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이전메뉴 다음메뉴
    • I don't have headache anymore after jaw surgery!
    • Writer : Kim*** | Views : 16318 | Date : 2020-04-15

    • Motivation

      There was no inconvenience in my daily life, but I was stressed out because I became aware of the asymmetry on my own, and I decided to have surgery after looking for a hospital with my friend's recommendation. My jaw started to make sound when I was 17 years old, and as I grew up, facial asymmetry began to be visible to the naked eye, and I was studying abroad at the time, so I couldn't get proper treatment. I start to had a bad headache which lead me to become a sensitive person.


      I thought I didn't have a headache right after the surgery, but I took about 8 tablets of Tylenol a day because of a headache, but after surgery I am not taking medicine anymore. But my jaw returned to normal after double jaw surgery, and my nose was slightly bent to the left, so let's go with the straightening. I think I got a really good result from the surgery from Dr. Kim.

      Post OP 1 Day

      When I woke up from the anesthesia, the pain was not as severe as I was worried. I feel uncomfortable just during anesthesia and I feel like I have a slight toothache after anesthesia. It's uncomfortable when I am breathing . I though it's more uncomfortable with the breathing than the pain right after the surgery, and I think the pain is tolerable I'm so hungry.


      Post OP 3 Days

      I am still alive and I am really hungry. I am worry that my face will be swelling a lot tomorrow! 


      Post OP 6 Days

      My sensation is numb after surgery but except that everything is fine! 


      Post OP 9 Days

      I want to eat a lot of food! On the street I can spell all the good food.. 


      Post OP 13 Days

      I stitch out bit earlier than original date due to my personal issue. I can feel that my gum getting softer after stitch out and deswelling! 

      Post OP 18 Days

      Post OP 30 Days

      Post OP 34 Days

      Post OP 36 Days

      Post OP 94 Days​​​​​​


      Post OP 96 Days

      My right side need to be deswelling more but its still getting better! 


      Post OP 117 Days

      Post OP 123 Days

      Post OP 168 Days

      My face is almost deswelling and I felt comfortable with everything! 


      Post OP 210 Days

      Post OP 240 Days

      I am doing fine and my bites get much better :) 


      Post OP 330 Days

      The braces are finished in two months and are very good. People say people looks too obvious if they have double jaw surgery, but I guess I looks very natural when people ask me if I've lost weight!

게시물 작성 테이블
다음Next #satisfied face shape after jaw surgery
다음Next #I just want to have prettier face!
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다음Next #Even my parents satisfy with the result!
이전Previous #Insecure feeling is gone after double jaw surgery
이전Previous #I love my appearance after mini V-line surgery
이전Previous #Lantern jaw Is GONE!
이전Previous #Facial asymmetric improved! Self-esteem get higher
이전Previous #Feel so secure after jaw surgery
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