughed, lantern jaws looked prominent. When I took a picture, I couldn't even take a side view and covered my mouth or side face. I decided to have surgery because I wanted to escape the stress of my face shape, which has always been under pressure, and I thought I could live a better life now


      Post OP 1 Day
      I can only remember being sick after the anesthesia. My whole face hurt, my throat was so sore, and I couldn't breathe.


      Post OP 3 Days
      The nurse took care of me well when I hospitalize it!. I missed being in the hospital.  When I got home, I felt uncomfortable, and I woke up every half hour and kept coughing. I want to breathe well.


      Post OP 4 Days
      The swelling got worse than yesterday. I cough every few hours and still have a sore throat. My nose is also stuffy that I have a lot of discomforts. Above all, I really want to eat something delicious. Eating was my only pleasure, but I'm depressed that I cannot eat any food that I want!


      Post OP 5 Days
      I can see my chin got very shorter than before! To me, the purpose of double jaw surgery was jaw length and protruding mouth. I see a lot of improvement! I think I cannot sleep well for 5 days. The swelling seemed to be at its peak today. It's like a bee stung my face, huh?! I took an hour's walk and drink pumpkin juice. I'm taking medicine, but my face, head, and neck aches at early morning, so I keep waking up. It's painful that I cannot eat any food, but I have to endure it for my future to be pretty.


      Post OP 6 Days
      I think my neck is disappearing because of the fat in my neck! Also, my face is still puffy! Early in the morning, I am suffering pain from face, head, neck, and tooth. I soaked Oreo into mil for breakfast and took medicine, and fell asleep at 8 in the morning. But I really regret that I ate oreo since all those crumbs stuck inside of my wafer and teeth that I need to wash wafer! I realize that there is a reason why doctors and hospitals told me to avoid to eat it! I learn it from this lesson. Also, when I fall asleep I only wake up once while I sleeping! Finally, I can visit the hospital tomorrow for my weekly check up! I hope that I can breathe freely with my nose.

      Post OP 8 Days

      It's finally the day to visit the hospital. Before I arrived at the hospital, I ate a water jelly and took medicine, and as soon as I took the medicine, I felt like I was going to faint, dizzy and I felt so sick. It was bad even when I arrived at the hospital, but I got better after getting laser treatment and drinking some water. The swelling doesn't seem like getting better.  I took a walk for about 30 minutes today. I hope time goes by quickly!

      Post OP 10 Days

      Finally, I sleep very well for 10 hours! It was really touching that I can eat noddle even though I cut them a lot. Right after eating noddle, I brush my teeth since I am afraid of the inflammation. I am also getting sick up kept staying at home but I love to see myself from the mirror!



      Post OP 11 Days
      I had an appointment today that I put makeup on my face! I realize once again that I really need to do makeup. When I put makeup on I cannot feel all the sensation and I feel like the makeup is cakey. I think my appearance changed a lot even with swelling, I feel like my face line gets much smoother and I dont need to edit my photo on my face shape! It does not bother my daily life!


      Post OP 13 Days
      I am happy to see my face without swelling. I will remove stitches today and it has been post-op 2 weeks already. When I read other peoples surgery review it seems like they lost weight a lot at least 5 kg. But in my case, I think I eat very well that I did not lose that much weight! I really carve for instant food such as ramen, chicken, and rice cake.


      Post OP 16 Days
      I am really afraid that stitch out might be painful since I read some reviews that stitch out is really painful. After stitch out, I feel like swelling reduces much faster than before. I've heard often that people made comments on my face which is my first impression looks strong but after surgery, I think my impression got improved a lot too. My ears were still deafening, but I yawned and one side was getting better. My nose is stuffy when I wake up. My nose and ears are still uncomfortable, but compare to the first day of the surgery everything got much better! I can't wait to get through my daily life and eating. I really want to eat instant food.


      Post OP 20 Days
      I start to go to work again and my skin was really bad those few days after surgery but it getting much better. Also, my swelling has been reduced a lot after walk a lot! Also, how almost forget how painful was after surgery. Those days I ate soft food such as bread, milk!

