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    • Satisfy after revision surgery!
    • Writer : Kim** | Views : 14985 | Date : 2020-04-22

    • Motivation & Why EU?

      I was consulted at the dentist because of the severe malocclusion and discomfort both in cosmetically and functionally. As a result, I was diagnosed with double jaw surgery. I tried to operate at another hospital, but I also hesitated because I was afraid of revision surgery since I had experience with failed to do face bone surgery in the past. I was planning to give up, but after six months of surgery, I was told that I had to removal pin surgery and my parents persuaded me to remove the pin and consider revision surgery. I has been search about the hospital and got to know where the EU is, and it was more professional than the hospital I had the first surgery, and the staff was kind.  Above all, the doctor's explanation was easy to understand, so I decided to revision surgery at EU.


      Post OP 1 Day

      I was too difficult to breathe, but I was able to hold out when I heard the surgery went well.


      Post OP 3 Days

      When I came home from the hospital and looked in the mirror, my face was so swollen that it was funny. Breathing was still uncomfortable, but it is bearable to think of improvement.


      Post OP 4 Days

      The doctor said I could wash it, so I removed the tape on my face and washed it. It was so refreshing and I feel more comfortable breathing than yesterday. I felt so good because I felt that I am recovering well.


      Post OP 12 Days

      My face seems to have lost a lot of swelling, and easy to breathing now. However, it is so hard to eat because my mouth is still tied. I can't wait for the 2nd week to release the fixed one and eat porridge.


      Post OP 14 Days

      It's the day to get stitches out. If I remove the stitches, the intermaxillary fixation will be more comfortable than now. I was so happy that I could finally eat porridge and other foods. I was happy to hear that I lost a lot of swelling and I was glad to hear that my postoperative recovery is good.


      Post OP 17 Days

      I had double jaw IVRO surgery and I go to check progress outcome on the 17th days. Now, it is easier to eat than before and I can hang out with friends. The discomfort of surgery has disappeared a lot, but I still have to wear a rubber band for a long time, so I feel a little uncomfortable. I hope the time passes quickly and the recovery goes well.

      Post OP 32 Days

      Everything is comfortable with daily life. I think the surgery went well, so I'm so happy, and I hope my upper teeth sensation comeback faster than now J


      Post OP 35 Days

      I visited EU to check the progress of the surgery and took pictures with X-rays. The outcome of the surgery is very good and the recovery is also going well! It's a relief, but I was so happy to think that I don't have to suffer like this again. Now I met my friends, and at first, my pronunciation was leak, but as time goes by, I think I can speak better. The swelling hasn't all gone yet, so I hope the swelling goes down more quickly and becomes natural.


      Post OP 45 Days

      Now I feel much more comfortable chewing and my molar slowly moving to the right position as I get the orthodontic treatment. I am happy to hear that I look better after the surgery than before.


      Post OP 60 Days

      Now, it has become so natural that people cannot recognize that I did surgery if I did not tell them.. Eating and talking have become so comfortable that it's no different than before surgery. Compared to the photos before the surgery and now, I think I look definitely better than before but my mouth isn't as wide as it used to be, so I'll have to practice opening my mouth often!

      Post OP 3 Months

      I was worried about the revision surgery, but I'm glad surgery outcome is really good!


      Post OP 4 Months

      I almost forgot that when I had surgery, I feel so comfortable chewing, I feel more comfortable eating, and I've been told that over time, I feel more natural and better.


      Post OP 6 Months

      Now I'm gaining weight as much as I used to. I still have braces on, so I want to get rid of braces as soon as possible.​

게시물 작성 테이블
다음Next #GOOD BYE long face and long chin
다음Next #Visted so many hospital for jaw surgery
다음Next #satisfied face shape after jaw surgery
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이전Previous #Even my parents satisfy with the result!
이전Previous #I don't have headache anymore after jaw surgery!
이전Previous #Insecure feeling is gone after double jaw surgery
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  • 목록

Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is officially certified as the Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients.

Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institution

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery has successfully passed highly strict criteria to officially be one of the Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institutions.

Love sharing EU

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery share
the love we have received from our patients with those in need in our society.

By helping and sharing with our neighbors and those in need,
we strive to help our society become warmer, healthier, and richer.


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    • EU knows
      beautiful faces very well
    • As our oral and maxillofacial surgery specialists perform aesthetic orthognathic surgery and aesthetic contouring surgery, the biggest of all concerns in receiving the surgery, “can the surgery actually be performed at an oral and maxillofacial surgery hospital to improve my beauty?” is not something you need to worry about.
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Hospital name EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery |Address: Nohyeon-dong 1-3, Gangnam-gu |Personal Information Protection Officer : Jong Yun Kim |Business registration number: 691.66.00118
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