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    • Time flies! , Revision of Double Jaw & Facial Contouring
    • Writer : Gu** | Views : 22636 | Date : 2017-06-19

    • Before Surgery

      I was always self conscious about my long face so I received facial contouring surgery in the past but didn't see much of a noticeable result. 

      I learned that even though I had a past history of facial contouring surgery, I was still eligible for double jaw surgery. I recognized the doctor from 

      a tv program called "Get It Beauty" and he seemed to have a lot of good reviews. I also learned that patients don't need a blood bag after surgery 

      at EU which is why I decided to get surgery there. Taking pictures with other people have always been stressful to me so I would always take pictures

      by myself or use photoshop to edit them to shorten the length of my face. I'm excited that I won't need to do that soon and I am very nervous but

      I am determined to get surgery.

      1 Day Post OP 


      I received an injection to ease my pain so I did not experience much pain but my throat hurts every time I breathe. I wish time can pass faster because

      I feel stuffy. Also, the left side of my face is more swollen so I hope the swelling decreases quickly. Starting today, I am able to move around 

      so I hope it will help with the swelling. 

      2 Days Post OP

      ​There is almost no pain but I am uncomfortable due to the swelling on the left side of my face. 

      3 Days Post OP 

      The swelling has been decreasing slowly but the area around my nose is the most swollen. I'm having trouble sleeping so I hope I can 

      sleep comfortably soon. 

      4 Days Post OP 

      Taking a walk seems to be the most effective method for the swelling to decrease. I can see the swelling has been decreasing. I want to remove the tape on 

      my face quickly. Of course, I will go on a walk today!

      5 Days Post OP 

      I went to the hair salon today and got my hair washed which made me really happy. After receiving de-swelling 

      laser treatment and getting my tape removed, my recovery seems to be going well. I will make sure that I 

      receive the laser treatment as much as possible and go on walks so that my swelling can get better!

      6 Days Post OP 

      I also made sure to go on a walk yesterday and it seems my swelling has been getting better. 

      I don't drool anymore which makes me really happy. It's also the first time I was able to sleep

      for 6 hours straight after the surgery. I can see that my recovery is getting better. 


      7 Days Post OP 

      It's finally been a week since my procedure. The bigger swelling has decreased which makes me

      really excited! Going on walks and moving around a lot really does seem to be effective for the swelling! 

      8 Days Post OP

      When I got my tapes removes, the swelling on the left side of my face is still more severe but I've been going on walks

      and doing the cold compression. Day by day, I feel like my appearance has been changing which is fascinating! 


      9 Days Post OP 

      It's been a week since I got discharged from the hospital. Time passed by quickly and I feel

      more comfortable now. But when I take pictures, I can see that the swelling on the left side

      of my face is still bigger, which is making me worried. I hope the swelling decreases quickly.

      10 Days Post OP

      I think my swelling has been decreasing slowly but I'm happy~ I was able to sleep for a long time. 

      I hope everything keeps going smoothly~


      11 Days Post OP​

      My bruises are almost gone now but as usual, the swelling on the left side of my face is still there which 

      is making me upset. I don't look that different in real life. Looks like I'll have to keep going on walks. 


      12 Days Post OP

      The bruising near my mouth is almost gone and my swelling is slowly getting better. 

      Seeing the changes every day is exciting!! ​


      13 Days Post OP​

      My swelling has decreased a bit but I'm still glad! I want to get my stitches removed quickly but I have 

      to wait until tomorrow. I will go on a walk today.


      14 Days Post OP​

      It's finally been 2 weeks! I'm on my way to get my stitched removed and I'm a bit nervous. 

      But seeing other people's reviews, apparently the swelling decreases faster after the stitch removal

      so I'm looking forward to it. ​


      15~16 Days Post OP​

      After getting my stitches removed, my swelling decreased more and I'm able to brush my teeth now which makes 

      me really happy! Every time my mom sees my face, she says my face looks smaller. She seems really happy for me! ^_^

      Of course, I'll go on a walk today. 


