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    • lantern Jaw, Facial asymmetry imrpoved with 1 surgery
    • Writer : Jung** | Views : 15384 | Date : 2020-06-25
    • Motivation to get surgery

      Since I was young, I have been under a lot of stress with underbite and facial asymmetry. In particular, the photo taken by others showed that my mouth was twisted, but the jaw surgery was so big that I didn't even think about surgery. However, it was a case that I couldn't improve even with braces, I became more stressed and decided to have surgery.


      Under pressure because of

      Underbite, lantern Jaw, Facial asymmetry


      Post OP 1 Day

      After the anesthesia, it was very hard to get my consciousness back cause of anesthesia gas. It was really hard not being able to sleep even though I kept falling asleep, and above all, my throat hurt so much. As soon as it reaches at 9 o'clock, I drank some water and went straight to sleep, but I woke up countless times and fell asleep all morning. It's been repeated. Thanks to the nurse for coming and taking care of me during the night. Still, it was fortunate that it didn't hurt as much as I expected.


      Post OP 3 Days

      Clearly, after a day, I do not need to suffer for the discomfort. As soon as I woke up in the morning, I drank water first, and I emptied all the new care that was hard to eat yesterday. After that, I got disinfected by a doctor and discharged! I was so happy to be able to wash up after I was discharged from the hospital, and it was even better to see my face shape changed even though I was still swollen!


      Post OP 5 Days

      Today, I ate beef and vegetable porridge, but it was more convenient to eat after blend the solid ingredients of the soup. The overall swelling has decreased more than yesterday. The bruises come down to my neck and swell up, so my neck looks thicker, so I feel a little awkward. I hope the swelling goes down soon.


      Post OP 7 Days

      The inconvenient things go away one by one. I'm appreciating that I dont need to wake up the middle of the night due to breathing issues. I went for a walk at night today, and I can definitely see that my face is less swollen after walking.


      Post OP 8 Days

      I visited the hospital to get disinfection treatment and deswelling laser treatment. Also, I am glad to hear that I can brush my teeth lightly.


      Post OP 12 Days

      As the swelling gradually receded, finally I can see my jawline! Of course, it's still a long way to go, but it's also fun to check the swelling going down every day. I'm drinking pumpkin juice steadily, but I heard drinking a lot of water will help, so I'll try my best to drink it!!


      Post OP 13 Days

      I visited the hospital to get laser treatment and I think it really helps to reduce the swelling and I am stratifying with it.


      Post OP 14 Days

      I am really getting sick of food since I have been eating the same food for so long! I wish to remove stitches as soon as possible. Also, I am not sure why I tend to force my chin and lip area. The doctor told me to relax it!


      Post OP 15 Days

      Finally, I visited the hospital and remove stitch out. When I read the reviews some people said its painful but for me it was not bad at all. After stitch out, I can eat rice as usual and I can eat soft food without the wafer. As soon as I got home, I ate custard and soaked in milk and I was happy. I can't wait to reach post-op for 1 month!


      Post OP 17 Days

      It's slower than the beginning, but as the swelling goes down, the facial line gradually shows! At first, I thought my chin was too short, but as time went by, my cheeks became less swollen, so I'm glad it became more natural. Haha


      Post OP 18 Days

      The philtrum and cheeks are still swollen. I think it's because I haven't been taking a walk in the evening lately. Also, I can eat all the soft food well that I start to gain weight. .


      Post OP 20 Days

      The morning and evening swelling seems to be definitely different. The morning is swollen, but the evening feels less swollen! What I feel whenever I take pictures these days is that I can see that the face without Photoshop is prettier than the face I did Photoshop before.


      Post OP 21 Days

      My cheeks don't seem to improve, so I'm trying to drink more water and pumpkin juice. I'm trying to take a walk after dinner that I haven't done recently! I hope the awkward swelling goes away soon.

      Post OP 23 Days

      I thought my chin is too short but as the swelling goes down feel like my chin looks much natural! Now that my cheeks are less swollen, I am getting more natural as time goes by. And I met my relatives after a long time and they said my face has gotten much smaller.


      Post OP 30 Days

      These days, I'm practicing facial expressions and opening mouth exercises to relax my mouth muscles! I still feel like tight, but by the way, I hope my nose gets rid of swelling soon. My face is relatively small, but my nose is bigger and I can only see my nose.


      Post OP 34 Days

      Now I can chew food more comfortably than before. However, for the next three weeks, I tried to eat soft foods that are easy to chew. In fact, there is a lot of delicious food and I am used to eating, so I am not that tired yet. If I eat food like tteokbokki, I think I will feel more awkward.


      Post OP 36 Days

      So far, I think my face is swollen a lot in the morning. So I am trying to eat pumpkin juice steadily!


      Post OP 38 Days

      Just a few weeks ago, I couldn't open my mouth when I was eating, so all the food crumbs on my mouth area. Now my mouth is open quite well and I feel that time has passed really fast. I wish I could get rid of the swelling in my cheeks.


      Post OP 40 Days

      I'm eating soft food without difficulty.


      Post OP 41 Days

      I went for a walk after dinner, and it was amazing that there was a difference in swelling before and after the walk even though it was a similar time. LOL I think walking is the answer to reduce the swelling.


      Post OP 42 Days

      I had a lot of fat under- chin until last week, but I guess I'm losing a little bit. I hope the swelling goes down soon.


      Post OP 48 Days

      I really wanted to eat a dried snacks when I saw my dad eat snacks tonight. I cannot eat that food since I need to avoid it after surgery.


      Post OP 54 Days

      I walked a little after work for the first time in a long time, so I looked less swollen in the evening. I think walking is the best way to reduce swelling!!


      Post OP 56 Days

      I showed to the doctor how I open my mouth complimentary and he told me that I practiced well to mating the occlusion without wafers. It's still hard to live without wafers, but I was happy that I could live without wafers the next time I visit the hospital.


      Post OP 64 Days

      I went around Myeong-dong to shop all day long, but I think my face is still swollen because I ate a lot. I'm still wearing a wafer because I am on the process of getting braces treatment, but I don't feel much uncomfortable except when I eat. If I wear a wafer, I feel stable.


      Post OP 68 Days

      I certainly eat a lot of food and sleep late the day before, and my face swells the next day.  I never really cared about swelling before the surgery.


게시물 작성 테이블
다음Next #People told me that my face is so pretty!
다음Next #Visited Korea from USA!
다음Next #I don't rember my face before surgery
다음Next #Underbite & jaw asymmetry changed after jaw surgery
다음Next #It will be perfect after removal the braces!
이전Previous #Sister did facial bone surgery ahead than me at EU! Improve
이전Previous #Fall in love with my face shape
이전Previous #GOOD BYE long face and long chin
이전Previous #Visted so many hospital for jaw surgery
이전Previous #satisfied face shape after jaw surgery
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