      Post OP 23 Days
      The sensation of the teeth is starting to come back. It's getting easier! I lost a lot of swelling and I put on makeup and met my friends today, but I couldn't take any pictures of my makeup because I was too busy talking. My friends were looking for me even though I was in front of them because they couldn't recognize me. I'm eating as much food as I can, but I think my jaw hurts to chew.


      Post OP 25 Days
      I want to take a picture with makeup on, but I cannot find the right timing. Before the surgery, I showed the ideal picture of my face shape that I wanted to surgeon, but I feel like my face shape is the same as I want, so I'm having a happy day! Food is more edible than before, so it doesn't affect my daily life.


      Post OP 29 Days
      It's been a really long time since I went out with makeup on! There's still swelling on the cheekbones and chin. My face is chubby when I take pictures. My senses haven't come back yet! But I can feel that my sense is coming back more and more. I'm sure my face is less swollen than the first time, and my friends told me that the surgery result is really good, and I'm so satisfied with myself. I was really stressed out about my face shape, but I'm happy that I did surgery at EU. From now on, I don't think I'll have any stress about my face shape. Thank you so much to Dr. Kim! Oh, and it was hard to align my teeth, but 70 percent of them are working. It's slowly coming back.

      Post OP 32 Days

      I want to take a pretty selfie, but I still can't get the results of the picture I want because it's swollen!! It's already been a post OP 1 month that I think I've gained some confidence. I'm eating food that I can chew, but I'm brushing my teeth right away. A week after the surgery, I felt like time has been stopped but after a month time flies so fast! I'm going to visit the hospital in a few days!

      Post OP 39 Days
      I remove the screw from my gum! Finally, I can eat more and various food than before that I am really appreciated it! I was worried about swelling under my chin but surprisingly, I lost a lot of swelling. I hope only the cheekbones swelling to be gone! I have confidence in my real face rather than taking a selfie!  But I still have a stuffy nose and ears, so I'm going to see otolaryngology.


      Post OP 51 Days
      I can eat all the food, now I'm used to my surgical face. I want to be prettier. I'm so satisfied with my face shape! I think I should have done it sooner and I am enjoying my life!

      Post OP 76 Days

      How can I not satisfy with after double jaw and facial contouring surgery? My appearance changed a lot after surgery. Thus… I did surgery on my eyes.. Human beings have endless greed. First of all, I really like my face shape. I'm happy because I feel like I've the face shape I wanted! Sometimes my jaw makes sounds, which makes me scary. My face looks less puffy as the days go by. I like my face now. I want to have some fat on my face. I want to get rid of the swelling in my eyes so I want to put on makeup and take a picture.


      Post OP 85 Days

      Soon I reach post op 3 months! I really like my face shape and people around me also told me that I get much prettier! I am happy with my daily life after surgery!


      Post OP 86 Days

      I hang out with my friend after surgery! I could not eat seafood for so long. I can chew better than I thought! There's nothing uncomfortable. Right after surgery, for a week is the hardest time for me! I think it's the most satisfying surgery ever since. Hah!


      Post OP 93 Days

      After surgery I live like before surgery! Nothing bothers me those day 

게시물 작성 테이블
다음Next #Revision surgery!
다음Next #Feel More Feminine With My Face Shape!
다음Next #I love my profile!
다음Next #Love my side face!
다음Next #Post OP 2 Yeas! I like my face shape!
이전Previous #Post OP 44 Days!
이전Previous #Want to done with braces soon!
이전Previous #People told me that my face is so pretty!
이전Previous #Visited Korea from USA!
이전Previous #I don't rember my face before surgery
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Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients

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      beautiful faces very well
    • As our oral and maxillofacial surgery specialists perform aesthetic orthognathic surgery and aesthetic contouring surgery, the biggest of all concerns in receiving the surgery, “can the surgery actually be performed at an oral and maxillofacial surgery hospital to improve my beauty?” is not something you need to worry about.
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