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    • I really surprised that how I changed
    • Writer : Park ** | Views : 15372 | Date : 2020-04-01

    • Motivation of the surgery

      First of all, I have face asymmetry + occlusion + lantern jaw + long face. From the time I went to the dentist when I was 12 years old, they told me that it is difficult to improve with only orthodontic treatment, and necessary to get double jaw surgery. My parents also told me that they would do double jaw surgery later, and I kept it in mind that if I grow up I will do the surgery for sure. As the bones grew, the asymmetry and lantern jaw was getting worse. When I was in the middle school, classmate teased me a lot about my appearance and I was stressed about it. As I entered high school, it continued to shrink, making it harder to deal with new people. It wasn't a strange personality, but when I saw it, I was riding it very hard. Functional improvement, such as leaking pronunciation or not being able to cut noodles, of course, is the enough reason to gets double jaw surgery, but I think the aesthetic is taking big part of the reason that I should get the surgery done. In the functional part, I don't get much stress, but due to the appearance my self-esteem is very low and I started put down myself. So, I think I decided to do double jaw surgery for myself.


      Why EU?

      My parents were very concerned about safety. So I went looking for oral and maxillofacial surgery hospital rather than plastic surgery hospital. First of all, as soon as I entered the hospital, I was surprised because there were many people. There will be a reason why there are many people, so since I entered, I have more faith than other hospitals. When I was consulted with the doctor, he explains to me that you could help me to get the ideal face shape that I want such as the degree of the face or the ratio. In other hospitals, I was only interested in the operation itself, and there was no consultation tailored to me. I had severe rhinitis, but when EU mentioned the part differently from other hospitals and told me that it would be good for surgery.


      Operation Day

      I think it would be a lie to say that nothing hurts. Still, it's not enough to die, but it's enough to be able to bear it. And others said it was hard to breathe, but I wasn't that bad. The hardest thing was when the blood kept coming up to the throat and I was feeling sick. Because of general anesthesia, I woke up often spit out blood when I suppose to sleep. .


      Post OP 2 Days

      It's been a day after surgery, and my physical condition has improved compare to yesterday! The nurses also said that I am in better condition than others. My case was severe that even post op 2 days I look so different.  I say that I start swelling from day 3, but I think it will be better than before surgery.


      Post OP 3 Days

      When I was discharged and came home, I asked the consultant about pain on my teeth since it was so painful with wafers and pressure bandages. She kindly told me that I can remove the pressure bandage for a while. And after lunch, I have to take medicine now, but I haven't taken medicine well, so it's very difficult to take medicine. I think the tips for taking medicine should come up quickly.


      Post OP 5 Days

      I swelled so much that I could never feel this swelling in my life. Most of the people said that the face will be even more puffier up to 4-5 days. When I sent a picture to my friends, they said that they seemed to have used a mobile phone application that turned into a baby face and that I looks like an elementary school students. The swelling is the most symmetrical at the maximum, and I'm so impressed that the chin went in a lot.


      Post OP 10 Days

      I'm getting lasers treatment at the hospital steadily. In those days wafers fit well that I can bit comfortably, and I have a tip to take medicine. So everything is comfortable. A few days later, I'm going to remove my stiches! I am looking forward to remove my stitches!


      Post OP 13 Days

      I think the swelling is slowly falling out. I have feeling that I can see my jaw line? I was forced to diet because I did operate that I cannot eat food freely. I can wear pants comfortably after lost about 5 kilos.  I'm going to keep my weight!


      Post OP 15 Days

      I was nervous about removing the stitches, but it didn't hurt much. And the wafer was movable that doctor need to fixed the wafer. Wafer supposed to be detached from the 2nd week, but I have to fix it that I need to eat liquid food 2 more weeks


      Post OP 18 Days

      My think the swelling is reduced a lot more than photo that I send it to her last time, but she said that my face is still swelling a lot. I asked her if my swelling looks like a fat ad she said that I just looks like swelling from the surgery.


      Post OP 23 Days

      I didn't have physical strength, but after I had surgery, my physical strength fell so much that I feel like If I do not work out  I couldn't move it soon. I think fitness management is essential before surgery. Otherwise, you'll burn out like me. I just walked at the gym, but I improved my fitness a lot even though I was walking.


      Post OP 26 Days

      It's the first time I saw her after surgery, and she told me that my face was getting small and cute. I'm not used to compliments yet, and I am very embarrassed, but I feel great. Now it's a month! I think the jawline is clearly visible now


      Post OP 29 Days

      I think time went really fast. I went to the hospital for braces and monthly check up. Doctor told me that symmetry was improved a lot, the occlusion was good, and the surgery outcome is also good. When I looked at the pictures before and after X-rays, the difference was huge. I can trust and entrust Dr. It's Kim !. I met an orthodontist for the first time because I was surgery first approach than braces. Why are all the EU doctors gentle? I was so impressed they treat me so kind.


      Post OP 37 Days

      After a month, the swelling seems to have decreased! In the past, when I was taking a selfie, I used to edited on the photo and modify my jaw to looks smaller and the symmetry was not correct even when I was edited. The bangs were mandatory and I was busy covering my face with my side hairs, but I feel like I reborn after surgery..


      Post OP 44 Days

      When I applied my makeup properly, I think my image really changed a lot. The acquaintances who don't know that I did the surgery, they think that I changed my image a lot maybe cause of the braces or diet. Also, people cannot recognize that I did double jaw surgery unless I told them I had surgery first. I think doctor did the surgery so naturally. Thank you for being so good at the surgery and being kind to take care of the post-care.


      Post OP 53 Days

      I can smile much naturally nowadays, and I can open my mouth well. I am available to eat many foods unless it is hard or chewy! It seems that my stomach has shrunk a lot because I didn't eat well after surgery. It seems that the diet is automatically adjusted because the amount of eating is less than before the operation. I think there are so many benefits from surgery. The image is softened, I am dieting, I am deeply confident, and I think it has changed a lot.


      Post OP 62 Days

      I had a part-time job at a convenience store and the manager told me that he chose me because my first impression looks good. I feel good when customers sometimes give drinks.​

게시물 작성 테이블
다음Next #Insecure feeling is gone after double jaw surgery
다음Next #Lantern jaw Is GONE!
다음Next #I love my appearance after mini V-line surgery
다음Next #Facial asymmetric improved! Self-esteem get higher
다음Next #Feel so secure after jaw surgery
이전Previous #Big jaw has been improved! Really like the result!
이전Previous #facial assmytric improved with double jaw surgery
이전Previous #My face turned asymmetrical when I was young...
이전Previous #Lantern jaw & long face has been improved
이전Previous #I love to take selfie <3 after surgery
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Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients

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      beautiful faces very well
    • As our oral and maxillofacial surgery specialists perform aesthetic orthognathic surgery and aesthetic contouring surgery, the biggest of all concerns in receiving the surgery, “can the surgery actually be performed at an oral and maxillofacial surgery hospital to improve my beauty?” is not something you need to worry about.
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