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이전메뉴 다음메뉴
    • After jaw surgery I love to take selife!
    • Writer : Hong** | Views : 16253 | Date : 2020-02-12

    • Motivation of the surgery

      The reason why I decided to operate was that I was always busy covering my face with my head because of my long face and large facial bones, and because of the severe asymmetry, I was always stressed when I took pictures. I have been to several hospitals, but I have explained in detail where you need to be, and certainly what you need to improve, even if the EU specializes in facial bones. So I decided to have the surgery because I had faith and confidence.

      Post OP 1 Day

      Maybe because I have a general anesthesia, my throat and nose are swollen, so I can't breathe well, and I'm so tired that I don't have any energy. Still, I'm holding back thinking about how I'll look pretty.ㅜㅜ


      Post OP 2 Days

      My face is puffier than yesterday and I can't breathe well because of the phlegm. I want to drink water but it swallows it. I can't wait to get out of this pain.ㅜㅜ


      Post OP 3 Days

      I feel much better than yesterday!! I think it's a good thing that I felt better day by day. I want to get discharge soon and get rid of the swelling!

      Post OP 4 Days

      Doctor said he could remove the face tape, so I remove it by myself. My cheeks were swollen like they were going to burst. When I slept at home after I was discharged from the hospital, I could not sleep well because the bed was uncomfortable. The hospital bed is much more comfortable. .I force myself to drinking new care due to take medicine. The pill is too big to swallow.

      Post OP 5 Days

      I visited hospital to get the laser treatment and took a walk. I can see that the swelling is going down! The bruises on my face are getting lower, too I my daily life getting more comfortable since I can drink water without a syringe because my mouth is open wider than in the beginning.ㅜㅜ


      Post OP 6 Days

      I can put a finger in my mouth when I open my mouth! I am happy that my finger that go inside of my mouth. I can breathe because my stuffy nose gets cleared up and I realized how appreciate breath with nose. I should take a walk today and get rid of the swelling quickly!!


      Post OP 7 Days

      I have been a week to do the surgery already and I stitch out on my cheekbone. When I did the surgery I thought post op is such a long day. But I think time flies really fast J


      Post OP 11 Days

      I visit EU often to get laser treatment. I think that’s why my deswelling is getting better. I hope that I can do stich out inside of my mouth soon!


      Post OP 12 Days

      I feel better a day by day since tightening feeling is almost gone!


      Post OP 13 Days

      Finally I removed stich insider of my mouth! 2 weeks has been fly so fast! Also, I do not need to wear wafer while I am sleeping! Yay!


      Post OP 17 Days

      I can start to see my face line better due to deswelling! I can feel that my face is getting much smaller already! I am so happy about this face even though I don’t eat!

      Post OP 19 Days

      I think I can go out without a mask because my face is so chubby right now. Haha

      Post OP 20 Days

      In the past, even in hot summer, I couldn't even think of tying my hair because of asymmetry. But now I'm really happy to be able to tie it with confidence even if it's swollen.

      Post OP 24 Days

      It's been almost a month since I had surgery. Before, when I touch my chin I felt that it was strained but its gone that my face line looks much better. The swelling on the philtrum was so bad that my nose looked a bit spread out, but I'm glad getting better!


      Post OP 29 Days

      I visited EU to check up fourth week! I was surprised when I compared the pre-op and post-op photos. There is huge difference between before and after! I never thought that my face was that bad before surgery. Doctor said my surgery result is good, so I must have to be very before until my bone is fully healed.


      Post OP 30 Days

      I am working hard to do mouth exercises. My mouth hasn't opened widely yet, so I have to exercise steadily! If I practice a little more I feel like I can open my mouth as before the surgery.


      Post OP 35 Days

      I was afraid to wear a hat because my faceshape was not pretty in the past. But now I feel confident. I was surprised because my hat matches well.>< ~


      Post OP 37 Days

      Now my jaw is moving from side to side and chewing is much better. It's amazing to see me getting better over time. It's been over a month, so I think I'm recovering fast!


      Post OP 40 Days

      It is so nice to see you lose swelling day after day. I should take a walk and drink pumpkin juice more steadily!


      Post OP 47 Days

      If I took a selfie before the surgery, I should have photoshop the picture. But after the surgery, I am happy that my face is small and my length is shorter even if I didn't modify the picture it. It worked so well even just post op 1 month.

      Post OP 54 Days

      It's not been long since I had the surgery, but it's so comfortable that I forget about it! I am happy without such inconvenience.


      Post OP 62 Days

      Before the surgery, I was so asymmetrical that I was rejected when someone else took a picture of me, but now I can do it with confidence.


      Post OP 68 Days

      It's been over two months, so I feel like my face line has been getting better and looks much softer.  The good outcome of the surgery made me makes me forget everything about though, painful memory of the surgery. If I want to open my mouth like before, I need to mouth exercise it steadily.


      Post OP 76 Days

      I thought the swelling was almost gone, but it's still getting better as time goes by. Now I can eat all the food comfortably.​

      Post OP 84 Days

      I think the swelling is almost gone. I heard that small swelling will be remain until six months, but I still satisfy with my result! I realize how importance of the facial shape it is!


      Post OP 89 Days

      I am satisfied that my face became shorter and smaller after the surgery. I used to be so asymmetric left and right that I was covering one side, but now I am so happy to go out without covering and I am full of confidence now.><


      Post OP 3 Months

      I went to see the progress of the third month. The doctor said that the bones are well attached and I am recovering very well! But he said I should do mouth exercise more frequently!


      Post OP 4 Months

      Sometimes I look in the mirror and I wonder if my face is right. I feel satisfied whenever I look at it because I feel like my face settled down naturally.


      Post OP 5 Months

      When I saw the CT, I was surprised to see that the size of my face had shrunk a lot. I am satisfied that the asymmetric improvement has been made well.


      Post OP 6 Months

      I thought the swelling was gone, but I think I'm feeling a little bit different due to deswelling J


      Post OP 7 Months

      Without any problem I eat the food I want! Sometimes I forget the fact that I did facial bone surgery.​

게시물 작성 테이블
다음Next #Big jaw has been improved! Really like the result!
다음Next #facial assmytric improved with double jaw surgery
다음Next #My face turned asymmetrical when I was young...
다음Next #Lantern jaw & long face has been improved
다음Next #I love to take selfie <3 after surgery
이전Previous #Free from protruded mouth through jaw surgery!
이전Previous #Renew my application photo after double jaw & V-line surgery
이전Previous #Dolly face after double jaw & V-line & Zygoma surgery
이전Previous #I almost forget that I did facial bone surgery
이전Previous #I like my face without Photoshop :)
  • 목록

Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is officially certified as the Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients.

Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institution

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery has successfully passed highly strict criteria to officially be one of the Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institutions.

Love sharing EU

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery share
the love we have received from our patients with those in need in our society.

By helping and sharing with our neighbors and those in need,
we strive to help our society become warmer, healthier, and richer.


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    • EU knows
      beautiful faces very well
    • As our oral and maxillofacial surgery specialists perform aesthetic orthognathic surgery and aesthetic contouring surgery, the biggest of all concerns in receiving the surgery, “can the surgery actually be performed at an oral and maxillofacial surgery hospital to improve my beauty?” is not something you need to worry about.
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