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    • I even like it when other people take picture for me ^__^
    • Writer : Seo** | Views : 16931 | Date : 2021-02-10

    • Motivation.

      When I was young, I am the only person who can recognize asymmetry. But as I grew up, asymmetry got worse and worse. I decided to look for a non-surgical way to improve my asymmetry. Even after three years of orthodontics treatment, it seemed to get tilted again. So I started to look into facial contouring surgery at first, and as a result, I decided to do double jaw surgery after admitting that only with the facial contouring surgery cannot did not improve my issue..


      Why EU?

      I thought it was a part of the problem that would be solved by the facial contouring surgery, so I received a lot of counseling from other hospitals, but they just explained the facial contouring surgery part and didn't identify the problem with my face. I decided to do surgery at EU since doctor gave me an accurate diagnosis which I have been considering it for so long.


      Post OP 1 Day

      I read a lot of reviews that I could predict the condition after surgery! I was a little nervous because I was alone without a guardian, but I was so thankful that the nurse came right away when I press the button. Rather than getting sick after surgery, my nose is stuffy on the first day,


      Post OP 3 Days

      I was hungry as soon as I woke up on the morning, so I drink a new care! Finally I will be discharge today and my swollen neck got better than yesterday. I'm glad I don’t look as swollen as I thought, but I'll have to wait and see since it keeps swelling for a week!


      Post OP 4 Days

      I took a shower and removed the tape on my face, so I feel refreshed. But the most uncomfortable thing is that I can't breathe through my nose. I wish I could be more comfortable with breathing. I talked a lot yesterday because I thought it would be okay, but my jaw is swollen a lot. I shouldn't talk until I remove stitches. And as soon as I woke up today, I was so hungry that I ordered beef and vegetables porridge and ate it! I feel much better now!

      Meal - Beef and Vegetables Porridge, Protein Shake, New Care


      Post OP 6 Days

      I couldn't sleep well because I sneezed, had a runny nose and had a toothache all night. It's the same pain I felt when I had braces for the first time in the past. But I felt like my teeth will be crumbling if I bite it hard, so I took painkillers and barely fell asleep in the morning. The inside of my mouth is swollen and tight… I heard that breathing is more important, so I'm carefully sleeping with my neck fixed when I sleep. It wasn't that cold today, so I took a walk and went around. I should eat as much as I can to build up my stamina. It was a little diffiuclt because I already lost 3kg.

      Meal - soft tofu, vegetable porridge, mushroom soup, protein shake


      Post OP 7 Days

      The wound area inside of the mouth was regenerating, the uncomfortable feeling of the mouth shrinking continued. Pain and discomfort feel more sensitive at night. But I feel good because I feel comfortable talking and breathing.

      Meal - soft tofu, broccoli porridge, protein shake


      Post OP 8 Days

      I went to the hospital today and got a disinfection and deswelling laser treatment. The doctor said that my nerves are alive because I couldn't stay still because I was so sick when I sterilized it. Thank God, but the process of healing the wound was so long and painful. As expected, I couldn't sleep because I couldn't lie down because my mouth felt dry and tight all night. I don't get swollen and bruised more than anyone else, so consultant told me complimented me on my constitution. I realize that the important thing about pre-surgery care is that if I take good care of condition, I think recovery is faster. I think I've lost a little bit of my stamina because I'm not eating well, so I'm going to have to pay more attention to my recovery.

      Meal - soft tofu, protein shake


      Post OP 9 Days

      Maybe because it was asymmetric, I can see that the deswelling unevenly. The pain in my mouth got better, so I slept well yesterday. I'm so hungry that I've been watching eating shows, but I started exercising lightly because I have to go on a diet anyway. It's amazing that my body gets lighter and my face image changes as I wanted, so I keep looking into the mirror. Dr. Shin help me to my achieve ideal face shape. .

      Meal - Yoplait, egg porridge, protein shake


      Post OP 10 Days

      Whenever the phlegm swallows, I feel uncomfortable because it bothers my throat, and I want to get rid of the stitches quickly so that my mouth can be free. I drank a lot of water today, so I think I lost more of my swelling than yesterday. The jawline is starting to show!

      Meal - soft tofu, steamed milk eggs, black bean soy milk, protein shake, castella, yogurt

      Post OP 11 Days

      The swelling of the chin seems to have reduced down more than yesterday. My nose is still stuffy in the evening, so it's a little hard, but this is nothing compared to my first condition. Most of the food I thought could be melted and eaten so I just put in my mouth and spit it out. Also, when I swallowed it because I ignored small grains but those food made me choke…

      Meal - Mazus, pumpkin porridge, broccoli egg porridge, beef bone soup, protein shake


      Post OP 12 Days

      The face line is becoming more natural. My nose felt very dry and my jaw felt dull at first, and now sensation is almost back. My nostrils were always small, so only one nostril is still clogged. But I think I am recovering fast compare to others!

      Meal - broccoli porridge, pumpkin porridge, protein shake, green tea ice cream, mashed potatoes, apple juice


      Post OP 13 Days

      My jaw is a bit stiff when I eat, so I'm going to eat faster as much as I can. It's bearable to see that I'm on a diet and my facial line is changing while I'm recovering I can't wait to get rid of the stitches and brush my teeth!