      17~18 Days Post OP 

      It's been 3 weeks and I met my friend for the first time after surgery. They almost did not recognize me LOL.

      Maybe it's because my cheeks are swollen but my friend said I looked cute. 

      I don't really feel that I changed drastically but I guess other people can see that my appearance has changed a lot. 

      I feel that the doctor is an expert on aesthetics. 

      19-20 Days Post OP 

      It's been 20 days since my surgery! When I looked into the mirror, I could see that my swelling got a lot better.

      I could finally feel my jawline when I wash my face, I'm so happy! I wish it could already be one month since

      my surgery. I can eat soft foods such as cake and soft mini pancakes. I'm less hungry nowadays~ Of course,

      I will go on my daily walk today. 


      21-22 Days Post OP 

      3 whole weeks have passed by and I can tell that my swelling has been decreasing! The swelling in 

      my jawline and around my nose got better and I can eat soft castella bread and dumplings.

      Since I had to go on a liquid diet, I lost some weight. 


      23-24 Days Post OP 

      I wasn't able to go on a walk today since I was moving. Maybe it's because I've been moving around a lot,

      I can see that my swelling got better. I ate black bean noodles my cutting the noodles into small pieces and 

      also I cut dumplings into small pieces and ate that. Looking at other people's reviews, it seems that they still

      having difficulties eating porridge around this time. I think my recovery process is going by pretty quickly so I'm happy!

      25-26 Days Post OP

      I'm able to eat soft foods and the swelling on my face has almost evened out! 

      Starting today, I can do light exercises besides going on walks and I'm able to take care of my cardio endurance. 

      Everyone I meet says that I got prettier :)


      27-28 Days Post OP

      It's almost been a month and the people around me are saying that I look really pretty

      and that it seems like I lost weight. Other than tough and solid foods, I can eat soft foods carefully and

      do light exercises. I feel that my swelling is decreasing faster! I want to do my one month progress

      check already and take out my wafers. 

      29-30 Days Post OP

      It's finally been one month! I will start braces starting next week. I hope I can adjust to the braces quickly. 

      I also went on a walk today for my swelling. I'm curious to see how I will change after two months!

      I saw a patient who had surgery 7 months ago and they looked so much better compared to their

      2 month recovery video. I hope time can go by quickly so that I can see the changes for my 6th

      month post OP recovery. 

게시물 작성 테이블
다음Next #광대랑 브이라인했어용ㅋㅋ
다음Next #5 Months Post OP, Proceeding With Daily Activities
다음Next #수술 잘됐다는 소리 많이 들어요
다음Next #양악수술후 한달!! 지금은 교정중,,
다음Next #I did surgery a month ago & getting deswelling a lot
이전Previous #벌써 2달!!
이전Previous #수술후 60일이 지났다~
이전Previous #8주차 후기_ 얼굴 작다는 말 듣고 광대 승천 중ㅋ
이전Previous #Grateful to Dr. Shin!
이전Previous #다시 한번 수술하길 잘했다는 생각이 든다!!
  • 목록

Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is officially certified as the Medical Institution for Attraction of Foreign Patients.

Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institution

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery has successfully passed highly strict criteria to officially be one of the Gangnam-gu Medical Tour Collaborating Institutions.

Love sharing EU

EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery share
the love we have received from our patients with those in need in our society.

By helping and sharing with our neighbors and those in need,
we strive to help our society become warmer, healthier, and richer.


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    • EU knows
      beautiful faces very well
    • As our oral and maxillofacial surgery specialists perform aesthetic orthognathic surgery and aesthetic contouring surgery, the biggest of all concerns in receiving the surgery, “can the surgery actually be performed at an oral and maxillofacial surgery hospital to improve my beauty?” is not something you need to worry about.
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