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    • My face turned asymmetrical when I was young...
    • Writer : Ra *** | Views : 16214 | Date : 2020-03-05

    • Surgical Motivation

      I had a complex since I was in middle school, so I had a habit of pushing my jaw inwards without realizing it. As a result, my jaw was strained and I started to chew on only one side. As it continued, I felt my jaw hurt and my face turned asymmetrical when I had to eat with my mouth wide open. So I decided to have a fundamental double jaw surgery, so that I could eat comfortably and not be more uncomfortable in the future.


      Why I chose EU

      I have been to various hospitals. I was so relieved to see doctor try to understand my point and explain specifically how many mm are coming out and what's going to happen after surgery.

      Post OP 1day

      I was very nervous, but I fell asleep. I woke up and the operation was over. I wanted to sleep because of the anesthesia, but I couldn't sleep, which was painful and difficult to sleep. I kept the ice pack on my chin so it didn't hurt much.


      Post OP 2days

      I was happy to be able to be much more comfortable than the first day because I removed the tube from my nose and urine line. I can't open my mouth, so I feel uncomfortable when my nose is stuffy, but I think it's tolerable.


      Post OP 6days

      It's a little easier to breathe than yesterday. I can see some bruises, but I think they'll reduce soon.


      Post OP 7days

      It's getting easier to breathe with nose because it's getting more healed inside. And the bottom of the chin is getting less swollen.  As I turned my head, I felt less pulling and softer.


      Post OP 9days

      I think the deafening symptoms are almost gone. The face has become a little softer. After a week of surgery, I was going to lie down and sleep, but I feel a little uncomfortable breathing, so I sleep on a high pillow


      Post OP 12days

      My left cheek is a little swollen than yesterday. He also said that his ears felt stuffy several times a day and disappeared. It's not too uncomfortable.


      Post OP 15days

      I got stitches removed from the hospital. It was so painful to remove the stitches, but it was good to tie, untie, and fix it. My gums bleed because I am not used to the intermaxillary fixation yet, but I have to do it, so I try to adapt hard.


      Post OP 16days

      I do 10 sets of open-mouthed exercises four times a day. The movement of the mouth is unnatural and swollen. It's recovering well and I think this part will become natural over time.  I don't worry about opening my mouth because I think I'll be able to adjust well.


      Post OP 21days

      The swelling has not gone away yet, so I feel uncomfortable about moving my mouth. The jaw area doesn't look natural either, so I'm doing a short cold massage and exercise my mouth.


      Post OP 27days

      There is discomfort at the tip of the chin. The other cheek area first softened, and now the chin tip is softer to move.


      Post OP 32days

      The jaw joint sounds were much better than before the operation. My mouth isn't wide yet, but I think it's softer than it was before the surgery when my jaw joint made it difficult for me to open my mouth.


      Post OP 42days

      The philtrum and chin on the mouth are not soft yet. It is uncomfortable to re-tie the upper and lower legs with wires because they said that it is not easy to get a jaw bite from the orthodontist. I'll have to work a little harder to improve.


      Post OP 48days

      I think all the pain in my jaw is gone now, but my mouth looks a bit unnatural.


      Post OP 55days

      It's a little swollen in the morning, so it's unnatural and it feels natural in the afternoon. I think opening my mouth is getting softer and I can eat more and more well.


      Post OP 83days

      As I moved my mouth, my right jaw felt more painful and slowly healed. Now there's no pain and it's soft. But there is still swelling on the cheek.


      Post OP 3 Months

      The left jawline feels slightly untidy and the face under the chin is irritated when the face is swollen. But it doesn't bother me much, and it doesn't affect my life at all. My jaw is much softer than before and I am satisfied enough.


      Post OP 5 Months

      The left jawline feels slightly untidy and the face under the chin is irritated when the face is swollen. But it doesn't bother me much, and it doesn't affect my life at all. My jaw is much softer than before and I am satisfied enough.


      Post OP 6 Months

      There is little inconvenience these days. I still get swelling around my jaw when I wake up in the morning, but I don't care much because I get better quickly. Eating is much more comfortable than before.


      Post OP 7 Months

      Now there is nothing uncomfortable about using the full jaws. I am looking forward to it because I think my teeth will become more comfortable after finishing the braces.

      Post OP 8 Months

      I'm always doing well. Surgery is no longer inconvenient at all the time.Satisfied~ I hope my braces are finished soon.


      Post OP 10 Months

      Until a few months ago, I could see some sagging under my chin. Now I don't care if it's because I've lost some weight or if it's because I'm more settled. There are no inconveniences when eating or living.​

게시물 작성 테이블
다음Next #Facial asymmetric improved! Self-esteem get higher
다음Next #Feel so secure after jaw surgery
다음Next #I really surprised that how I changed
다음Next #Big jaw has been improved! Really like the result!
다음Next #facial assmytric improved with double jaw surgery
이전Previous #Lantern jaw & long face has been improved
이전Previous #I love to take selfie <3 after surgery
이전Previous #After jaw surgery I love to take selife!
이전Previous #Free from protruded mouth through jaw surgery!
이전Previous #Renew my application photo after double jaw & V-line surgery
  • 목록

Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is officially certified as the Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients.

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EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery has successfully passed highly strict criteria to officially be one of the Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institutions.

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    • EU knows
      beautiful faces very well
    • As our oral and maxillofacial surgery specialists perform aesthetic orthognathic surgery and aesthetic contouring surgery, the biggest of all concerns in receiving the surgery, “can the surgery actually be performed at an oral and maxillofacial surgery hospital to improve my beauty?” is not something you need to worry about.
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