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    • Renew my application photo after double jaw & V-line surgery
    • Writer : Lee** | Views : 17009 | Date : 2020-02-03

    • Why did I decide to operate?

      The protruding mouth was not severe, but it was very stressful. I had a facial asymmetry. The face is corcked one side that I covered it with hair most of the time. I've lost 10kg due to have smaller face but my face looks bigger than before. I decided to operate because I do not want to cover my face with hair or mask anymore. Also, I do not want to regret because I dont go through the operation.


      I visited more than 10 hospitals for consultation on facial bone surgery since my personality is so meticulous. I thought if I visit many of the hospitals, I will find the right one, but when I visit ore hospital, it becomes chaos. I request the second consultation with Dr. Kim and I was convinced since he explained to me very well even though I asked him many questions. In addition, I have feeling that my life will be change if I do the surgery at EU. Furthermore, I can trust this hospital since they had an amazing good results after surgery! So I feel like EU treats me as a human being , not money. Therefore, I decided to do the surgery at EU.  


      Post OP 1 Day

      Six hours after surgery, I felt less ill and feel so much better now.. Time will take care of me. Compare to another surgery review, I think my swell is much less than other since EU surgeons have such a nice skill.  Also, Dr. Kim said that the surgery result will be good.


      Post OP 2 Days

      If I press my face, lips and lips are can feel most of the area and my sensation is fine. I can also feel the cold-water J I want to go home quickly and drink cold water


      Post OP 3 Days

      I felt my face getting shorter and smaller even though it was swollen. I want to see the result of the face after deswelling. I just want to see the condition. I fell comfortably to speak to others but just hungry. .


      Post OP 7 Days

      I feel uncomfortable because of the wafer and I lost a lot of weight.

      Post OP 9 Days

      When I wear facial pressure bandage, I feel pain and I really want to take out wafer. I really want to chew some foooood!

      Post OP 10 Days

      Everyone says that if I deswelling, my face will look so pretty. I think the size of my face will be small! I'm removing the stitches next week. I hope it does not hurt! I eat milk and Castella bread, and it's so delicious!


      Post OP 11 Days

      My mom loves to see my face after surgery, and I am very happy to hear that. Nowadays, since she was totally against the idea of having surgery but now, she is more satisfying than me!


      Post OP 15 Days

      I stitch out and finally, I do not need to wear wafer anymore. I thought it will be painful but Dr. removed gently! 

      Post OP 22 Days

      I went to the checkup at 3rd week and doctors checked me in precise.


      Post OP 30 Days

      I went to the hospital for post OP 1 month checkup. Astonish!  I was so surprised when I saw the before & after pictures.  I look so different person. I would be prettier if I lost my swelling and my face become symmetrical! Then I removed the screw. I thought FC Surgery, but I thought double jaw Surgery was good to do too. As my face got shorter, it got small. Of course, you should not think of double jaw surgery as cosmetic surgery, but I am totally satisfied.


      Post OP 33 Days

      I regret that I should done this surgery earlier! In addition, I do not have any issues with food and sensation….


      Post OP 6 Weeks

      Today, my Instagram friend asked me to suggest to double jaw hospital, so I recommended EU + Dr. Kim. I told her that "Just visit EU and get counseling without talking about the merits of the hospital." I recommended it with confidence.


      Post OP 10 Weeks

      Double jaw surgery will produce good results if get surgery done by a skilled surgeon, whether for treatment or cosmetic purposes. I feel like my quality of life is going up. The best things that I have done in my life include getting double jaw surgery at EU. When the complex is fixed, it seems to increase self-esteem, build confidence and be active and gentle in everything. The part that I was most worried about was sensation, but sensation came back less than a month. My younger brother gave me a compliment of appearance too J


      Post OP 3 Months

      I visited the hospital a few days ago and had a checkup for three months. It was a good thing there was nothing wrong. The EU is always treating me nice! Now I am available to chew and eat everything that what I want! However, I hope that my sensation on my cheekbone area can come back soon!


      Post OP 4 Months

      I never expect that sun-glass looks good on me before the surgery. Unconsciously, I was chewing the ice and I afraid that something might be happy to my jaw but J nothing happened. In addition, one day I was passing by my middle school classmate and he asked me why am I look so pretty and am I do something on my face? J When I flash back, I did not take group pictures before, but now I just do V with a smile.


      Post OP 5 Months

      People said that my face looked strong because of the big face and angular face shape, but now I look elegant. What I really resonate with when I watched the EUTUBE video, "Can I do double jaw surgically in plastic surgery or oral surgery hospital. I also had doubts about plastic surgery for double jaw surgery when I was looking for a hospital, but can I choose an oral & maxillofacial surgeon. Current I can chew everything and my life is full of pleasure..


      Post OP 6 Months

      I want to tie my hair up and hang around confidently without bangs. I forget all the suffered memories, and I lose my swelling and getting prettier every day!  Therefore, I pretend that I was born with this face! I wish all people who need double jaw surgery underwent surgery at EU.


      Post OP 9 Months

      I am happy to hear a lot of compliment around me about my face. In addition, people said that I am really luck that surgery went so well without any nerve damage. Post op 6 Months, I visited EU and staff greeted me with full of joy! Thank you for making the turning point in my life. EU, I love you.

게시물 작성 테이블
다음Next #My face turned asymmetrical when I was young...
다음Next #Lantern jaw & long face has been improved
다음Next #I love to take selfie <3 after surgery
다음Next #After jaw surgery I love to take selife!
다음Next #Free from protruded mouth through jaw surgery!
이전Previous #Dolly face after double jaw & V-line & Zygoma surgery
이전Previous #I almost forget that I did facial bone surgery
이전Previous #I like my face without Photoshop :)
이전Previous #I feel like I am an actress :)
이전Previous #I looks like 20's :)
  • 목록

Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is officially certified as the Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients.

Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institution

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery has successfully passed highly strict criteria to officially be one of the Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institutions.

Love sharing EU

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery share
the love we have received from our patients with those in need in our society.

By helping and sharing with our neighbors and those in need,
we strive to help our society become warmer, healthier, and richer.


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    • EU knows
      beautiful faces very well
    • As our oral and maxillofacial surgery specialists perform aesthetic orthognathic surgery and aesthetic contouring surgery, the biggest of all concerns in receiving the surgery, “can the surgery actually be performed at an oral and maxillofacial surgery hospital to improve my beauty?” is not something you need to worry about.
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Hospital name EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery |Address: Nohyeon-dong 1-3, Gangnam-gu |Personal Information Protection Officer : Jong Yun Kim |Business registration number: 691.66.00118
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