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이전메뉴 다음메뉴
    • Lantern jaw Is GONE!
    • Writer : Chea | Views : 15170 | Date : 2020-04-10

    • Why am I decided to do the surgery?

      Since I was young, I was teased a lot with lantern jaw and my appearance. I was so uncomfortable because I couldn't cut noodles or meat with my teeth when I ate food. I heard that my face looked too long even when I took pictures and my lower lip looked so long that I looked sulky. So I thought that I wanted to improve my appearance, and I found out about the EU while looking for a hospital. The surgery review after surgery was great too!!! These days, the counselor and doctor were so kind and explained so well that I understood it well. At once, I decided to do it here instead of anywhere else! I started to get braces first, but the orthodontist was so kind and as time went by, I became sure!


      Operation Day

      It's so hard and I can't sleep. It’s so painful. It's hard to breathe. Other than that, the pain is not severe and the swelling is less than I thought. I can't wait to heal!


      Post OP 2 days

      I feel much better after remove tubes on my nose and I feel less pain when time goes.


      Post OP 5 days

      I can feel that my chin get much shorter


      Post OP 7 days

      I can breathe and well and people around me told me that they want to see my final result of the surgery too! I am so exciting to see my face without swelling!


      Post OP 9 days

      I can see the shape of my face little by little! In those days I moved a lot that my face is deswelling rapidly!


      Post OP 13 days

      I want to remove wafer as soon as possible


      Post OP 14 days

      I feel good when people around me recognize that swelling reduce a lot on my face ^__^


      Post OP 16 days

      My face hasn't changed much yet. I feel much better and secure after remove stich out. It's good to be able to eat a little bit of food!!


      Post OP 20 days

      can't wait to eat meat! My teeth are itchy. I want to chew food.


      Post OP 27 days

      My face seems to be getting less swollen. But if you touch it, you're happy because it's decreased a lot. Time heals all wounds, right?


      Post OP 33 days



      Post OP 39 days

      My first attendance at the office after surgery.  Everybody's amazed that I look different after surgery. They said my appearance looks much softer than before.


      Post OP 40 days

      It's amazing that everyone says it doesn't seem like I had surgery. When people have double jaw surgery they all have own unique shape, but they are surprised at how natural it is.


      Post OP 46 days

      People say that the swelling is all gone. They say my face look so natural and I get much prettier. I feel shy that people kept tell me that I get prettier!


      Post OP 60 days

      It's already been two months. I can't eat hard food yet, but it's comfortable and it doesn't hurt at all. Everyone's asking if it hurt a lot at first, but my answer always says, 'It didn't hurt as much as I thought!!! I'm not sick at all, except for the fact that I'm swelling and uncomfortable to breath. I still have a lot of swelling, but I'm already satisfied!


      Post OP 4 Month

      There's some swelling left, but people don't know anything!!!!! I am still uncomfortable because of my braces, but eating food is comfortable and my senses are all back. I'm so satisfied with the surgery!


      Post OP 5 Month

      My friend told me that do not tell me people that I underwent double jaw surgery. Don't bother to tell me first because it doesn't show at all and it's natural.


      Post OP 6 Month

      Time flies so fast. I feel like I'm almost recovered and I'm happy every day! I think made such a good choice to do the surgery at EU J


      Post OP 7 Month

      Now I feel so natural and comfortable that I can't even remember the surgery. I can't think of my entire face before surgery. I have a lot of cheek fat, so I need to lose a little more weight, but I'm so satisfied. I was so uncomfortable when I was eating because of the under bite, but now I feel so comfortable while eating food after surgery!


      Post OP 8 Month

      I did not meet my friends for 3 years and when she looked at my face she said he couldn't tell that I did double jaw surgery. I'm doing so well that I can forget about the surgery without any inconvenience in my daily life!


      Post OP 9 Month

      If I have to lose weight, I think I will be able to see more effect on my face. If I have to operate again, I think I will do it again in the EU. No pain after surgery, post-op care was not difficult and I just love it.


      Post OP 10 Month

      I don't even remember when I had the surgery. I'm frustrated because I'm still in the middle of the braces. I can't wait to get my braces done! I think it went well so naturally!!​

게시물 작성 테이블
다음Next #Bye Bye Lantern Jaw!
다음Next #Satisfy after revision surgery!
다음Next #Even my parents satisfy with the result!
다음Next #I don't have headache anymore after jaw surgery!
다음Next #Insecure feeling is gone after double jaw surgery
이전Previous #Facial asymmetric improved! Self-esteem get higher
이전Previous #Feel so secure after jaw surgery
이전Previous #I really surprised that how I changed
이전Previous #Big jaw has been improved! Really like the result!
이전Previous #facial assmytric improved with double jaw surgery
  • 목록

Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is officially certified as the Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients.

Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institution

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery has successfully passed highly strict criteria to officially be one of the Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institutions.

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EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery share
the love we have received from our patients with those in need in our society.

By helping and sharing with our neighbors and those in need,
we strive to help our society become warmer, healthier, and richer.


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    • EU knows
      beautiful faces very well
    • As our oral and maxillofacial surgery specialists perform aesthetic orthognathic surgery and aesthetic contouring surgery, the biggest of all concerns in receiving the surgery, “can the surgery actually be performed at an oral and maxillofacial surgery hospital to improve my beauty?” is not something you need to worry about.
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