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    • I love my face line! after zygoma reduction!
    • Writer : Yoo** | Views : 34687 | Date : 2021-05-10

    • When I lose weight, it made my cheekbone much outstanding than before and it made my face be shaded. I assume that with cheekbone surgery will improve those issues that I suffered. I was looking for a few different plastic surgery hospitals but I decided to do surgery EU because its Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.


      Post OP Day:

      I was really worried if my cheekbone surgery would be in harmony with my original face or not too awkward. So I read the surgical reviews over and over again. When I arrived at the hospital in the morning, I heard from the consultant about possible side effects of surgery and Dr. Shin explained to me about the surgery. I was lying on the bed, and the consultant printed out and brought me another picture of my face that I added late, and I was grateful. The operation was over once I opened my eyes. Except for the fact that the anesthetic needle was painful, it was amazing that my condition is fine after the surgery, there was no gourmet, and there was no bruise on the face. Before the surgery I heard that the tube to prevent airway closures could hurt after surgery because it went through the nose-neck, but it was okay because it was a little sore like when I caught a sore throat. When I was in the recovery room, Dr. Shin visited and check for my condition. The operation went well without much blood. I was discharged from the hospital on the same day and rested at home.

      Post OP 2 Days:

      I couldn't lie down completely when I slept but slept pretty well. As it is morning, I feel like I have more bruises around my eyes and my swelling are getting bigger. The pain is only a little prickly around the cheekbones and tingling. When I touch my face, I feel like I have all the senses and just feel swollen. I remove out the facial pressure bandage for a while, took the banana-flavored New Care, medicine, and went for a walk near my house. I was so worried about the surgery when I heard the explanation before the operation that I couldn't think of any precautions after the operation. I asked the consultant again and thank you for answering me well.


      Post OP 4 Days:

      There was more swelling on my face than yesterday. I don't think I should laugh, but I'm worried that it might go wrong because I laughed too much. I can't wait to eat normal food and brush my teeth. The cheekbones are still tingling and the swelling under the eyes and cheekbones. I received deswelling laser treatment for the second time at EU today, and I am planning to go get it tomorrow.


      Post OP 9 Days:

      EU deswelling laser treatment has been steadily receiving daily for a week. There were bruises left around the cheekbones and a lot of swelling came down towards the cheeks and chin. I also removed stitches out on the sideburns, and the stitches in the mouth are likely to be removing this Saturday. As the days go by, I feel more comfortable opening my mouth.


      Post OP 11 Days:

      There is still a yellow bruise on my face. The tingling around the cheekbone is gradually getting better. Although the swelling and bruises have not yet been gone fully, it is good to see that the cheekbones are reducing the width, and the facial line became much softer than before.


      Post OP 14 Days: Finally, I removed all the stitches inside of my mouth, and the doctor told me that I am recovering very well! So I need to visit EU post-op for 2 months for my checkup. I can chew most of the food except to chewy or hard food! I am really glad to hear that I can eat more food now! 


      Post OP 16 Days: Now, I am available to eat a lot of food without strain, and always be careful not to eat too hard and tough food at meals. There is still a little yellow bruise left and when the mouth and cheekbones laugh, my smiling is awkward. Still, my life is so comfortable after surgery!


      Post OP 18 Days: My friends told me that my face looks much smaller after cheekbone surgery. I think my face become more dimensional than before since I feel insecure about my prominent cheekbone.


      Post OP 23 Days: I took an inflammatory medicine yesterday because my cheekbones suddenly got hurts because I ate many of food. The muscles around the wound and cheekbones in the mouth are still awkward, but there is no problem with living and my senses have returned more than 90 percent. There is still a very, very little bruise left.


      Post OP 26 Days: The muscles around the cheekbones are still tingling and a little bruise. When I woke up this morning, I was sleeping sideways, pressing cheekbones with one arm, and I was worried that my bones would be fixed wrong. I just hope its okay.


      Post OP 30 Days: It's definitely more natural than the beginning of the operation and I can eat all the food. People I meet for the first time after surgery cannot recognize that I did cheekbone surgery. But I still feel crumpled and awkward when I talk or laugh on the end of my mouth.


      Post OP 42 Days: A little bruise under the eyes is okay because people can't see well with makeup, and I can still feel awkward muscle pulling, but I am living my daily life without any major problems. I wonder if the bones are sticking together as fixed during surgery. I want to get a progress check as soon as I visit the hospital.

      Post OP 50 Days:

      It's good that the cheekbone doesn't stand out from any angle. The muscles stretch it, but the bruises that remained a little under the eyes are now completely gone and the swelling is gone, making it so natural that no one knows if the surgery was performed.


      Post OP 56 Days:

      Now my mouth is completely open, and I eat well. I still have a feeling that muscles are stretch it and the area around the right cheekbones are still a little bit numb, but not that bad. The cheekbone line has been smooth and I am totally satisfied with the surgery result.

      Post OP 63 Days: I'll visit EU next week and get a progress check. I'm curious how much bone is attached well, so I hope next week comes soon.


      Post OP 70 Days: I visited the doctor and got a progress check, so doctor told me that there was no problem. Looking at the before-and-after photos, I noticed a reduce in the cheekbones from 45 degrees. And sometimes I feel bloated when I sleep on one side without realizing it. I wondered if it was okay because it felt like something was filling inside, but I was glad to hear a clear answer that it doesn't matter much if I lie on one side from now on. There is no problem with my daily life except that I sometimes feel the chill.


      Post OP 77 Days: There is still nothing wrong with daily life, and since cheekbones reduce it seems like my eyes look bigger than before. And my right cheekbones are especially swollen because I am tired because I have a busy schedule this week. I hope the swelling goes down a bit next week.


      Post OP 83 Days: The uncomfortable feeling of sleeping sideways is now much better. I'm available to eat most of food except for very tough foods. Since I do want natural change that I am satisfied with what I look like after the surgery, which naturally softened.


      Post OP 91 Days: I was worried because I heard from somewhere that when it rains bone will feel sour but fortunately it feels nothing. Despite the weather, the cheekbone was fine.


      Post OP 3 Months:  It's already been Post OP 3 months. Time goes by so fast. Now I'm living as if I've forgotten that I had surgery. Last time, I was surprised to hear the sound of a loud when I bite such a big gimbap. After that, I tried not to take big bite. Anyway, I am doing well in my daily life without any problems!


      Post OP 4 Months:  I am still doing well, and my right cheekbones feel much better than last month.

      Post OP 5 Months: Both senses are back, tapping on the cheekbones doesn't feel tingling anymore. Time heals all wounds.

      Post OP 6 Months: I am doing fine and just consider that either I need to do pin removal surgery.

      Post OP 7 Months: I am gaining weight because I'm staying at home due to the social distancing.


      Post OP 8 Months: My life is good! : )

      Post OP 9 Months:

      Post OP 10 Months: I am not experiencing any huge discomfort.


      Post OP 1 Year: It’s already been one year since I’ve had surgery. Time seems to fly by quickly. Just like before, I have not been experiencing any discomfort and have been well.

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Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is officially certified as the Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients.

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EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery has successfully passed highly strict criteria to officially be one of the Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institutions.

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      beautiful faces very well
    • As our oral and maxillofacial surgery specialists perform aesthetic orthognathic surgery and aesthetic contouring surgery, the biggest of all concerns in receiving the surgery, “can the surgery actually be performed at an oral and maxillofacial surgery hospital to improve my beauty?” is not something you need to worry about.
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