      Post OP 15 Days

      Finally I remove the stitches out and it was bit painful on front area! I am glad that I can finally I brushed my teeth so when I arrived at home. I also feel my teeth ache and I can realize that my sensation is coming back. From today I start to do mouth exercise and first time I open your mouth and try to put finger inside I can only put 1 finger L I will work hard on mouth exercise.  


      Post OP 18 Days

      Looking at it from the side, it's amazing that the nose looks higher than before and the side line has changed a lot, even though I used to have a lantern jaw before surgery. My nose is still swollen, so my muscles feel awkward when I smile. I'm curious how I will looks like after deswelling!. I'm spending most of my time at home because there's still a limit to eating. I should take a walk again from tomorrow!


      Post OP 23 Days

      After removing the wafer, my pronunciation is getting better and my mouth is lighter. Now, it seems like I have to putting rubber bands instead of wafers. Even before the surgery, I've been looking at the process of taking pictures in the front direction of the iPhone. The symmetry is getting much better, and above all, when I took a picture of the side line, I'm so satisfied that how I changed to a soft look as I wanted! From now on I will go to work hard to do mouth exercise.


      Post OP 40 Days

      I think it became more natural to talk and smile after removing the screws on my gum. I shouldn't eat meat but I had an appointment yesterday that I ate soft lamb! I was happy because it was so delicious. But I still have to be careful, so I shouldn't eat meat for a while. I'm glad that most of sensation coming back normally except for the tingling sensation of the palate. I'm going to meet my family this time, and I'm curious about the reaction because it's the first time see them after deswelling. 


      Post OP 47 Days

      The swelling reduced a lot and the line became more natural. It's been a long time since I saw my family, and they kept looking at my faces, saying it's amazing that my result looks good and looks young. I think I can chew the soft pork belly and eat most of them. My pronunciation is still a little leak, but I'm living comfortably.

      Post OP 57 Days

      The swelling, which used to reduce asymmetrically, seems to be settling down to a certain extent. My daily life has been easy, and now I can put three fingers inside of my mouth, so I feel more comfortable when I eat. When I'm not in good condition, my mouth is a bit stiff and my pronunciation is not perfect yet.


      Post OP 76 Days

      Now my pronunciation is very natural and my stiffness is better when I laugh. I have to be careful when I chew the food such as Radish kimchi or hard food, since I often forget that I had surgery to the point where I accidentally ate it. I met my friend and she said I image changed a lot. I used to have a mature image before, but now she looks young. I was proud that I did surgery at EU ^__^


      Post OP 91 Days

      I was worried if my jaw was wrong because I chewed something hard in the middle, but fortunately there was no problem. Doctor said that now I have to be careful of the hard and chewy food and except that I am free to eat all the food! I have entered the months that is safe enough to forget about the surgery! (Actually, I've been eating meat too well for a while. The sensation is back 70%, and the feeling of shaking on my teeth is much better. People around you might think it's a small change that they cannot tell much about my surgery, but I'm very satisfied with the surgery because I don't feel repulsed when others take pictures of me.​

      Post OP 110Days

      When I speak, my mouth shape is getting much more natural, and my palate sensation is back 90 percent. At first, I was worried a lot, but after a month of recovery, time really flew by. It's such a waste time and money to do many of the treatment due to improve asymmetry face. Finally, it's a relief that I chose to do the surgery before it's too late. I am 100% satisfied. I'm eating so well and thanks to my softer image, I've heard some people say that my first impression is really good! I wanted to go on a picnic and take pictures, but it's still cold, so I want to take a lot of pretty pictures if it gets warmer!

       Post OP 126Days

      Post OP 153 Days

      Time flies so fast~ Time seems to go slowly when I recover from surgery, so I only thought that I wanted to chew properly because it's been 3 months. It's already been five months and I've been so free, so sometimes I try to chew something really hard, but I don't know if it's right or wrong. I am trying to avoid hard food until post op 6 months. I still need my sensation coming back on my palate 20%. Except for a little bit of a gloomy feeling, I'm doing well because it doesn't affect my daily life at all!​


      Post OP 6 Months

      Now, when I smile, my mouth muscles are very soft, and my face is perfectly adapted, so I forget how appearance before the surgery. If I look at the old pictures, I heard that my image has changed so smoothly and mature that it's amazing. But these days, I think I'm trying harder to take care of my appearance because I've heard that I look younger than my age!


      Post OP 7 Months

      In the past, when I saw pictures, my face looks so skinny and didn't feel chubby even when I gained weight. When I take a picture after the surgery, my chin definitely gets shorter, so my cheeks look chubby and many things have changed and I am satisfied. Chewing food has become more comfortable, so I'm eating so well that I've gained more weight than before. I am grateful that we are doing well without the side effects that we were worried about.


      Post OP 9 Months


      Post OP 10 Months

      After shooting the studio and taking the picture properly, my face definitely became soft. I think the feminine image has become clearer! After I changed my face shape, I became greedy, so I started to care about putting on makeup, and I tried to look prettier. Now I can feel it more natural when I smile or talk.

      Post OP 11 Months


게시물 작성 테이블
다음Next # I love my face line! after zygoma reduction!
다음Next #My face get so smaller!
다음Next #Malocclusion improved!
다음Next #Invisalign braces after jaw surgery!
다음Next #Living without underbite
이전Previous #Good Bye my square & long jaw
이전Previous #I cannot improve with facial contouring surgery?
이전Previous #Satisfy after facial bone surgery!
이전Previous #Reborn with V-line Surgery!
이전Previous #How can I not like my face shape
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      beautiful faces very well
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