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    • Jaw surgery improve asymmetry! Post OP 6 Months
    • Writer : Cheon ** | Views : 16732 | Date : 2021-11-19

    • Motivation

      I felt that asymmetry was progressing slowly from middle school, and I decided to operate because of my low self-esteem to the point where I don't even want to look in the mirror because I get stressed whenever I become an adult in high school. The reason for choosing the EU has been a lot of research, but not only has the post-surgery experience very solid, but it has also been comfortable to speak to doctors and consultant.

      Post OP Day

      I couldn't breathe and I had a headache because of the Facial Pressure Bandage. I was in pain because I couldn't breathe, and I was so scared because I stopped breathing because of blood and nosebleeds, but the nurse took good care of me and passed by well.

      Post OP 2 Days

      I was drinking water and New Care, and it hurt so much because my neck was scratched. I felt as if blood and nose were blocking the hole, but as soon as I swallowed it, I felt like I spit it out. I want to breathe just like before.


      Post OP 3 Days

      Today is the day I leave the hospital. I had my mouth disinfected the day before, but it hurt so much that I decided to do it again today. It was also a painful time, but I was relieved that the doctor told me that the operation was good. I had a hard time while I was in the hospital, but everyone treated me nice, so I think I endured it well.


      Post OP 4 Days

      My face began to swell more and more. Every day was so painful and the medicine was so bitter that I threw up everything.  I want to breathe properly and my whole body aches from sitting down and sleeping. I want to lie down and sleep. I wish I could get better soon.

      Post OP 5 Days

      My body has a low fever and my face keeps getting swollen. I feel dizzy and downhearted because I have nothing to eat and can't sleep well. I hope a month passes quickly.


      Post OP 6 Days

      Now I can breathe pretty well with my nose! Everyone asked me to hang in there for a week, but I feel like I'm going to live. "I had no pain in my surgery and couldn't breathe, but now I think I can overcome it better."


      Post OP 7 Days

      It was so easy to breathe that I could sleep well because I slept a little while lying down. I think we just need to get rid of the swelling.


      Post OP 8 Days

      I had disinfected it today. After touching it, it hurt so much that I am scared to untie the stitches out.


      Post OP 14 Days

      Tomorrow is the day I go to remove my stitches. I am very happy to speak & have less swollen than I thought.


      Post OP 15 Days

      I was scared to get remove the stitches, but it only hurt on my upper jaw area and the rest didn't hurt. I can't talk much because of the rubber band yet, but I want to open my mouth by working out hard on my mouth exercise.


      Post OP 16 Days

      Now I can take out the rubber bands and wafers for an hour when I eat. Finally, I can eat porridge. Practice opening your mouth is a bit hard, but if you don't practice, your jaw will get stiff, so I practice hard.


      Post OP 17 Days

      In the morning, my face gets puffy but in the evening, I get better. My nose and mouth are still a little swollen, so I hope I can get rid of it quickly.


      Post OP 18 Days

      I went to the hospital today and the doctor told me that I was good at mouth exercise and that I took out the wafer to 6 hours. It was much more comfortable.

      Post OP 19 Days

      The swelling is disappearing noticeably. "It's fun and interesting to look at the mirror. I still have a lot of swelling in my philtrum, so I look like a rat." "I'm satisfied because I get better when I'm less swollen."


      Post OP 21 Days

      When I put my head back or lower my head, it felt like my chin was falling out, but it was healed and a lot disappeared. As time goes by, I feel much better.


      Post OP 22 Days

      It's fascinating and fun to watch the swelling go down. It's really different from the first day I got home.


      Post OP 28 Days

      The asymmetry caused by swelling is also improving!


      Post OP 1 Month

      Now I don't have the rubber band that tied my mouth to. As I untied the rubber band, I feel free to eat food better! The doctor said that I am still swollen, but I am so much better that I am walking around without a mask.


      Post OP 60 Days

      There is nothing uncomfortable, but I am working hard on mouth exercises. My mouth is still stiff and I think I'll have to practice more if I want to open up like before..


      Post OP 70 Days

      I still have a double chin, but I look much better from the front!


      Post OP 80 Days

      My friends say they can't remember the face before the surgery anymore. It's a great change without double chin, too!


      Post OP 85 Days

      A friend who I met when my swelling was worse told me that I look much better now that I have less swollen. I wonder what will happen if all my swelling is gone!

      Post OP 3 Months

      My gums are still swollen, so it hurts a little if I touch them! I hope my gums will be desweling fast just like my face.


      Post OP 4 Months

      The swelling goes down more and more. You can't tell from selfies, but my friends say my left side is still more asymmetrical.

      Post OP 5 Months

      The swelling of the gums is longer than expected, perhaps because of the screws on the gums!   I feel a little uncomfortable. I feel like my face is getting deswelling day by day.

      Post OP 6 Months

      I eat whatever I want, and I'm doing fine without any inconvenience.​

      Post-OP 7 Months

      My jawline looks slightly slimmer. After my braces, my whole surgery journey will be over.


      Post-OP 8 Months

      Post-OP 9 Months

      I’m having no discomforts doing my daily activity! I just want to remove my braces quickly. I still have some swelling under my chin. But other than that, I’m not experiencing any trouble.


      Post-OP 10 Months

      I was told that I only needed braces for 3 more months!! As the end of my surgery process is getting more near, my happiness is growing. People around me compliment me and say that my face looks really small. I feel really good!


      Post-OP 11 Months

      I’m starting to hear that the smaller, stubborn swelling has decreased and that I look prettier. I’m having fun taking selfies and my confidence increased! I’m not experiencing any discomfort after the surgery.


      Post-OP 1 Year

      Time went by really quickly, I can’t believe it’s already been one year since my surgery. When I look back at my before/after pictures, I realized that I had a lot of swelling after surgery. After the smaller selling decreased, everyone has been telling me that I got prettier, and I feel highly satisfied. In the past, I had low self-esteem so I would always photoshop my pictures but I don’t do that anymore. And the staff at EU were kind to guide me throughout one year and six months with my surgery and braces.


게시물 작성 테이블
다음Next #Chewing Used to Be Difficult!
다음Next #Goodbye Facial Asymmetry!~
다음Next #Can't Stop Taking Pictures of My Side Profile
다음Next #Facial Asymmetry Improved! Highly Satisfied
다음Next #Living a New Life After Surgery!~
이전Previous #200% Satisfied!
이전Previous #Facial Contouring for Facial Asymmetry!
이전Previous #My Friends Say I became Prettier!
이전Previous #Facial Asymmetry & Underbite
이전Previous #My Chin Is More Visible!~
  • 목록

Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is officially certified as the Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients.

Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institution

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery has successfully passed highly strict criteria to officially be one of the Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institutions.

Love sharing EU

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery share
the love we have received from our patients with those in need in our society.

By helping and sharing with our neighbors and those in need,
we strive to help our society become warmer, healthier, and richer.


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    • EU knows
      beautiful faces very well
    • As our oral and maxillofacial surgery specialists perform aesthetic orthognathic surgery and aesthetic contouring surgery, the biggest of all concerns in receiving the surgery, “can the surgery actually be performed at an oral and maxillofacial surgery hospital to improve my beauty?” is not something you need to worry about.
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